Spurs Vs Liverpool - Saturday 30th 17:30

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Should we offer to replay the match?

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"Well done boys, good process" will be forever etched in my memory.

And to make sure that it doesn't, I just added it as my custom title for this forum.

Edit: Foul throw. He doesn’t have both feet on the ground until after he throws the ball half way up the pitch to Salah. Goal never should have stood, significant human error, justice was served.

I’m exploring all options and even starting a petition to petition the unjust corruption in the PGMOL to retract their statement on the incorrectly allowed disallowed check complete offside no goal due to a foul in the build up play. And I want the close up slow motion video analysis to prove once and for all that the PGMOL does not even know what constitutes a foul throw because no one actually gives a shit about them.
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This is Oscar Worthy...the script-writing, the performance, just beautiful...

Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals
Second viewing: I've only just made it up to the red card. The foul against Bissouma was around 23:30.

We literally had possession of the ball for over a minute prior to this foul, knocking the ball around the middle half. A foul against, a throw-in for.

We spent the first 20 minutes with the majority of possession, much in our own third. But we had some lovely counterattacks of our own, and I thought their front three were starting to press less, as we were passing through their press easier.

I thought it was clear that their main chances were off of our turnovers.

They seemed to be unable to deal with our press once they realized that van de Ven (and Udogie TBH) were faster than any of theirs, and throughballs/over-the-top were more-often-than-not a turnover.

I'm curious to see some stats up to the red card.

Edit: Found it. You can toggle the time. At 23:30, Spurs had 57% possession, Liverpool had 2 shots on goal.

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No not them as there’s currently a fight between Sky Crime and Sky Witness as to who will get it…as for terrestrial, it’s looking like it will be recreated as a Christmas special for Silent Witness…

There is also the possibility that Sky will launch a brand new channel, Sky Victims, just for this…
Expect a feature length coming of age, against the odds Hollywood flick at some stage too. Working title is VarCity Reds...

... I'll get me coat
Aside from the audio being one of the funniest things I've ever heard, this part of the PGMOL statement interested me:

The VAR team then gave consideration as to whether the game could be stopped at that point, however the VAR and AVAR concluded that the VAR protocol within the Laws of the Game would not permit that to happen, and they decided intervention was not possible as play had restarted.

So, they made a mistake - that happens, refs and VAR teams make mistakes every weekend, we all know that, so presumably that's not the issue. The issue is presumably why they didn't stop the game 10 seconds later and put it right. I originally assumed that would obviously have been the right thing to do, i.e. to contact the ref to stop the game, apologise for the error, ok so 30 seconds of football would have been played since then, but on balance everyone on both sides would have accepted that and possibly even found it quite funny - certainly harmless to the game anyway.

However the bit in italics above suggests that actually the VAR and AVAR may, depending on the VAR protocol, have actually done the right thing. Perhaps the protocol says that once the game has been restarted after a VAR confirmation one way or other, you can't go back, otherwise where does it end? Could a decision from the first half be changed during the second half? Etc. So perhaps having made a huge error (which as I say happens one way or another every weekend), they couldn't correct it after the restart without breaking the VAR protocol (which is pretty much the exact opposite of what the Liverpool fans are saying, i.e. that not stopping the game 30 seconds after to correct the error is a breach of the rules etc).

So whilst the whole VAR process is clearly from the audio an absolute shambles generally, with insufficient clarity of communication etc, I'm not actually sure that either the VAR or AVAR have done anything wrong other than the initial horrendous blunder.

If that makes sense? :/
It’s actually almost exactly like the handball on Sissoko in the CL final - it was clearly a mistaken call, but because of the way the rule was written VAR didn’t couldn’t overturn what was obviously an incorrect call without ignoring the rules that prevent common sense from being used there.
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