Gary 'the ears' Lineker is a prick - discuss

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Is Gary Lineker a massive fartfaced prick

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • Super Yes

    Votes: 18 15.5%
  • Bigger yes than his ears

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • No, I love the gooners

    Votes: 12 10.3%

  • Total voters
The LANGUAGE people are using to refer to ‘illegal’ immigrants can be compared to the language the Nazis used to refer to undesirables. The last page of this thread proves this.

That doesn’t mean the actions are currently the same, but the attempt to dehumanise large groups of people is absolutely there. Holocaust survivors have clocked it & funny cartoons which miss the entire point won’t change that.
Are you against the policies or the language?

I suspect you would be vehemently against the policies regardless of the language and that's your real beef with this whole thing, the language being used is just a sideshow. am I wrong?

The trouble is people on the left have cried wolf with the whole Nazi thing so often over the past decade or so that nobody gives a fuck anymore.

Literally anyone the left doesn't like is a Nazi or a racist.

Its childish and pathetic.
Are you against the policies or the language?

I suspect you would be vehemently against the policies regardless of the language and that's your real beef with this whole thing, the language being used is just a sideshow. am I wrong?

The trouble is people on the left have cried wolf with the whole Nazi thing so often over the past decade or so that nobody gives a fuck anymore.

Literally anyone the left doesn't like is a Nazi or a racist.

Its childish and pathetic.
If it was genuinely about language he would love me as I've never used 'swarms' or 'weasels'.

He hates me because I have a different opinion, which is ironically what totalitarianism is actually about.Best to put on ignore.
If it was genuinely about language he would love me as I've never used 'swarms' or 'weasels'.

He hates me because I have a different opinion, which is ironically what totalitarianism is actually about.Best to put on ignore.
I dunno Ramz is one of the more reasonable lefties on here, he's gone up in my estimation as a poster a lot.
He at least tries to debate rather than resorting to cunt offs.

The thing I find funny about this "de-humanising" language argument is the left is responsible for some of the most mass de-humanising efforts in recent years.

The whole Covidiot thing was the authoritarian left at its worst, and some of the language that goes unchecked on social media about white people is positivley 1930's.

The bottom line is, whenever the government tries to implement anything relating to migration, the left uses this tired old racism/Nazi thing. They never want to talk about how best to implement the policies or even argue against the policies. It's always the same tactic.

Which is why the Tories now couldn't give a fuck, and its already won them a fair few votes back I suspect.
I don't have any problem with legal migrants, I just don't see why we need to walk on egg shells when discussing the problem with illegal migrants.

The 3rd Reich doesn't own the word 'swarm' or the word 'invasion'. I won't let those nazis stop me from communicating in my own language as I see fit.

To me the illegal migrants are acting like weasels, sneaking along illegally without permission in the backs of lorries etc.


"If I want to sound like a Nazi then I will..."

That's not exactly a brilliant argument, and hardly likely to win anyone over.
Are you against the policies or the language?

I suspect you would be vehemently against the policies regardless of the language and that's your real beef with this whole thing, the language being used is just a sideshow. am I wrong?

The trouble is people on the left have cried wolf with the whole Nazi thing so often over the past decade or so that nobody gives a fuck anymore.

Literally anyone the left doesn't like is a Nazi or a racist.

Its childish and pathetic.

I have issues with some of the policies but am more than willing to have a sensible argument on them. And don’t think anybody who is worried about immigration or believes we need to drastically low it is automatically a racist/Nazi.

But I equally do not agree with referring to fellow human beings as swarms, invaders or weasels. I think that sets a very dangerous precedent, not just in how we treat migrants but for people from certain backgrounds who already live here.

There’s legit arguments to be had on immigration. They don’t include treating migrants like they’re all vermin or invading the country. They’re just people doing what most of us would do in the same situation.

"If I want to sound like a Nazi then I will..."

That's not exactly a brilliant argument, and hardly likely to win anyone over.
You've written something attributed to me in quotation marks that was never said.

Anyway just to clarify, I don't care if you or other liberals with a woke agenda think I sound like a Nazi.

I find them/you to be unbearable IRL.
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I have issues with some of the policies but am more than willing to have a sensible argument on them. And don’t think anybody who is worried about immigration or believes we need to drastically low it is automatically a racist/Nazi.

But I equally do not agree with referring to fellow human beings as swarms, invaders or weasels. I think that sets a very dangerous precedent, not just in how we treat migrants but for people from certain backgrounds who already live here.

There’s legit arguments to be had on immigration. They don’t include treating migrants like they’re all vermin or invading the country. They’re just people doing what most of us would do in the same situation.

Nothing wrong with weasels as they help keep the rat population down!
That’s why you should never poison rats or mice etc as it gets up the food chain!

So not an insult imv
Nothing wrong with weasels as they help keep the rat population down!
That’s why you should never poison rats or mice etc as it gets up the food chain!

So not an insult imv
The SJW brigade are like a bunch of fascists, it's all, you must not say this, you must not say that!!

I don't let them bully me off my choice of words.

The woman that Lineker is crowing about....

''Braverman was born in Harrow, Greater London, and raised in Wembley.[4] She is the daughter of Uma (née Mootien-Pillay) and Christie Fernandes,[5] both of Indian origin''

is of Indian (migrant) descent herself for heavens sake.
The SJW brigade are like a bunch of fascists, it's all, you must not say this, you must not say that!!

I don't let them bully me off my choice of words.

The woman that Lineker is crowing about....

''Braverman was born in Harrow, Greater London, and raised in Wembley.[4] She is the daughter of Uma (née Mootien-Pillay) and Christie Fernandes,[5] both of Indian origin''

is of Indian (migrant) descent herself for heavens sake.
Yeah but according to wellsey her parents are the wrong type of immigrants as where sunaks and priti patels etc etc.
Yeah but according to wellsey her parents are the wrong type of immigrants as where sunaks and priti patels etc etc.
I've never voted Conservative in my life, I don't agree with their economics is the main reason. Yet I still find them to be much more tolerable than these Liberals who like to go about cancelling people.
Any Tory politician from ethnic background is regarded a race traitor.
Exactly.. immigrants arrive here, some having to flee the despotic last king of scotland ?.. they work hard and do well, sons and daughters get educated earn a few quid and get on in life.

Hold cant do that ?..your an immigrant, get back on the social and ponce of the state so i can feel good and tell you how rascist and bad this country is .
Exactly.. immigrants arrive here, some having to flee the despotic last king of scotland ?.. they work hard and do well, sons and daughters get educated earn a few quid and get on in life.

Hold cant do that ?..your an immigrant, get back on the social and ponce of the state so i can feel good and tell you how rascist and bad this country is .
Damn, you wanna add some lube to those home truths?
The SJW brigade are like a bunch of fascists, it's all, you must not say this, you must not say that!!

I don't let them bully me off my choice of words.

The woman that Lineker is crowing about....

''Braverman was born in Harrow, Greater London, and raised in Wembley.[4] She is the daughter of Uma (née Mootien-Pillay) and Christie Fernandes,[5] both of Indian origin''

is of Indian (migrant) descent herself for heavens sake.
I think the left showed their true colours when they photoshopped her photo in Rwanda to her laughing outside Auschwitz.

Absolute scum move, James O'Brien and Steve Bray shared it which also shows you that they are willing to stoop to prehistoric levels of Amphibian shit to score political points.

I loved Braverman telling Yvette Cooper to get off twitter and go and see the hotels at Rwanda.

Fucking owned.
Oh poor little Tories, you wouldn't have thought they'd had the last THIRTEEN YEARS to get a grip on immigration figures.


Yes it's all the fault of the Left despite them not being in power since 2010.

As for Lineker, the guy is a wanker but he's entitled to his opinion on a range of issues. The irony is people would've forgotten his latest virtue-signalling tweet if the government had ignored it.
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