Brennan Johnson

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Think the fact we we spent a lot on him proberly raised our expectations ,if he had been a cheaper punt on a young lad he would get a bit more of a pass on his performances to date. He is young and hopefully he comes good and proves a lot of fans wrong .
We knew he had pace, he’s shown great touch since he’s joined too… but lacking confidence and poor end product so far.

Not a fan of this pile on. Stand by him
I think it was Muttley Muttley in the match thread who reminded us that a certain Gareth Bale had a bad time starting with us and took a long time to settle.

Johnson has certainly been thrust into things far more than I reckon was intended because of injuries and suspensions. I was probably expecting cameos mainly this season and some starts but he has become a regular starter. He can continue to work on his game and with Ange at the helm I have every faith they will help him to improve.
I think it was Muttley Muttley in the match thread who reminded us that a certain Gareth Bale had a bad time starting with us and took a long time to settle.

Johnson has certainly been thrust into things far more than I reckon was intended because of injuries and suspensions. I was probably expecting cameos mainly this season and some starts but he has become a regular starter. He can continue to work on his game and with Ange at the helm I have every faith they will help him to improve.
I agree 100% but it is frustrating that game was there for the taking and we came up short.
It’s not his fault there’s a injury crisis and he is possibly being overplayed but he has to at least show up. How many times did he pull out of a 50/50 or show any hussle. Compare him to Richie’s effort yesterday.
I don’t care that much about these xStats; but his touch and speed are both great, so I’m optimistic about his development unlike Richarlison.

I know that this post was written after previous game, but after ManU it seems weird now.

Richie was always involved, always fighting, fighting for everything, pressing like mad.
While Brennan was absolute shit yesterday. Didn't bother into going to some duels to start with, absolutely no goal threat from him, losing the ball and hardly tracking back.

After that specific game one could say that ... if only Brennan had half of what Richie has.
(but hopefully and likely that shall not be extrapolated for the whole career and overall quality, rather few performances).
To me, he still seems like one for the future and I’ve not given up on him yet.

He looks like he has some maturing to do, physically , and with a fully fit team we would only see him against certain teams or as a sub. Unfortunately we don’t have that luxury, and I don’t think he’s ready. Our big players give him confidence and without them he does see to shrink.

It worries me that the fanbase will be so on his back it will only make things worse. Needs more time and space to grow.

I agree - I have not written him off yet either. He is young, and he did show some promising moments early on in the season.
And I still believe that some things are not as bad as they seem - he DID actually score 8 goals last season in EPL. So shooting ability has to be somewhere in there. Right now it is just not visible.

But I disagree with two things. He needs to mature MENTALLY - he was just so fucking soft, hesitant and quite frankly looked like he shit himself once the whistle went off. Never had balls to go for challenges. Never sprinted back to close down the opposition. Extremely fragile and poor performance MENTALLY. Hardly even tried anything.

Other thing I cannot agree with is about "big players giving confidence" - I think AT THIS POINT the big players would have to carry him, not give him confidence. Due to his poor mental ability, he is not pulling the weight himself. If other 10 players are able to control the game, he can open the wing and do something, but otherwise he has been a passenger.
I know that this post was written after previous game, but after ManU it seems weird now.

Richie was always involved, always fighting, fighting for everything, pressing like mad.
While Brennan was absolute shit yesterday. Didn't bother into going to some duels to start with, absolutely no goal threat from him, losing the ball and hardly tracking back.

After that specific game one could say that ... if only Brennan had half of what Richie has.
(but hopefully and likely that shall not be extrapolated for the whole career and overall quality, rather few performances).
There are definitely a few things BJ can learn from Richarlison. They have different skillsets, but I think BJ has a higher ceiling.
too me its appears as if he is worried /scared about being challenged by the big kids
like when many of us played the CH/defenders would say I'll break your legs if you go past me today, and you could see many kids were finished that game they stood out of the way all game
Hope Ange can really work on him and drag a quality player out.

Otherwise this is looking like it might be a waste of significant transfer fee.

Good attitude.

I hope so too.

Not gonna be jumping on the kid's case - will support him until he has had enough time to fairly evaluate in our full-strength team.
I think it was Muttley Muttley in the match thread who reminded us that a certain Gareth Bale had a bad time starting with us and took a long time to settle.

Johnson has certainly been thrust into things far more than I reckon was intended because of injuries and suspensions. I was probably expecting cameos mainly this season and some starts but he has become a regular starter. He can continue to work on his game and with Ange at the helm I have every faith they will help him to improve.

Bale was 17 or 18 when he joined us, not nearly 23.
Mick Cooper Mick Cooper I have to say that I'm more starting to see your POV based on BJ recent performances...
I am not saying that he has no ability nor writing him off. I still stand by the points I made that gave me confidence, but there are some VERY alarming signs from his play.

My biggest issue with him is simple - he is not fighting, he is not trying. I can understand if some things or moves do not come off. I can even understand if almost nothing comes off. But I cannot accept and tolerate of just being coward and not doing their part. If you cant create goals, at least buckle up and track back. He just jogs lightly, never really putting a foot in. That is not acceptable.

I can see people using excuse about "yeh, but no preseason...blah-blah" - Werner came to this game with two training sessions and he managed to win the ball back to us in number of times. He also sprinted back. It doesn't take a preseason to do that. Then there are others who use Sonny first season as an example, but that is utter bullshit. He was KOREAN coming from BUNDESLIGA. It was new league AND a new language-environment for him. Hardly same situation as Johnsons.

There were so many times when the pass was not perfect and he just gave up. Again - it is okay if you don't win it. But if you even don't go into the challenge, you make it so much more comfortable for opposition to play. And I've been saying this across the threads that we need to be nasty and make opposition being afraid of us. To take their room, take their time, take their confidence. Not being polite, inviting them to hurt us.

NB! I am NOT writing him off yet. It was dogshit performance, that does not mean he would be a shit player overall. Obviously he is youngish (though fuck those guys who say he is very young - he absolutely is not - he will soon be 23 which is getting close to prime age already!) and can improve. And he did score 8 goals last season in EPL. He has given some pretty nice assists already this season.

It could just be that he needs some one-on-one work. It might even be that he needs a support of a sports psychologist to set his mind straight. As someone mentioned, I have confidence of Ange sorting it out. And meanwhile just take him off from starting XI.
our fanbase looooòl.
Not a fan of this pile on. Stand by him
Now that Dier has gone it looks like we've found a new scapegoat, what a surprise lol

Soooo... it is not OK to call out a player for performance where he did not even try and let the team down?

What kind of mentality is that?!? I think we need more balls in the side, and quite frankly I would have loved to see Bentancur to yell at him after 15 minutes already, indicating what the team needs from him. Just like Vicario was yelling at... Sess? or Royal? Or someone else, I cannot precisely recall.

Happy clapping for shit performances gets you nowhere.

All the comments quoted are very short, brief and not elaborated. If they are meant that we should not write the PLAYER off, then I can totally understand it. I still believe he can become a very good player for us. But in terms of PERFORMANCE there should be no real questions - he had shit performance and it can also be said like this.
Mick Cooper Mick Cooper I have to say that I'm more starting to see your POV based on BJ recent performances...
I am not saying that he has no ability nor writing him off. I still stand by the points I made that gave me confidence, but there are some VERY alarming signs from his play.

My biggest issue with him is simple - he is not fighting, he is not trying. I can understand if some things or moves do not come off. I can even understand if almost nothing comes off. But I cannot accept and tolerate of just being coward and not doing their part. If you cant create goals, at least buckle up and track back. He just jogs lightly, never really putting a foot in. That is not acceptable.

I can see people using excuse about "yeh, but no preseason...blah-blah" - Werner came to this game with two training sessions and he managed to win the ball back to us in number of times. He also sprinted back. It doesn't take a preseason to do that. Then there are others who use Sonny first season as an example, but that is utter bullshit. He was KOREAN coming from BUNDESLIGA. It was new league AND a new language-environment for him. Hardly same situation as Johnsons.

There were so many times when the pass was not perfect and he just gave up. Again - it is okay if you don't win it. But if you even don't go into the challenge, you make it so much more comfortable for opposition to play. And I've been saying this across the threads that we need to be nasty and make opposition being afraid of us. To take their room, take their time, take their confidence. Not being polite, inviting them to hurt us.

NB! I am NOT writing him off yet. It was dogshit performance, that does not mean he would be a shit player overall. Obviously he is youngish (though fuck those guys who say he is very young - he absolutely is not - he will soon be 23 which is getting close to prime age already!) and can improve. And he did score 8 goals last season in EPL. He has given some pretty nice assists already this season.

It could just be that he needs some one-on-one work. It might even be that he needs a support of a sports psychologist to set his mind straight. As someone mentioned, I have confidence of Ange sorting it out. And meanwhile just take him off from starting XI.
Chris Waddle was pretty limp after he first arrived but a few seasons later he was untouchable.
He needs to get rid of the imposter syndrome and start being braver on the ball. His defensive game is shocking and needs managing, too many times Porro is being left exposed.
I think there is a good player hiding away, hopefully Ange will get the best from him but far too early to write him off.
As others have written, bale and son hardly hit the ground running when they signed
Chris Waddle was pretty limp after he first arrived but a few seasons later he was untouchable.

As I said - shit performance but not a shit player. Hopefully will improve a lot.

Should not be a starter as things stand.

P.S can ANYONE explain, why Donley did not get at least 10-15 minutes in the end of the game instead of Johnson?
As I said - shit performance but not a shit player. Hopefully will improve a lot.

Should not be a starter as things stand.

P.S can ANYONE explain, why Donley did not get at least 10-15 minutes in the end of the game instead of Johnson?
Keep experience on unless you're winning the game?
If he gets a goal and an assist two games in a row (far from out of the question) his season immediately looks very very different.

People are looking at this very short term right now.

We play City next, he was outstanding last time at theirs.

There is an adaptation period to this as well. Brennan has probably never played for a team that asked him to press and run this much without the ball. It's not just the cardio fitness that takes time it's the ability to maintain power and aggression when you are running more than you ever have. At Forest he could pick his moments to be explosive.
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