Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur (Jan 4th - 8pm) *sigh*

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Medicine is not an exact science. Jesus tore a ligament which is a type of injury that’s easy to give a more accurate prognosis on. He can’t even begin to recover without a reconstructive surgery.

Muscle injuries are more difficult to grade accurately and often don’t require surgery, some players recover quicker, some faster, it’s harder to gauge exactly when to push the recovery etc. Some players have a higher pain tolerance, some are even willing to lie about the level of discomfort they are in just so they can get back on the grass.

Our medics are not useless. They are incredibly competent professionals. Just because Richarlison and Bentancur are taking longer to recover than expected, doesn’t mean the medics did anything wrong. A prognosis is always an estimate.
I would hazard a guess the medical staff are some of the best qualified people at the club in their respective fields.

Managers and coaches usually know next to fuck all about injuries so it is actually far better to have professionals in that field handling it. If the manager doesn't agree with them, tough shit. You pay them because they are the experts.
Unless you bought the Peacock Premium package to watch Spurs. So now I have to decide whether to waste the money I spent by not watching, or waste 90 min of my day and be in a bad mood after.

You can always watch the Mega Powers v The Mega-Bucks at SummerSlam 88 instead......

Half-spoiler: Unlike the footy; the good guys usually win.
Sit back. Invite pressure. Force errors and hit them on the break.

Oh....Shit, we conceded.

Don't worry lads. Sit back. Invite pressure. Force errors and hit them on the break.

Oh....Shit, we conceded again.

Don't worry lads. We'll get them now. Sit back. Invite pressure...... Oh wait, now they are sitting back. Erm, maybe pass the ball around a bit in midfield until they get tired.

OK, 20 mins left. We need 3 goals. Time for Subs.......Lets get bring on some more defenders. Royal/Sarr/Sess, lace your boots up!

Bloody ref.
It really is just Mou ball again isn’t it.


P.S. That post had me doing a major laugh-cry… brutal. Tough one to explain to the WAKs.
I am actually looking forward to the match. Dirty old ground. Shit weather. Midweek. Hopefully no fucking stub hub tourist fans. Yes we’ll probably lose. But hopefully have fun in the stands.
Could do with a bit of luck. A Palace red would be nice; although they got 2 on Boxing Day, so not likely.

I’m as positive as the next fella, but really not looking forward to this. We’ve been so, so shit recently. We just get bullied.
Could do with a bit of luck. A Palace red would be nice; although they got 2 on Boxing Day, so not likely.

I’m as positive as the next fella, but really not looking forward to this. We’ve been so, so shit recently. We just get bullied.

MF is a major concern..... Defo an occasion to play 3 MF and be as solid as possible (+ we have 3 FWDs missing!), BUT doing so would mean we'd have none on the bench.

MFs: PEH, Skipp or Sarr
FWDs: Kane, Sonny's brother, Gil or Perisic

Lean. :(

I'm guessing:

Rom / Dier / Davies
Doh / PEH / Skipp / Sess
Son / Kane / Perisic

Bench: Gil, Sarr, Sanchez, Lenglet, Emerson, Spence, White, Forster [+ insert kid]
After Conte's comments I assume Gil is starting and kula will be missing again. I would prefer bolstering midfield but Gil will no doubt play and get knocked over without a FK and get nowhere. " midfielders will then be overwhelmed. I think Perisic will be rested but come on in 2nd half. I think Dier will be back as we did not play any better without him. The team I want is
Romero, Dier, Davies
Doherty, Sarr, Hojbjerg , Skipp, Sess
Kane, Son
however I expect to see Gil play instead of Sarr
Find it unbelievable really we dont fancy our chances away at crystal palace. Hardly going to the bernabeu playing real madrid. Players need to step up including the supposed leaders in team such as lloris and kane. Conte needs to stop moaning as well.
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