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Don't you just love local council democracy.
At least two people voted against the first two motions, (Stadium green light and listed building amendments), but managed to vote in favour of allowing 44 White Hart Lane to be used as an aggregate cleaning facility to be used in the construction/Demolition of the first two votes.
It's no wonder that meeting took the best part of Six hours to reach a conclusion.
Body language told a lot in that meeting the guy that tried to amend the 106 about the health clinic had his arms crossed through 80% of the meeting so was not surprised when he tried that delaying tactic.
Don't worry Mrs P, it's happening. Bit long winded, but it's happening. I watched the live feed tonight,(not all of it), but enough to realise that the reason this country is in such a mess is because there are enough idiots with nothing worthwhile to say, in enough prominent positions to make a differance.
It's not right, but at the end of the day at least we can say that things are done correctly,(albeit slowly).
Could be worse, we could be living in Syria/Middle east.
Not under the fucking spivs that call themselves ENIC it ain't. It's what I've been telling you all for years
HAHA well done Levy. Watching parts of the meeting made me realise just how many morons are in local government. Basically Woolwich argued climate change, ugly listed buildings, and social housing. The latter is the fucking government's job.
We have a stadium.
Cannot wait for this. It's been on the cards pretty much my entire lifetime. That last game at White Hart Lane will be super emotional though.

HAHA well done Levy. Watching parts of the meeting made me realise just how many morons are in local government. Basically Woolwich argued climate change, ugly listed buildings, and social housing. The latter is the fucking government's job.
We have a stadium.

We have a social responsibility though don't we, as a multi million pound corporation.

We are Tottenham and Tottenham is part of us. Including its people.

There is a terrible, terrible housing problem in Haringey at the moment. Stories of families living 3 or 4 in a bed. Stories you'd expect to hear pre war, pre welfare state.

I feel it is inevitable, but do we really want the area to become as socially and culturally barren as middle class hipsterville up the road?
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