Nottingham Forest VS Tottenham Hotspur. Sunday the 28th August 2022. City Ground 16:30

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Forest are just a nothing club like Norwich or WBA, They're having their 4mins 36 seconds of fame and will be back down the lower leagues in no time.
They probabaly think we are their rivals like most clubs, probabaly because we beat them in the 91 cup final.
I hope the club sends messages to all our travelling fans and warns them not to sign ANYTHING as they could be signing a 5 year deal and get a game next week .
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Log roll?
Exactly!! Great footage 🤣
Lol everyone is just googling species of trees and trying to think of funny ways to post them in here
I studied arboriculture, so am loving this thread. It's good to have some light-hearted fun going on, and I'm feeling really chipper after reading some of these fantastic puns.
I’m looking forward to Sunday’s game - the first league fixture against Spurs in 23 years - and seeing players of the calibre of Son and Kane on the famous City Ground pitch.

I find the small-time mentality of slagging off other clubs depressing. (Nothing against the puns though…)

Tottenham are for me a great club not because of trophies won, or qualifying for the Champions League, but down to tradition. I’m of an age where I associate Tottenham with having stylish players and an identity that demanded entertaining football, even when you’ve had very average sides.

Similarly, I don’t think anyone who knows anything about football can call Forest a ‘nothing’ club. (What is a ‘nothing’ club exactly? All clubs have some kind of tradition, irrespective of division or honours).

Spurs may nick the win but I suspect it will be closer than you think. The first few weeks of the season for us are a challenge to knit a side together but there have been promising signs already.

We seem to be mocked in some quarters for signing so many players - but the reality is the financial gap between the Premier League and the rest of English football is enormous, unsustainable and in dire need of reform. We needed to invest to create a squad to compete and we have an owner with the means to do so. I believe our recruitment has made sense, fits the way our manager wants us to play and will result in an increasingly competitive team as the season goes on.

Most importantly, we still have a core of players (including several homegrown) who got us promoted in great style and there’s a fantastic positive spirit shared between the fans, the manager and the team. That’s probably our biggest asset, as you’ll feel at the City Ground.
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I’m looking forward to Sunday’s game - the first league fixture against Spurs in 23 years - and seeing players of the calibre of Son and Kane on the famous City Ground pitch.

I find the small-time mentality of slagging off other clubs depressing. (Nothing against the puns though…)

Tottenham are for me a great club not because of trophies won, or qualifying for the Champions League, but down to tradition. I’m of an age where I associate Tottenham with having stylish players and an identity that demanded entertaining football, even when you’ve had very average sides.

Similarly, I don’t think anyone who knows anything about football can call Forest a ‘nothing’ club. (What is a ‘nothing’ club exactly? All clubs have some kind of tradition, irrespective of division or honours).

Spurs may nick the win but I suspect it will be closer than you think. The first few weeks of the season for us are a challenge to knit a side together but there have been promising signs already.

We seem to be mocked in some quarters for signing so many players - but the reality is the financial gap between the Premier League and the rest of English football is enormous, unsustainable and in dire need of reform. We needed to invest to create a squad to compete and we have an owner with the means to do so. I believe our recruitment has made sense, fits the way our manager wants us to play and will result in an increasingly competitive team as the season goes on.

Most importantly, we still have a core of players (including several homegrown) who got us promoted in great style and there’s a fantastic positive spirit shared between the fans, the manager and the team. That’s probably our biggest asset, as you’ll feel at the City Ground.
Mate, we barely said anything about Forest until we saw that forum basically mugging us off and the absolute delusion. You'll also see that we don't really give a fuck and are all just messing around. It'll be a close affair I'm sure. Appreciate you taking the time to log in.

Personally I feel that a team is going to get a thumping from Son as he forces his way into form.
I’m looking forward to Sunday’s game - the first league fixture against Spurs in 23 years - and seeing players of the calibre of Son and Kane on the famous City Ground pitch.

I find the small-time mentality of slagging off other clubs depressing. (Nothing against the puns though…)

Tottenham are for me a great club not because of trophies won, or qualifying for the Champions League, but down to tradition. I’m of an age where I associate Tottenham with having stylish players and an identity that demanded entertaining football, even when you’ve had very average sides.

Similarly, I don’t think anyone who knows anything about football can call Forest a ‘nothing’ club. (What is a ‘nothing’ club exactly? All clubs have some kind of tradition, irrespective of division or honours).

Spurs may nick the win but I suspect it will be closer than you think. The first few weeks of the season for us are a challenge to knit a side together but there have been promising signs already.

We seem to be mocked in some quarters for signing so many players - but the reality is the financial gap between the Premier League and the rest of English football is enormous, unsustainable and in dire need of reform. We needed to invest to create a squad to compete and we have an owner with the means to do so. I believe our recruitment has made sense, fits the way our manager wants us to play and will result in an increasingly competitive team as the season goes on.

Most importantly, we still have a core of players (including several homegrown) who got us promoted in great style and there’s a fantastic positive spirit shared between the fans, the manager and the team. That’s probably our biggest asset, as you’ll feel at the City Ground.

The 'nothing club' thing is only banter because we know that opposition fans come here to peruse so we know it will make them bite. And it worked as usual.

Personally I have never had a problem with Forest, especially the Clough years when they were a fabulous side and deservedly successful.

I stand by my post about the opening day 1978 game though with regards to my experience although I will concede I may have been confused about the numbers we had in Nottingham (which was in the region of 10k) and the actual numbers we had in the ground (which nobody can confirm or deny either way).
Had a dream last night where Colin Wanker was our manager & he asked me to help with tactics , obviously due my huge knowledge built up on Fifa

I told him to start Bissouma over Bentancur, nothing against Benty but I thought we needed more penetration against a team who will try to attack . He suggested Winksy & we got into a fight. , Mick McCarthy ( assistant coach ) had to step in .
I've told this story many times to those that will listen (and even loads that won't) but it is gospel truth.

When we got promoted in 1978 our first game was Forest away. There were many 1000s of us up there (10k plus). Our end was absolutely rammed, dangerously so. Eventually they opened another block for Spurs right up the other end next to their main home stand.

I asked a steward if I could go up there to get out of the crush. He assented. So I am literally walking up the pitch by the touchline and when I get to around the halfway line I see a bod coming down the terrace which alerted my spidey senses...he jumped on the pitch and threw a haymaker at me, I ducked, he missed...a tried to boot him and missed at which point he turned around and jumped back in the stand from whence he came.

I reckon that goes down as the worst fight at a football match of all time. Certainly the 1970s.

Worse than the Hugh Grant/Colin Firth one in Bridget Jones Diary.
Luck you weren’t arrested for a beech of the peace and your attendance trunkated!
Did anyone else growing up in the 90s hate this fixture? I’ve not looked at the stats but it always felt like they had our number during that mid-90s era.

I remember getting stuffed 4-1 (at home I think) with Bryan Roy bagging a couple.

Looking forward to this one. It’s time to step the performances up to match the results.
Even before that they were a pain. Ian Bowyer must have scored 90 per cent of his total career goals against us.
:troll:I’m looking forward to Sunday’s game - the first league fixture against Spurs in 23 years - and seeing players of the calibre of Son and Kane on the famous City Ground pitch.

I find the small-time mentality of slagging off other clubs depressing. (Nothing against the puns though…)

Tottenham are for me a great club not because of trophies won, or qualifying for the Champions League, but down to tradition. I’m of an age where I associate Tottenham with having stylish players and an identity that demanded entertaining football, even when you’ve had very average sides.

Similarly, I don’t think anyone who knows anything about football can call Forest a ‘nothing’ club. (What is a ‘nothing’ club exactly? All clubs have some kind of tradition, irrespective of division or honours).

Spurs may nick the win but I suspect it will be closer than you think. The first few weeks of the season for us are a challenge to knit a side together but there have been promising signs already.

We seem to be mocked in some quarters for signing so many players - but the reality is the financial gap between the Premier League and the rest of English football is enormous, unsustainable and in dire need of reform. We needed to invest to create a squad to compete and we have an owner with the means to do so. I believe our recruitment has made sense, fits the way our manager wants us to play and will result in an increasingly competitive team as the season goes on.

Most importantly, we still have a core of players (including several homegrown) who got us promoted in great style and there’s a fantastic positive spirit shared between the fans, the manager and the team. That’s probably our biggest asset, as you’ll feel at the City Ground.
It is a joke pal. You guys are a miserable bunch.
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