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You can legally play with more physicality than what we showed earlier. No one said anything about getting sent off. FFS do I really need to spell that out? Use your Jedi common sense.

I find myself wanting to believe more than I think we will. I will say if Eriksen plays I think we have a punchers chance.

Personally, reluctantly, I'm not kidding myself. We've been let down a lot in big games this season and it's torture.

In honesty, I dread playing big games under Sherwood. We were a defensive team under AVB and I had more faith in our defence - with the way the team plays now, we seem to have abandoned that and play with a little naivety. I think that naivety is getting us found out.

I know we had heavy defeats under AVB this season too, but they seemed like blips. Losing heavily to top 4 now seems like it's an expectation. If you get what I mean..
I've thought long and hard about this so on a personal basis with my " effing hell something has got to go my way soon " Here's 12 reasons that make me cry.
1. Lose 3 0 to Pikeys
2. Lose 6 1 to Citeh
3. Lose 5 0 to scouse
4. Lose 5 1 to Citeh
5. Lose 4 0 to WL scum
6. Lost the Ashes 5 0
7. Lost ODI's 3 0
8. Lost T20's 2 1
9. Lost to France
10. France lose to Ireland
11. Afflicted by Gout in my foot this week . One of the most painful experiences ever. Wouldn't wish it on anyone ( except Woolwich wankers)
12. Sliced thumb knuckle with carving knife last weekend
I live at no 13 so 13 is lucky for me!
Walker Kaboul Vertonghen Rose
Sandro Dembele
Lennon Eriksen Townsend
You said "I would like a few tackles flying in tomorrow". That implies you want tackles off the ground. Tackles that start of off the ground usually end up as red cards...

I'm not sure he meant flying in a literal sense.. "flying into tackles" is a fairly common phrase.
I've thought long and hard about this so on a personal basis with my " effing hell something has got to go my way soon " Here's 12 reasons that make me cry.
1. Lose 3 0 to Pikeys
2. Lose 6 1 to Citeh
3. Lose 5 0 to scouse
4. Lose 5 1 to Citeh
5. Lose 4 0 to WL scum
6. Lost the Ashes 5 0
7. Lost ODI's 3 0
8. Lost T20's 2 1
9. Lost to France
10. France lose to Ireland
11. Afflicted by Gout in my foot this week . One of the most painful experiences ever. Wouldn't wish it on anyone ( except Woolwich wankers)
12. Sliced thumb knuckle with carving knife last weekend
I live at no 13 so 13 is lucky for me!

Obviously not laughing at the gout my dad gets that but fuck your right not being great sporting wise for a while
So theoretically our team could be:

Naughton - Vertonghen - Fryers - Rose
Paulinho - Bentaleb
Lennon - Eriksen - Townsend
Jesus christ.. Let's hope those fitness tests are passed!​
But if we lost but got to see him do one of his cracking Bass solos while playing at the back for us, that would feel like a win
Or he could remove his bass, swing it by the neck and clobber Giroud round the back of the head.....that would even supass ' the sun goes down' as their best hit.....
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