Harry Winks

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You've already exposed your ignorance and difficulties in comprehending anything requiring a cogent thought process.

Why is it no surprise that this is your comfort level.


Requiring lots of words in order to express a very simple sentiment doesn’t make you clever, but don’t worry .. nobody on here was fooled anyway, or ever has been.

It’s actually embarrassing that you think average PL midfielder would be an insult. It’s a reasonable level to settle at. Winks has nothing in his locker that elevates him past the average.
From Foxestalk: Never rated him before, now I'll quite happily have his babies!

Made quite an impression I see.
Very happy for him. However, one of the other comments is "The passing is immaculate, as is his ability to turn inside tight spaces and receive it under pressure".

I'm not sure that's how I'd describe him tbh. Receiving the ball under pressure was perhaps his biggest weakness.

Maybe he's fixed that side of his game, but well done to him regardless. He chose to take a risk to prove himself instead of trying to milk his contract or demanding a PL transfer.
I never understood why the people who trash talked Winks would hail Skipp as the future of the club.
People need a hobbyhorse, and now Winks is gone he becomes the next target.

A pity that so called supporters seem to believe that rubbishing our academy players is some kind of mark of their incisive punditry.
Skipp looked very promising a couple of seasons ago, but the last few years have been blighted with long injury periods. That's all for me. I never got the hatred for Winks but he was also a casualty of sticking around too long after failing to make the grade under successive managers. The squad was just very stale and I'm happy that he moved on to Italy and made something of himself outside of England. Not enough English players are willing to do that.

Skipp probably needs a loan out to a lower league side to get some consistent minutes to discover how much he has left to offer. Sticking around much longer riding the bench is a quick route to oblivion.
Requiring lots of words in order to express a very simple sentiment doesn’t make you clever, but don’t worry .. nobody on here was fooled anyway, or ever has been.

It’s actually embarrassing that you think average PL midfielder would be an insult. It’s a reasonable level to settle at. Winks has nothing in his locker that elevates him past the average.
Whereas you simply have nothing
Probably not even a locker
Still sharp at that ripe old age I see Mick, you’re right that I am indeed not actually a professional footballer, anymore than you’re a UN human rights lawyer.

Progression 💪
I have never claimed to be - the problem is that you are too obtuse to grasp the fact that the term you struggle to actually understand the meaning of, is used as a catch all description, rather than only be used in similar circumstances (to its original use) is too difficult for you to grasp.
Which highlights your other failing, to employ the infantile habit of trying to ridicule people for what they say, because it's beyond your grasp to actually understand what you're being told.

You genuinely believe yourself to be some sort of sage, and employ pretentious terms like raumdeuterz as a pseudonym, because you probably think that it matches your self absorbed belief that you have some gift of comprehension for arcane matters.

In short, you're a self deluded chump.
I have never claimed to be - the problem is that you are too obtuse to grasp the fact that the term you struggle to actually understand the meaning of, is used as a catch all description, rather than only be used in similar circumstances (to its original use) is too difficult for you to grasp.
Which highlights your other failing, to employ the infantile habit of trying to ridicule people for what they say, because it's beyond your grasp to actually understand what you're being told.

You genuinely believe yourself to be some sort of sage, and employ pretentious terms like raumdeuterz as a pseudonym, because you probably think that it matches your self absorbed belief that you have some gift of comprehension for arcane matters.

In short, you're a self deluded chump.

Hope you feel better after all that projecting Mick, but therapy these days is free. Even for old codgers.
Skipp looked very promising a couple of seasons ago, but the last few years have been blighted with long injury periods. That's all for me. I never got the hatred for Winks but he was also a casualty of sticking around too long after failing to make the grade under successive managers. The squad was just very stale and I'm happy that he moved on to Italy and made something of himself outside of England. Not enough English players are willing to do that.

Skipp probably needs a loan out to a lower league side to get some consistent minutes to discover how much he has left to offer. Sticking around much longer riding the bench is a quick route to oblivion.
He's defo PL standard now.

He was one of Norwich's best players when they got promotion.
I never understood why the people who trash talked Winks would hail Skipp as the future of the club.

The abuse Winks got was terrible.
People need a hobbyhorse, and now Winks is gone he becomes the next target.
I'm not sure that's true to be honest, however, the scales are starting to fall from the eyes of some.
A pity that so called supporters seem to believe that rubbishing our academy players is some kind of mark of their incisive punditry.
Coming through the academy doesn't mean players can't be criticised or that we as fans have to think they are the next Hoddle or Ledley.

The abuse Winks got was terrible.

I'm not sure that's true to be honest, however, the scales are starting to fall from the eyes of some.

Coming through the academy doesn't mean players can't be criticised or that we as fans have to think they are the next Hoddle or Ledley.
I have no problems with justified criticism, it's the binary manner in which some of the numpties post, either declaring players the next Messiah or declaring them as utter shit/wage thief etc.
Now Winks is fit and being used in a role he excels at, the nerves are showing and the twats trot out the " found his level" dogshit, when previously he wasn't supposedly even up to that. Leicester are currently playing at PL level (in a league below) and romping through the league. At the middle of it all is Winks absolutely bossing it. Yep he's no Xavi or Pirlo, but he's showing that he's the exact opposite of what the ignorant mongrels that ritually abused the guy, called him in here.
I have no problems with justified criticism, it's the binary manner in which some of the numpties post, either declaring players the next Messiah or declaring them as utter shit/wage thief etc.
Now Winks is fit and being used in a role he excels at, the nerves are showing and the twats trot out the " found his level" dogshit, when previously he wasn't supposedly even up to that. Leicester are currently playing at PL level (in a league below) and romping through the league. At the middle of it all is Winks absolutely bossing it. Yep he's no Xavi or Pirlo, but he's showing that he's the exact opposite of what the ignorant mongrels that ritually abused the guy, called him in here.
I'm just grateful he's having a good time with them and not hanging around as our last choice midfielder.

Some dumb cunts just want to cling on to mediocrity, eh Mick?
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