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Well done peeps, you should be proud of yourselves

the joker applause GIF
That makes Madrid fans self-entitled cunts.
Reading their online comments, I would have hoped that are fans are better than that. Clearly not.

You would be all over a fan who called Sanchez a ‘retard’ but somehow it’s better for his mental health that he’s booed by hundreds while warming up?
There are ways to show displeasure. Booing individual players isn’t one of them.

Sure they are. And their club win everything, so clearly the fans being self entitled cunts isn’t part of any problem whatsoever.

I’ve said before I wouldn’t have booed Davinson. I’d much rather the fans aimed it all at Levy. But I also don’t think booing him is part of the real problems at the club.

It’s just a symptom.
I do wonder if some have ever been to a game? It used to be much much much worse than this, as stated we were infamous for booing players for decades, but even now you have Everton fans chasing players leaving the stadium. It doesnt make it right and i dont like the singling out of individuals but i think you've chosen the wrong sport if all this is a bit too much. Its all just a symptom of struggling clubs and frustated fans barking up the wrong tree.
I do wonder if some have ever been to a game? It used to be much much much worse than this, as stated we were infamous for booing players for decades, but even now you have Everton fans chasing players leaving the stadium. It doesnt make it right and i dont like the singling out of individuals but i think you've chosen the wrong sport if all this is a bit too much. Its all just a symptom of struggling clubs and frustated fans barking up the wrong tree.
A lot of the pussies whimpering in this thread don’t leave their own bedroom unless their mum lets them.
They wouldn’t be saying jack shit to anybody in the stadium but can exercise their smug superiority in pathetic threads like this.
Yep. The enemy within.
No one wants mediocrity.
Not a single football fan. Ever.
And that includes Rochdale fans who are anchored to the bottom of Division Two.
I actually had you pegged for a reasonably intelligent guy but if you think booing individual players is going to reduce mediocrity then I was wrong and you’re no smarter than that plank you’re agreeing with.
the problem is sanchez never should've been subbed on. a real manager would recognize he's been horribly out of form and lacks confidence on every level. it's only stellini the clown that brings him on in that moment and that drove the boos more than any hatred for sanchez
the problem is sanchez never should've been subbed on. a real manager would recognize he's been horribly out of form and lacks confidence on every level. it's only stellini the clown that brings him on in that moment and that drove the boos more than any hatred for sanchez
Bad substitution? 100%.
The rest is rationalizing piss-poor behavior.
No one’s to blame but the booers.
No one wants mediocrity.
Not a single football fan. Ever.
And that includes Rochdale fans who are anchored to the bottom of Division Two.
I actually had you pegged for a reasonably intelligent guy but if you think booing individual players is going to reduce mediocrity then I was wrong and you’re no smarter than that plank you’re agreeing with.

I don’t think booing Davinson will help. I also don’t think it’s part of the problem. I view it purely as a relatively unfortunate side effect of the genuine problems at the club.
Sure they are. And their club win everything, so clearly the fans being self entitled cunts isn’t part of any problem whatsoever.

I’ve said before I wouldn’t have booed Davinson. I’d much rather the fans aimed it all at Levy. But I also don’t think booing him is part of the real problems at the club.

It’s just a symptom.
If an Everton fan had the same attitude as you, you would think they were a stupid scouse cunt.


Tragic thread.

Its ThE FaNS FaULt

Levy must be pissing himself.

Our fanbase has the most mugs per capita than any other club in existence.

Fucking crying about booing a player.

Bad substitution? 100%.
The rest is rationalizing piss-poor behavior.
No one’s to blame but the booers.
it's toxic for a reason and the booing is just a symptom not the cause. not backing poch, not refreshing the squad, hiring mourinho and conte... levy and the board have bled us dry and booing sanchez is the least of our problems. i'd never boo but i can certainly understand the overwhelming frustration in that moment yesterday. oh and it's only gonna get worse
Imagine an interview with a manager where they are asked what the turning point was for their team and the answer was "I think it was win the fans started booing our players."
If I am shit at my job I get sacked. If a Spurs player is shit at their job they continue to earn £50k+ per week for 6 years.

I didn't boo the bloke, never have never will but fans getting their nickers in a twist over someone that has earned at least £15mn in his Spurs career and is basically useless is laughable.
Imagine an interview with a manager where they are asked what the turning point was for their team and the answer was "I think it was win the fans started booing our players."

Still can't get my head around why the cunt of a manager subbed him.

Was it to protect his feelings, because he made a mistake or was part of a plan?

We are beyond a banter club.
If I am shit at my job I get sacked. If a Spurs player is shit at their job they continue to earn £50k+ per week for 6 years.

I didn't boo the bloke, never have never will but fans getting their nickers in a twist over someone that has earned at least £15mn in his Spurs career and is basically useless is laughable.

My heart is not bleeding; it's simply counter-productive... .Probably didn't exactly juice the rest of the lads up either.
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