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Oh yeah and Arry got sacked for the golden child?

Did you miss the bit where he fucked us off for four months before realising he needed us, and yet still tried to hold us to ransom?

Jesus fucking wept.

AVB has more dignity in his little finger than Rosie has zeros in her bank account. If that makes him a golden child then that's just fine.
Tommy Harmer said:
So which bit of this managerial colossus' inspirational leadership are we supposed to be drawing such succour and comfort from?

This is a genuine question, as I have been supporting spurs since the 60's, so I have seen a few good managers, and I have seen some bloody awful ones, and as yet, I have not seen anything to convince me that the results we have achieved, are anything that we should expect as an absolute minimum, from the quality of the squad we have.

Well for someone who's been following football for 50yrs, you seem to be unaware that while we may have a quality squad, Caulker, Vertonghen, Dembele, Dempsey, Siggurdson, Naughton are all new to the first team, and AVB has managed them competatively for 6 weeks - losing once...our first game, despite actually playing well.

Our CM pairing is also a new one, with Sandro and Dembele still getting used to eachother. Absolute minimum? 2pts above Woolwich, and 1pt behind Man U and City? What did you expect at this stage? Top unbeaten?

Tommy Harmer said:
Where is this tactical genius, this gifted leadership that we have all been hyped to believe is on the way? So far we have been beaten by NUFC, who are below us and have looked nothing to boast about. We have beaten the two teams at the bottom of the league, failed to beat (at home) the 3rd from bottom team, and an obdurate but uninspiring WBA, who are probably 2 games away from collapse to their usual position.

In the last game - which now seems to have elevated our shining leader to some majestic god head, we managed to sneak 3 goals past one of the most dreadful Manure teams I can remember since they were relegated, before they bucked their ideas up and made us look like San Marino for the last 40 minutes.

You clearly are from the school of "Everton beat Man U - Leeds beat Everton - Leeds are better than Man U". Woeful argument.

Tommy Harmer said:
Or am I missing something important?

The first half performance against Man U? The performance against Reading? The table? The fact that we are a new team, with a new manager who have played 6 PL games together?

Tommy Harmer said:
I am not on a wind up, and I really have been a dyed in the wool Spurs fan since the mid 60's so I know the Tottenham way - I have been watching it played for the last 4 years under a manager who was sacked for the golden child.

When is he going to deliver, or do we simply blindly support him for his fist pumping passion and sharp suits?

You know the Tottenham way, but you are whining about "when when when?" after 6 games, sitting 1pt behind the Manc clubs, and 2pts above Woolwich? He is delivering, just not in the way we played the FIRST HALF of last season. Did you miss the games after the Toon 5-0....because we've been a damn sight better several times already this season.

No one is blindly supporting him either. He got alot of critique for certain decisions in the WBA and Norwich games. People here are supporting him, objectively. Something which your love for Redknapp will never allow you to do it would seem. Your post is littered with digs and jibes at AVB, and you try to disguise it as debate.

Belittling the win at Old Trafford says it all. If you are even a Spurs fan as you claim, Id imagine you're a boo boy, who just wants AVB to fail. There were a good few of them around last season doing the same thing to Harry, and Id imagine you thought they were twats......
Tommy can't see the forest for the trees.

For real, all the arguments that you use against AVB are imminently more applicable to Redknapp, who managed the team to back to back end-of-season slumps that were completely embarrassing and profound in their totality. Abject failure at the end of last season and the season before.

That's hardly in keeping with your minimal expectations. Neither was the constant, "well, you look at who we're up against, we can't compete against the money of City or Chelsea. United and Woolwich are always in it as well and we're punching well above our weight at the moment."

Redknapp constantly betrayed his belief that Spurs could compete at the top of the PL. Your post is revisionist's history.
OK, I think I have found out where you lot sit.

In the "The messiah has arrived and its heresy to question his wise ways" camp

Maybe if some of you actually answered the questions I asked, rather than the ones that YOU wanted to answer, then maybe a reasonable debate might kick off.

I don't support managers, I am prepared to admire them, and I do that based on the teams that they put out, the way those teams play and and the results that we achieve. But first and foremost, I support Tottenham Hotspur - and am proud of all the club stands for.

Having said that, I wouldn't have minded winning the league a few times in my lifetime, but it doesn't diminish my passion for the club. Having attended a few hundred games in my time, I have seen some woeful stuff, as well as some scintillating stuff as well, and despite what the last manager failed to achieve, for whatever reason, I can safely say that some of the best football I have ever seen, was under his stewardship.

Yes the club did play some dross, the gooner game from 2 up is one of the biggest guttings I have taken following the team, but the games we lost at home to the likes of Norwich or Wigan were made to look so much worse in contrast to the rest of the stuff the team was playing - even during the period when everyone was touting him to be the next England manager. So I'm not revising any histories - my memory is good, and I don't give a fuck who the manager is, as long as he serves up good football that wins games.

If any of you had been around in the 70's, 90's and early noughties, then you would remember (spurs) teams that we were just happy if they didn't get thumped by too much, as opposed to the somewhat unreasonable expectation that the teams of the last few seasons would simply demolish every side they played. You might have raised your expectations to unreasonable levels, like spoiled brats, I was just delighted to be watching spurs sides play like thrilling, winning football teams do. The lows I well well versed in being accustomed to.

AVB is now being touted as the new Mourinho, didn't work out too well at Chelsea - did it? So I am asking - asking mind, when are we going to see evidence? We have beaten the 2 worst teams in the league, and struggled against another, beaten and drawn against ordinary teams - and all I want to know - is when are we going to actually look like we are going to start dominating matches again?

Even in that putrescent season where we finished 4th (oh the shame of it - I'm a Spurs fan, I'm used to coming 1st........oh wait, that was back in 61) we were still killing teams, not just scraping through.

Now - I havent compared our results with anyone elses, and I havent revised any histories, in anything I have said. I have simply pointed out that we have played some awful football this season, and got by, scraped by and even played some dire football with - as I, and someone else just pointed out, a bloody talented group of players, although he included Sigurdsson, who looks like a pub team player to be honest.

So here's the question again - so have a crack at answering it, rather than trying to gut me with fish knife, when are we going to see some evidence of the Portugee wunderkind's mercurial talents? I watched him turn a multimillionaires team of multimillionaires into an ordinary and beatable side last season - why is he going to perform miracles with ours.

Its a genuine question so instead of pouring petrol on me and chucking matches, why doesn't someone tackle it in a level headed manner and try to inform me?
Your tone sucks, and your mind is already made up on AVB, and the people you are "trying" to debate with.

You are asking people to predict the future and patronizing them while your at it. How the fuck can anyone here tell you when AVB will have us playing the football YOU will be satisfied with?

You call that a genuine question?

Not Jiggins are you?
Between us, plenty of your post was answered, so I don't know why you're pretending we ignored your questions and played a straw man.

In your most recent post you've just said our losses to the likes of Wigan were made to look worse because they were contrasted with our amazing games under Harry. Well, you're not the only one with a good memory. When we lost at home to Wigan it was a fucking awful game, we were shite. I certainly didn't need to reflect on our better games in order to regret having stood there watching such a load of dross. You ARE airbrushing our time under Harry when you make claims like that.

I never claimed to you or anyone else that AVB is some sort of genius. I believe he's a good manager, obviously you disagree. But you're basing that on his time at Chelsea. What you have said is that what he's done here so far is less than the minimum we should expect. Someone above already pointed out to you that our league position and points tally is clearly not "less than the minimum."

You are saying we are in the 'messiah' camp but it's you making the ludicrous claims, not us. Our league position and points tally is NOT less than any minimum. Our current squad wasn't even available for some of those games. You are literally saying he's been shit here because we lost at NUFC and drew against Norwich/WBA. While in the same breath saying it's alright for Harry to get shit results because he also got good ones.

Nobody chucked petrol on you, why are you so sensitive? We've answered your questions with our opinions. It seems that unless we agree with everything you say, we are all blindly following our new messiah and are therefore clearly idiots. So it's not us being the cunts really, is it? You've given the manager a few games. He's actually got a fairly decent record in those games too, as it happens.
Tommy Harmer said:
If any of you had been around in the 70's, 90's and early noughties, then you would remember (spurs) teams that we were just happy if they didn't get thumped by too much, as opposed to the somewhat unreasonable expectation that the teams of the last few seasons would simply demolish every side they played.

You might have raised your expectations to unreasonable levels, like spoiled brats, I was just delighted to be watching spurs sides play like thrilling, winning football teams do. The lows I well well versed in being accustomed to.

Says the man who thinks we "squeezed 3 goals past the worst Man U side in years", and that AVB is doing the bare minimum so far this season. :goonermong:

Exactly, this is laughable. Basically we're all cunts because we haven't already hung drawn and quartered the manager.
S.L.R said:
Exactly, this is laughable. Basically we're all cunts because we haven't already hung drawn and quartered the manager.

But he's from the 60's.....no one else here saw Spurs in the 60's, 70's, 80's 90's or early 00's.

We are all 16yrs old and he is The Tottenham Oracle.

sammyspurs said:
Tommy Harmer said:
If any of you had been around in the 70's, 90's and early noughties, then you would remember (spurs) teams that we were just happy if they didn't get thumped by too much, as opposed to the somewhat unreasonable expectation that the teams of the last few seasons would simply demolish every side they played.

You might have raised your expectations to unreasonable levels, like spoiled brats, I was just delighted to be watching spurs sides play like thrilling, winning football teams do. The lows I well well versed in being accustomed to.

Says the man who thinks we "squeezed 3 goals past the worst Man U side in years", and that AVB is doing the bare minimum so far this season. :goonermong:

:avblol: This thread is "AVB's BLUE & WHITE ARMY", not "AVB hasn't really done anything yet, and United isn't that good".
Tommy Harmer said:
So here's the question again - so have a crack at answering it, rather than trying to gut me with fish knife, when are we going to see some evidence of the Portugee wunderkind's mercurial talents?

Dude, you are trolling, this is not quite "when did you stop beating your wife?" territory but it's getting close. You show up here and demand people answer your loaded questions, which are premised on a slanted worldview.

You blame AVB for a decline from last year while conveniently failing to acknowledge:

1) that we have lost Modric (who wanted to leave)
2) we have lost VDV (who wanted to leave),
3) King retired (and he was a rock for at least the first half of the season last year)
4) Adebayor has not been fit all year, and hasn't started a game yet
5) BAE has been out with an injury, and was off form because playing hurt before that
6) Parker, aka our player of the season last year has not played a game yet
7) Kaboul, who was a rock next to King last year, has been injured

That's seven players out of last year's starting lineup who Harry selected every single week and whom AVB has mostly not even had a chance to choose from. And you wonder why the team is playing a little differently?!?

And despite all that, AVB has wrung new life out of Defoe, as a lone striker, which I don't think we've ever seen work before, he has a squad of brand new players working fairly well together, and we are still grinding out results, including beating Man Utd away (if you had told me in the summer we were going to beat Man Utd at Old Trafford with Defoe as a lone striker the entire game I would have thought you were high).

If all that has not shown you at least a scrap of evidence of AVB's "mercurial talents" there's no point in continuing the conversation because you are irredeemably biased against him. And none of this requires anyone to believe he is a messiah, these are just facts.
To be fair, 'the most dreadful manure team since...' etc etc, would still have beaten most of the teams we have put in front of them for as long as I can remember and will no doubt still finish a good 10-20 points ahead of us even if we have a 'good season'. It's just what they seem to do. Yes, it is a bad Man U team, but they do set themselves some pretty high standards I think we should all be honest enough to admit.To suggest that we should have gone there and given them a Barca-esque lesson in football is a little naive I think.

I liked Harry, I enjoyed the way we played for long periods of last season and was proud of the fact that the rest of the league, whether they admitted it or not, were envious of the way we played football. I was also gutted by the way he handled the England speculation - especially after the club stood by him and Rosie - but I got over it and am now behind AVB.

I like him. I like the way he speaks in interviews. I like his suits. I like the way we played in the first half on sunday and am quite proud of the fact that we actually held out for the three points. I like his punchy little celebrations and I'm prepared to wait and see how the team develop.

Tommy Harmer said:
You might have raised your expectations to unreasonable levels, like spoiled brats, I was just delighted to be watching spurs sides play like thrilling, winning football teams do. The lows I well well versed in being accustomed to.

:roflmao: Fuck off you twat
Plus what is this bullshit about the worst United team ever? The whole point of United's dominance over us at Old Trafford is that even when they field reasonably beatable teams, we end up falling flat on our faces. This is the team that played last year at Old Trafford and spanked us 3-0:

David De Gea,
Jonny Evans,
Phil Jones,
Chris Smalling,
Patrice Evra,
Tom Cleverley (Ryan Giggs, 82),
Ashley Young (Park Ji-Sung, 82),
Wayne Rooney,
Danny Welbeck (Javier Hernández, 82)

Ah yes, Harry had no chance against world beaters like Danny Welbeck! Thank god this year they were forced to settle for Van Persie instead.
Pretentious Prick
OK, I think I have found out where you lot sit.
Yes the club did play some dross, the gooner game from 2 up is one of the biggest guttings I have taken following the team,

Personally if you know our history like you claim I would have picked the 0-5 at home in 78 I was at the game.
But my worst was 7-0 loss to Liverpool away in 78 I was at that game the worst week or five I have ever had as a Spurs Supporter.

So fuck off With the I've been through shit if you count last years loss at the library in the mix. losing last year hurt but we should have reacted to it team and manager but we didn't.

Support AVB damn right I do he's the Manager I also support the Players, chairman cleaners even its Tottenham Hotspur that I support and all the comes with it good or bad

very rare I get pissed enough with a post but this is one of them.
as sammyspurs pointed out, your whole argument is so unbelievably mixed up it's hard to know where to start; two points you make are completely contradictory:

1) we don't understand how bad it was (we do), we're spoilt by success, 4th is a fantastic achievement (it was) etc etc

2) the manager, who just lead a spurs side to victory at old trafford for the first time in 23 years, isn't performing well enough.

I don't understand what point you're trying to make here, unless the point is to try to assert that you are a better fan than any of us so can say what you like.
I'd say the best we can do is just ignore him, those who have tried arguing have gotten nowhere and he's clearly biased in his way of thinking. So to make life easy for yourself and less of a hassle, just ignore his diatribe and carry on supporting the club in your own way!
The Contrarian said:
If any of you had been around in the 70's, 90's and early noughties, then you would remember (spurs) teams that we were just happy if they didn't get thumped by too much, as opposed to the somewhat unreasonable expectation that the teams of the last few seasons would simply demolish every side they played. You might have raised your expectations to unreasonable levels, like spoiled brats, I was just delighted to be watching spurs sides play like thrilling, winning football teams do. The lows I well well versed in being accustomed to.

This is so ridiculously out of keeping with the rest of your posts it's unbelievable.

Yes, you're right, we're spoiled brats. Way to take the high road.
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