Financial Results - Year Ended 30 June 2023

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Why does everyone keep going on about fekin naming rights man, so jarring
I can answer this. Its because for years we were told they were significant income....right up until we needed one at which point they became that was jarring

:kanehand: :levystare:

What I can't figure out, is if they're insisting on using the financial year to regulate FFP and PSR, why is the window open through 2 financial years. The whole Brennan Johnson thing Forest baffles me. They made £20m more by holding out, which is great business, but got a points penalty for it.

If that's a problem, change the fucking window dates or something.

They use their own financial years - to 30th June which is when all the players contracts run to (you couldn't have players contracts expiring mid-season)

It can't be to 31st August as the next season has started by then, so there will always be transfers either side of the accounting window.
That's a complete non-answer.... Not even an honest guess.
I think in the 20 odd years they've been here they probably could of spent atleast an extra £500m on players and been ok. Remember the time Harry was after a striker when he had us challenging for the title and we ended up with Louis saha on loan. Now I'm not suggesting that that money should of been spent willy nilly,but,there's certainly been times under every manager where we could of really pushed on with a certain player in a certain position but didn't. And it will happen under ange too. And then it will happen with the manager after that. Meanwhile they'll continue to get their nice juicy bonuses and their nice juicy payrises because they do so well at holding concerts and selling so much merchandise. Because that's what it's really all about as a football club clearly.
"Levy’s pay increased by £316,000 to £3.581m for the year ending June 2023, up from £3.265m for the previous 12 months, while the total earned by Spurs’ directors was £9.07m, up a significant £3.221m from £5.849m in 2022."

"Levy was also paid a £3m bonus over the course of the year, taking his total earnings to £6.581m, despite him facing significant unrest from supporters during a dismal 2022-23 campaign"

Directors and Levy are doing well I see.
Also I've just realised people are saying we can't spend what we don't have. We've run at a loss and the club finds it acceptable to hand out pay rises and bonuses.
I can answer this. Its because for years we were told they were significant income....right up until we needed one at which point they became that was jarring

:kanehand: :levystare:

An extra £15-20m per season is significant is it? Interesting, that's not the deal breaker people actually think it is.

We didn't build the stadium for poxy little things like naming rights, we build the stadium to boost our revenue streams, we made £120m from the stadium alone last season, £6.5m per match on average

Keep saying this but keeping the name as it is pushes our brand up anyway, the name 'Tottenham Hotspur Stadium' brings value to the club through brand marketing, our stadium is famous for Sports events and concerts, Tottenham is seen as a brand than just a football club, we don't need to slap someone's else's name on the stadium just yet because our own brand is getting more and more exposure.
£3m bonus for Levy is an utter pisstake.

Guy obviously scores his own performance review, given fans were calling for his and ENICs heads, we sold our best player and we finished 8th.
An extra £15-20m per season is significant is it? Interesting, that's not the deal breaker people actually think it is.

We didn't build the stadium for poxy little things like naming rights, we build the stadium to boost our revenue streams, we made £120m from the stadium alone last season, £6.5m per match on average

Keep saying this but keeping the name as it is pushes our brand up anyway, the name 'Tottenham Hotspur Stadium' brings value to the club through brand marketing, our stadium is famous for Sports events and concerts, Tottenham is seen as a brand than just a football club, we don't need to slap someone's else's name on the stadium just yet because our own brand is getting more and more exposure.
You're rubbish at compression. I don't care about your opinions on naming rights.The only financial numbers I give a fuck about are my own. I want to see Spurs win trophies that's it that's all. I just answered why the focus you find so 'jarring' is oft repeated. Try not to extrapolate 'oughts from noughts'.
Cue a major cunt off between John Thomas John Thomas and the self-titled Facts & Figures Extraordinaire from Paris.

Go arn Jonny lad!
Canadian 90S GIF
£3m bonus for Levy is an utter pisstake.

Guy obviously scores his own performance review, given fans were calling for his and ENICs heads, we sold our best player and we finished 8th.

I imagine it's related to the increase in turnover rather than on field performance - the two are linked, but he has very little influence on how the team performs.
You're rubbish at compression. I don't care about your opinions on naming rights. The only financial numbers I give a fuck about are my own. I want to see Spurs win trophies that's it that's all. I just answered why the focus you find so 'jarring' is oft repeated.

People keep repeating it because they don't understand or don't bother to try and understand it, they keep repeating it because they think extra £20m = trophies but it doesn't work like that.

£20m per year isn't going to suddenly going to propel us into CL winners mate if that's what your focused on, absolutely no point in selling out to a brand if there's no long term gain by the club, we instead are likely to grow our global audience or put more eyes on the club outside football etc... If anything you're likely to attract a sponsor who will pay more because our brand has matured over time so by playing the long game we are benefiting from it especially for a stadium used for a host of other events.

But if you want to carry on being frustrated by something so minor then be my guest, it's only down to your own ignorance
People keep repeating it because they don't understand or don't bother to try and understand it, they keep repeating it because they think money = trophies but it doesn't work like that.

£20m per year isn't going to suddenly going to propel us into CL winners mate if that's what your focused on, absolutely no point in selling out to a brand if there's no long term gain by the club, we instead are likely to grow our global audience or put more eyes on the club outside football etc... If anything you're likely to attract a sponsor who will pay more because our brand has matured over time so by playing the long game we are benefiting from it especially for a stadium used for a host of other events.

But if you want to carry on being frustrated by something so minor then be my guest, it's only down to your own ignorance
You did it again. Ignored the substantive point and just went off. You originally asked a question . I answered it. Not sure this required explanation. Prephaps it will help if I give you an opinion that way you won't have to imagine the conversation and answer both sides of it. "Hey Shady,"
"What up dog?"
"know what I've always believed?"
"Uh huh?"
"That we way better off keeping the name the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Yeah I know lot of people think we better off sticking a Google or Facebook in there, but not me"
the club denied it at the time but i guess we really were trying to get Nasser Al-Khelaifi to buy a chunk of the club
Wonder if it will come back, PSG seems like a bit of a dead end to me in terms of scaling because of the dead league
I think in the 20 odd years they've been here they probably could of spent atleast an extra £500m on players and been ok.

Right, so by your reckoning there should be 500m cash still sat on the books then?

Remember the time Harry was after a striker when he had us challenging for the title and we ended up with Louis saha on loan. Now I'm not suggesting that that money should of been spent willy nilly,but,there's certainly been times under every manager where we could of really pushed on with a certain player in a certain position but didn't. And it will happen under ange too. And then it will happen with the manager after that. Meanwhile they'll continue to get their nice juicy bonuses and their nice juicy payrises because they do so well at holding concerts and selling so much merchandise. Because that's what it's really all about as a football club clearly.

There's no credibility in pretending that we've generated the kind of money we do now for the last 20 years; cos we haven't..... Far from it.

Again, bemoan things like concerts all you want; but there'd be even less cash in the pot without them.... Leaving us back at square one and you wanting more spent despite less income.
You did it again. Ignored the substantive point and just went off. You originally asked a question . I answered it. Not sure this required explanation. Prephaps it will help if I give you an opinion that way you won't have imagine the conversation and answered both sides of it. "Hey Shady,"
"What up dog?"
"know what I've always believed?"
"Uh huh?"
"That we way better off keeping the name the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Yeah I know lot of people think we better off sticking a Google or Facebook in there, but not me"

The required explanation is for the forum's benefit, not just yours,- not everything is about you fella. you just happened to be on the receiving end because you answered the question :thumbup:
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