Gary 'the ears' Lineker is a prick - discuss

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Is Gary Lineker a massive fartfaced prick

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • Super Yes

    Votes: 18 15.5%
  • Bigger yes than his ears

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • No, I love the gooners

    Votes: 12 10.3%

  • Total voters
Sneaky little weasels? Ok mate.

I already said I’m cool with discussions on controlling immigration, just not with calling migrants hordes, swarms or weasels. Because it’s wrong. And it’s absolutely the kind of language the Nazis used to refer to the Jews.

So no, not swing open the doors. Just talk about people like people. It shouldn’t be hard but clearly you’ve got a lot of hatred & venom built up towards them, which is sad.
OK lets call them criminals then, after all they are breaking the law by being illegal immigrants.

We already have migration laws that these criminals are ignoring . it's a waste of our country's resources, We're already full and have lots of legal migrants.
They're sneaking in to leach off this country. If they were good people they'd apply for a visa and walk in the front door. It's an invasion by stealth.

'' There is no definitive figure on the number of undocumented people in the UK.Recent estimates suggest it is between 800,000 and 1.2 million people, a larger proportion of the population than in comparable countries such as France, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal, where there are more routes to regularisation''

That's a swarm
They are not illegal until their application has been turned down. The only available routes are from Afghanistan, Ukraine and Hong Kong.
But now we're going to have more immigrants from outside of Europe. More Africans, more Asians, people from , South American and/or other places, meaning more people from different races/countries have an equal opportunity now compared to Europeans, Polish etc, who are predominantly white.

So remaining in the EU is more racist than leaving it.

Show me a politician that doesn't lie or bend the truth to suit an agenda.
So not only are they not stopping immigration as promised , they are undermining the high wage economy they promised behind the immigration lie
Have you ever been to Bradford? It's like home from home for many of these sneaky little weasels that come in under the radar.

You seem to be saying it's our fault that they sneak in, we should just open the gates and let the hordes through!!

Our little country is already heavily populated.
I was willing to debate with you , no more after the above . I think you will find they are human beings not sneaky weasels

They are not illegal until their application has been turned down. The only available routes are from Afghanistan, Ukraine and Hong Kong.
Evading border control is illegal, they are sneaking in in the backs of lorries etc, or just turning up on beaches and entering the country illegally that way.
So not only are they not stopping immigration as promised , they are undermining the high wage economy they promised behind the immigration lie
They didn't promise to stop migration, they said they want to put an end to EU citizens just being able to walk in and use our country as their home without border control having any say in the matter. That's what it was like in the EU.

Now people from Asia, Africa and all sort of countries in other continents have the same level of entry as European citizens. Visas required for all. So the playing field for economic migrants has been leveled.

Now it's less racist.

The LANGUAGE people are using to refer to ‘illegal’ immigrants can be compared to the language the Nazis used to refer to undesirables. The last page of this thread proves this.

That doesn’t mean the actions are currently the same, but the attempt to dehumanise large groups of people is absolutely there. Holocaust survivors have clocked it & funny cartoons which miss the entire point won’t change that.
The Gary Lineker brigade of bleeding heart liberals have won this round... in no small part thanks to the insane rhetoric of the Tories, but this "debate" will not end any time soon.

When we realise we've taken in too many people it'll be too late to do undo it.
Evading border control is illegal, they are sneaking in in the backs of lorries etc, or just turning up on beaches and entering the country illegally that way.

Ed Vanderlay cannot debate

Just sneaks around the Forum thinking he’s funny making political remarks on every thread

Call him out and he puts you on ignore!

Thankfully me too!
Hes the most boring cunt on here. When you consider paddy and mvp are on here thats some achievement .

And when you actually talk to him he hasn’t got a clue about Socialism at all!

Just slags off the Tories with snide remarks here and there!

Calls them ‘your lot’ etc

Never been on a picket line or protested against anything

The ultimate Keyboard Warrior
Have you ever been to Bradford? It's like home from home for many of these sneaky little weasels that come in under the radar.

You seem to be saying it's our fault that they sneak in, we should just open the gates and let the hordes through!!

Our little country is already heavily populated.

Come on, you're better than that!

Come on, you're better than that!
I don't have any problem with legal migrants, I just don't see why we need to walk on egg shells when discussing the problem with illegal migrants.

The 3rd Reich doesn't own the word 'swarm' or the word 'invasion'. I won't let those nazis stop me from communicating in my own language as I see fit.

To me the illegal migrants are acting like weasels, sneaking along illegally without permission in the backs of lorries etc.
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OK lets call them criminals then, after all they are breaking the law by being illegal immigrants.

We already have migration laws that these criminals are ignoring . it's a waste of our country's resources, We're already full and have lots of legal migrants.
Why do you dislike calling the "illegal" refugees who have arrived here human beings?

They're not weasels, then they would be animals.

And the little kids who can't speak yet aren't criminals either, they're just people.

No offense, but I've left shards in my life and I'm glad I found people who didn't see me as a 'shard' but as a human being.
That's why I'm on the side of Raumdeuterz on this point.
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