Summer Transfer Thread 2023! - Closed (Maybe)

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Btw seen some posts saying Johnson is like Kyogo and will maybe play #9.

Anyone seen enough Celtic and Johnson to comment?
Some last season. BJ is not the same. Doesn't have the movement in and around the box to be that player. Not saying he can't learn, but he doesn't have it right now. Affirmed by Forest fan on WeAreTottenhamTV a little earlier. Also terrible at heading the ball.

Equally you might as well pack Richy's bags if a 22 yo winger / right sided forward takes his place.
I have been ringing around locally and thi k I have a solution to our Ndombele problem.

Levy negotiated it down to £1 a month payable quarterly in arrears.
Someone like Bella Kotchap for example has way more experience than Phillips but would still count as u21

Thought he was older than that by now.....

(I wasn't suggesting Phillips was the solution; more that we might have to look for older that 20yo to tick the experience box.)

......My mind keeps coming back to Tosin, but if he's happy to stay as Fulham sub and then walk for free; rather than come here, there's all sorts of red flags.
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Liverpool are going to get 200m for fucking Salah. Ffs.
This speculation on your part or are there whispers?

Shit, if I were them I would've jumped at the 100 and 150 offers. Kudos to them if they can make it happen at 200M but they should ship him out (a season or two ago).
What I said is that people called both average, I reiterated my point by saying people here criticised both, calling Vicario a second rate (or third rate!) keeper, saying VDV defends like Dier. This supports my initial point, that people here calling players average does not mean that they are average.
The critics are average!

Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg has just turned down Fulham because he only wants to play for Atletico Madrid.

Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg has just turned down Atletico Madrid because he only wants to play for Real Madrid.

Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg has just turned down Real Madrid because he only wants to play for the Gods of Valhalla.

Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg has just turned down the Gods of Valhalla because he only wants to play for Multiverse Utd.

Just fuck off or stay you Nordic fanny.
Depressed about your football team and Depression in real life are different.

Yes and claiming the former with such fevered melodrama cheapens the plight of the latter......

There's other ways for one to get their rant in.

(At the beginning of the window the bloke claimed to be a very middling, objective and un-emoted poster......... He's rapidly shown himself to be one of the biggest drama queens on the forum! .....He's constantly doing the above shit.)
No movement on Ndombele then.... ?
I actually hope not and him and dier can sit and do fuck all till January and come then there will be less teams want them. Fucking disgraceful how footballers don’t actually want to play nowadays. They’d rather sit and say they are at a big club earning big wages but do fuck all. I hope these types fucking rot. Rant over. Who we signing anyway?
About N'dombele, Ange seems like a pretty inspiring guy. Could it be possible (I know, probably not) that he can inspire N'dombele to actually start caring, take care of his body and mind and that he after Christmas some time can be a positive injection? I guess it's our only hope after today?
Ive only seen Johnson a few times, looks decent but is he what we need at the moment? Right now, we (IMO) need good cover at CB and a replacement (obviously not as good) for Kane. Im all for building the squad, sorting issues with HG quotas (isnt he Welsh though... do the boys from the valleys count to HG quota?) but id rather we address the glaring issues first
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