Summer 2015 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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Ward-Prowse is no better then Pritchard, lets be real. Pritchard is better then Ward-Prowse at the one thing JWP is good at and that's set pieces.

Moussa Sissoko for me would be such a good signing though. Absolute animal.

maybe. but i dont know how u can be so sure pritchards better than JWP when he hasnt played in the premiership yet.

The only likely way to offload Ade without paying off his contract is maybe a swap deal with Liverpool for Balotelli.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Spurs offered so many deals to Adebayor to leave but he&#39;s turned them all down. Become a bit of stand-off. Think he wants contract paid up</p>&mdash; Jason Burt (@JBurtTelegraph) <a href="">June 29, 2015</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The back page of tomorrow&#39;s Mirror. Benteke in, Adebayor out? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Spurs Web (@thespursweb) <a href="">June 29, 2015</a></blockquote>
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The only likely way to offload Ade without paying off his contract is maybe a swap deal with Liverpool for Balotelli.

I don't know if I could root for balotelli, even if he played for us.
maybe. but i dont know how u can be so sure pritchards better than JWP when he hasnt played in the premiership yet.
Pritchards end product is infinitely better. I'm willing to bet you now that Pritchard will score and assist more than JWP will this season.
If I was shit at my job, I'd be sacked. Soldado, Ade, Paulinho etc should thank their lucky stars for agents and drunk chairmen.
When signed though they weren't shit at their job. Paulinho was signed on the back of solid performances in South America as well as being the third best player in the Confederations Cup. Soldado was signed after being the best striker in world football not playing for a top club winning titles and we signed Adebayor following a fourth place finish and top goalscoring season with us.

I imagine you've never been in a job where it'd cost millions upon millions to actually sack you. The best you can hope for is that after a few years of your stock plummeting you can get someone to pay more than your current value. Like getting £10,000,000 for Paulinho and some of the numbers branded around for Soldado
Because signing a player from another league doesn't mean they'll fail. Vertonghen, Hugo, eriksen, even dier did well his first season. Chadli did well in his second season. I believe lamela will come good too. If you get the right player in the right system, they'll succeed. Just because we've signed some duds in the past doesn't mean they'll all be bad.
I agree there should be a mixture of age, personality and experience in the team and I also agree that signing only from the British Isles is no guarantee of success. I do think it helps if a player knows the culture and language though.

One thing I'm not in agreement with is Lamela. Fine, he may come good, but I want thirty goals per season, every season, from someone that cost that much money. For that cash, you have to hit the ground running, not come good in season three.
Does anyone remember a couple of years ago when we all got serious hardons because we signed seven pretty expensive foreign players.
What the fucking fuck? Is there nobody except MS (can't spell his name) or Benteke that play at a level below us, would improve our squad, and have English football experience?
Charlie Austin. A steal.
Don't know who this guy is....

If you are asking about Burt ...
He has a decent track record of information. Apparently was a friend of AVB or someone in that company. But ever since AVB left, who knows how Burt gets his info. But tbf, I think he was one of the first to call out Paulo's China move.

The only likely way to offload Ade without paying off his contract is maybe a swap deal with Liverpool for Balotelli.

Honestly, I can't wait enough for the day when he leaves our club. I use to defend him a lot, but now, I reckon that even the biggest Ade fans would probably have a hard time supporting his actions. If some people here thought the celebrations for Paulo's departing were over the top, wait until Ade leaves.

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