Summer 2021 - Transfer Thread

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I'm a bit meh. Not a terrible window. Kept our best player, new contract for our other best player, moved on some good ageing players. Got a new RB, Defender and Attacker. I was hoping we would get a new midfielder and a forward, but I hope for that every year.
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Ha how quickly have people changed their minds on Contracts to suit their pro levy agenda!

How predictable that you haven't got the balls to tag and call out any of the poster's you're trying to snide-ishly mug off....
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maybe if we can recoup some of that fortune we paid for ndombelly we can get that playmaker we need in jan.
Here's hoping!

Or maybe the transfer window will be a reality check for him that when he leaves us it won't be for a bigger club / contract. It's such a shame as you can see flashes of brilliance, but I just get the feeling he'd prefer to be ambling about in a slower league. I suspect he will be out on loan in January window.
Fixed that for you .... ;)

Keeping Kane good use of club maintaining contract - Binning Aurier good use of club ending contract .... how that's not good management only the same old whiners seem to believe that.
Completely missed my point & what I was saying I’m afraid. Where have I changed my minds on contracts to suit my anti levy agenda? Please show me? Bet you don’t! More lies as per usual
wwe what GIF

He said "are we going to win the league or what
Don't really get some of the posts in this thread saying our window was a disaster.

We've brought in some pretty promising young players, headlined by the likes of Romero and Gil.

We've managed to shift a lot of our deadwood out of the squad.

I don't know, it's not a smashing success of a window but to call it awful is a bit strange to me.
Completely missed my point & what I was saying I’m afraid. Where have I changed my minds on contracts to suit my anti levy agenda? Please show me? Bet you don’t! More lies as per usual

I commented on what you said - I have no idea what your anti-Spurs thought process was - to me keeping Kane was good getting rid of Aurier was good ... not sure how that plays into your pro-Levy narrative, it's all about being pro Spurs, or do you not think that?
Here are the like for like changes we made...

Toby out, Romero in
Aurier out, Emerson in
Lamela out, Gil in
Hart out, Gollini in

Besides that we...

-Shipped out an absolute wage thief in Sissoko
-Bought a promising young talent in Sarr
-Made a nice profit on Foyth

I honestly think you're just a negative person if you think that's a disaster.
Here are the like for like changes we made...

Toby out, Romero in
Aurier out, Emerson in
Lamela out, Gil in
Hart out, Gollini in

Besides that we...

-Shipped out an absolute wage thief in Sissoko
-Bought a promising young talent in Sarr
-Made a nice profit on Foyth

I honestly think you're just a negative person if you think that's a disaster.
It's a decent shift, it's pretty much impossible to turn over a squad quickly with these idiotic transfer windows.

I don't think any other window will be much different than this one the system is very much designed to restrict mass clear-outs and rapid squad turnover so this sort of window is what you'll get.
Emerson is a loan with an obligation to buy, Tomiyasu's club demanded large part of the fee upfront

It has fuckall to do with quality, it was about the payment structure.
No it’s not a loan. We are already at 2 loans which is the max allowed.

It’s almost like you need something to bitch about so you just make something up or believe the first complaint you read on Twitter.
I commented on what you said - I have no idea what your anti-Spurs thought process was - to me keeping Kane was good getting rid of Aurier was good ... not sure how that plays into your pro-Levy narrative, it's all about being pro Spurs, or do you not think that?
I was commenting on how we view contracts have shifted 180 to suit support of levy. Complete contraction. It wasn’t about anything else, you made it about something else. We see it all differently anyway, you see me as anti Spurs, I see you as the same but pro levy/enic. I see you as a supporter of them first & foremost.

Anyway, you are telling people to die & are really angry tonight so I am going to let you release your hate on others. Going to swerve you sorry.
Don't really get some of the posts in this thread saying our window was a disaster.

We've brought in some pretty promising young players, headlined by the likes of Romero and Gil.

We've managed to shift a lot of our deadwood out of the squad.

I don't know, it's not a smashing success of a window but to call it awful is a bit strange to me.
Serious Personal insults & abuse to people who don’t agree with you is stranger!
Anyone who is still Levy in after this shit show of a summer is an enemy of THFC

8th choice manager after the most embarrassing and incompetent managerial search in the world effectively stating winning trophies is not a priority as much as making profit. We’ve hired a glorified yes man who’s fluke wins have papered over the cracks. I actually feel sorry for him as he was lied to as

The ESL lies and lack of apology

Failing to address key areas in the squad all summer

Failing to eliminate rats and deadwood from the team

Hiring what seems to be a grossly incompetent DOF

Ending up with less depth than 12 months ago which was our worst season in a decade

Making a shameless video full of lies about heavy investment in the squad this summer - none of which has come true and we’ve actually ended up making a profit on our wage bill

Confirming beyond all reasonable doubt their business model is about maximizing dividend returns and not winning silverwate

Parastic cunts - OUT NOW
I was commenting on how we view contracts have shifted 180 to suit support of levy. Complete contraction. It wasn’t about anything else, you made it about something else. We see it all differently anyway, you see me as anti Spurs, I see you as the same but pro levy/enic. I see you as a supporter of them first & foremost.

again - what are you on about? what's a "complete contraction" ... what does that even mean?

It's not a 180% shift to think Kane staying is good and Serge leaving is also good .... nor does it have feck all to do with being a Levy supporter.

Your argument has more holes than a swiss cheese ... how does supporting two very positive Spurs decisions make you pro anyone? .... the only person taking a stance here is you being both anti-Levy and anti-Spurs ... or do you claim that keeping Kane and losing Serge were in fact bad decisions for our club?
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