Gary 'the ears' Lineker is a prick - discuss

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Is Gary Lineker a massive fartfaced prick

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • Super Yes

    Votes: 18 15.5%
  • Bigger yes than his ears

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • No, I love the gooners

    Votes: 12 10.3%

  • Total voters
All I said was there will be more immigrants from outside of Europe now, so if anything Brexit has evened up the playing field as all immigrants will need visas etc. I'm not having a debate about Brexit in general. It's simply untrue that Brexit is racist.

What we need to do now is stop the invasion of this swarm of illegal migrants from sneaking in.

Of course Brexit isn’t racist!

Only a fucking idiot would think that it was!!

Oh hang on…….

horse GIF
Some people think 'illegal immigrant' is a racist term because it is spoken sometimes by far right racists (while wokists conspicuously avoid the subject altogether).

This debate aint going anywhere until that primary school level logical distinction is understood. That is when a sensible middle will emerge.

No time soon evidently.

As none of them can even address that distinction without their brains locking up it feels like a waste of breathe, so just sitting here laughing at all of the bad takes now.
No time soon evidently.

As none of them can even address that distinction without their brains locking up it feels like a waste of breathe, so just sitting here laughing at all of the bad takes now.
Yep, otherwise intelligent people completely emotionally hijacked on this one. I don't plan to spend my last years in this country, just leave them all to it.
Yes most of the discussion on the topic can be explained by this image.

Though your version is old, inflation has taken its toll:

Except for the well established fact that big corporations do use imported labour to suppress wages in developed countries.

It's also well established that globalization has lead to mass unemployment in developed countries as coporations race to the whatever place has the lowest wages and worst employment laws. In the process creating a massive global supply chain which is unnecessary and distructive to the environment.
Except for the well established fact that big corporations do use imported labour to suppress wages in developed countries.

It's also well established that globalization has lead to mass unemployment in developed countries as coporations race to the whatever place has the lowest wages and worst employment laws. In the process creating a massive global supply chain which is unnecessary and distructive to the environment.
Sure. And then use their media mouthpieces to get the local working classes to hate the immigrants and not the corporations and the Governments that enable them. I think we're in agreement there.
This kind of language just identifies innocent people as some kind of enemy, just say you don't think we can support them so should close the borders, you don't have to talk about them like the Germans are flying overhead.
Ah, so I have you use the words that you prefer and not the ones that I prefer. You sound like a fascist, sorry.
So you think saying Turkey was imminently joining the EU , a complete lie , that 10 million Turkish nationals were coming to the UK , another lie , was not playing the race card.

it has been proven a total lie , so what was the reason for telling it then
But now we're going to have more immigrants from outside of Europe. More Africans, more Asians, people from , South American and/or other places, meaning more people from different races/countries have an equal opportunity now compared to Europeans, Polish etc, who are predominantly white.

So remaining in the EU is more racist than leaving it.

Show me a politician that doesn't lie or bend the truth to suit an agenda.
Ah, so I have you use the words that you prefer and not the ones that I prefer. You sound like a fascist, sorry.

Use whatever words you want. But since language is how we communicate I’m absolutely going to judge you if you refer to human beings wanting a better life as swarms or as an invasion.

They’re just people. Dehumanising them is what leads to atrocities, this is absolutely the kind of language fascists have used in the past - locusts, parasites, invasions. It isn’t necessary. Treat people with the basic respect they deserve.

If people believe in net zero immigration I’m fine with that. I don’t think people anti immigration (esp. illegal immigration) are automatically racist. But if you use charged language which makes migrants some sort of enemy, my perception starts to change.
Use whatever words you want. But since language is how we communicate I’m absolutely going to judge you if you refer to human beings wanting a better life as swarms or as an invasion.

They’re just people. Dehumanising them is what leads to atrocities, this is absolutely the kind of language fascists have used in the past - locusts, parasites, invasions. It isn’t necessary. Treat people with the basic respect they deserve.

If people believe in net zero immigration I’m fine with that. I don’t think people anti immigration (esp. illegal immigration) are automatically racist. But if you use charged language which makes migrants some sort of enemy, my perception starts to change.
They're sneaking in to leach off this country. If they were good people they'd apply for a visa and walk in the front door. It's an invasion by stealth.

'' There is no definitive figure on the number of undocumented people in the UK.Recent estimates suggest it is between 800,000 and 1.2 million people, a larger proportion of the population than in comparable countries such as France, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal, where there are more routes to regularisation''

That's a swarm
They're sneaking in to leach off this country. If they were good people they'd apply for a visa and walk in the front door. It's an invasion by stealth.

The visa system in this country is broken & leaves people waiting years. If I was desperate and wanting to forge a life for myself I’d do the exact same thing. So would most people on here for their families, even if they won’t admit it.

They’re not coming here to take over, thus not an invasion. Unless you think the Royal Navy should be blowing them out of the water, although that wouldn’t surprise me with the disdain with which you to refer to them.
They’re not coming here to take over
Have you ever been to Bradford? It's like home from home for many of these sneaky little weasels that come in under the radar.

You seem to be saying it's our fault that they sneak in, we should just open the gates and let the hordes through!!

Our little country is already heavily populated.
Have you ever been to Bradford? It's like home from home for many of these sneaky little weasels that come in under the radar.

You seem to be saying it's our fault that they sneak in, we should just open the gates and let the hordes through!!

Our little country is already heavily populated.

Sneaky little weasels? Ok mate.

I already said I’m cool with discussions on controlling immigration, just not with calling migrants hordes, swarms or weasels. Because it’s wrong. And it’s absolutely the kind of language the Nazis used to refer to the Jews.

So no, not swing open the doors. Just talk about people like people. It shouldn’t be hard but clearly you’ve got a lot of hatred & venom built up towards them, which is sad.
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