Other matches thread 2014-15

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Sadly, Welbeck is making Lvg look like a right cunt

Typical Woolwich this, the average result, the great result, the bad result rinse and repeat in group stages, finish second (as like in league they cant face ever being top dog, always do just enough) then get knocked out next round, and Wenger will call that another successful season
You forget ... We're cursed for being Spursy at such occasions.
...exactly... Pardew will be sacked the minute the 0-6 defeat to ArseAnal is over, and a Triple Management Dream Team of Keegan-Shearer-Beardsley will take over the day before we play them... catapulting them to a CL Place finish, at our expense!!
My brother the gooner is actually doing the fan live match tweet today on the front page of the scum website. Jesus.
He was on about how his 4-0 score prediction was coming true right when Sczezny got sent off and they conceded a penalty.
Someone was laughing that Woolwich payed 16m for Welbeck and even now regardless how you rate him i'm not sure anyone can argue they didn't get a very good deal especially considering the premium you normally pay for English talent.
Pity we couldn't land Welbeck in favour of the waster Ade - would come back to bite us, imv

Yeh maybe but he's hardly great most of the time he does little we really lack a top quality striker, remy, benteke or ba would make us better no doubt but we missed all of them. Kane's gonna be good in a few years maybe but ade and soldado ain't top 4 end off.
Often you see teams like Chelsea and City goalless against weak opposition for most the game, and then they win the game in the second half, often in the last 20 minutes or so.
Yet you still get Spurs fans who melt if we're not winning by half time.
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