Tottenham Hotspur v Chelscum - FA Cup Semi Final

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Wasn't able to watch the game..what was the issue? Conceding four doesn't look good on paper. Choking again or just bad luck?
They scored a great freekick from a counter attack which exploited our high line. You could argue Lloris should have saved it. After we equalized we had the momentum but never really threatened Curtois. Their penalty was against the run of play plus Moses dived but again came from running at our high line - Conte had set up to exploit that well by picking pace upfront.

After 2:2 again we dominated play but couldn't really convert. Then he brought on Costa and Hazard and the latter changed and won the game for them by scoring and assisting the 4th. That's what world class players do more often than not.

Few points - Conte had set up for counter-attacking play with quick players vs our high line and later use his star players to force us back when tired. I thought it was a good plan and evidently worked. He's not a tactical buffoon as many here believe plus it makes for a great compliment forcing the top PL side to play counter-atracking football against us - massive props

Poch got it very wrong with Son and left wing-back - he was isolated from the game and cost us defensively. It was a poor decision and I believe it had a major impact on the score.

Having said that - we played the better 'football' overall - they were the more clinical. 4th goal was lucky packet but the 3rd was a defensive calamity.
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They scored a great freekick from a counter attack which exploited our high line. You could argue Lloris should have saved it. After we equalized we had the momentum but never really threatened Curtois. Their penalty was against the run of play plus Moses dived but again came from running at our high line - Conte had set up to exploit that well by picking pace upfront.

After 2:2 again we dominated play but couldn't really convert. They he brought on Costa and Hazard and the latter changed and won the game for them by scoring and assisting the 4th.

Few points. Conte had set up for counter-attacking play with quick players vs our high line and later use his star players to force us back when tired. I thought it was a good plan and evidently worked.

Poch got it very wrong with Son and left wing-back - he was isolated from the game and cost us defensively. It was a poor decision and I believe it had a major impact on the score.

Having said that - we played the better 'football' overall - they were the more clinical. 4th goal was lucky packet but the 3rd was a defensive calamity.

Perfect summary from King Troll Archy!
You have a career as a journalist awaiting for you.
Proof that good trolling requires a high IQ, something lesser trolls on here don't possess.
Seems to be a lot of remorse towards Pochettino, which I think is undeserved.

Granted Sonny is not a LWB, but that position has pretty much become a LM with our we set up. He wanted to take the game to Chelsea and try and pin Moses back. It didn't quite work out, but with no LB available then he had no choice. Sure Walker could have started, what if he got injured? You'd all be in pandemonium that he shouldn't have started.

Poch has taken us from struggling to finish 5-6th to top 4 regulars and playing the best football in the league. He's allowed a mistake now and again, all managers are.

It's something he'll learn from.
Think a bit too much blame is being aimed at Poch for playing Son wing back.

Davies apparently wasn't fit to play so there wasn't really much else he could do. People will say "play vertonghen there" but that would have disrupted our defence even more.

The penalty was obviously infuriating but A) he dived and B) would davies have even kept up with the counter attack if he'd been playing?

The Rose injury has proven very costly.
Wembley hasn't been kind to us this season. In the last two games we have dominated in possession and looked like the "better" side for most of the game. But once again we failed to take the lead and some boneheaded-penalties really hurt our chances of winning.
Something really pissing me off is Shearer saying we blew a good chance with Costa, Hazard and Fabrigas not playing. As if it was a weakened side.

It wasn't weakened. Their team selection was a reflection of how good we are and testimony to how scared of us they are. Conte knew they couldn't play their usual game and match us up so he picked pace instead hoped they could hit us on the counter. It worked but they got very lucky with it.

It was every bit as smash and grab as their hollow champions league title.

One final thing that also pisses me off is Chelsea cunts saying after the game that they were the better team because they won. The same fans probably delude themselves into thinking they were the best side in the CL that year too.

They're a piss pot chav club that won the lottery. They haven't worked for or earned anything they've won since and have zero class because if it.
Here's my take on the game.

They started with three nailed on first team players out.

For some reason Poch decided that Davies would start on the bench, (if he picked up a knock why the fuck is he on the bench). Poch changed a winning side.

They have a team where no player has signed up to lose a semi final 4-2, and we have no player on the bench that can come on and make a shits difference to the game.

It hurts me to say it but they were the better team, coached better and have some World class players up front, midfield, defence and at goalkeeper. We do not, but we have some very good ones.

We need to invest in this team and whether we spend big or not is irrelevant but we have to have sufficient strength in depth, something we are lacking in spades.

Flame away you fuckers.

Good post Preacher, I think:
Para 1. Poch was forced into it - if he wasn't it was a surprising move that, in hindsight, was a poor decision
Para 2. That's the hardest para to take and it hurts to admit it, but I think you're essentially right. First part comes with experience of winning. Second part - I want Erik back, and I think Vinny and KGN should have been given more game time and confidence.
Para 3. Yes, but that's because their players are 30 and are bought in developed, and ours are 24 and developing - we will become a better side than they are
Para 4. No, wrong. We absolutely do not 'need to spend big', we are not Chavski where success is just bought and I do not want to become them. If that means occasional days of pain like this, then so be it. Bring in 2 Billy Big-bolllox £110k wage pricks into this team and the spirit goes and it'a all been for nothing.
We are Tottenham - I'd rather be us than them.
WE ARE TOTTENHAM- I'd rather be us than them here,here :tobyarm: though I never live to see us win a championship or dominate English football, I take satisfaction in knowing my team is trying to do it the right way......heart ruling my head perhaps but that's the way it is.
feel there were lots of niggly little fouls on Dele & Kane that ref didn't give, which broke up the flow of our game

That's always been part of chelsea's game plan - the niggly fouls stopping the opposition flow. They're very good at it and if you have a weak/poor referee they can use it to dictate the pace of the game.

That's the one thing you can say about Chelsea since the russian money came flooding in - they have technically gifted, intelligent, big game players that take instruction well.
I must agree it was disappointing to see so many of our number skulk away with more than 10 mins to
...and weren't the BBC only more than happy to show it... and show it... and show it again...!!

The whole 'Spurs will let you down' narrative that some have mentioned will no doubt be wheeled out again by the media (Shearer has already started it) doubt, as and when Chelsea win the league, it will be 'cos of us 'falling at the last hurdle'... as if anyone genuinely expects us to overhaul them...? Their home games alone will see them over the line... whereas we 'only have to win' all our remaining games, 3 London derbies, and Man Utd at home thrown in amongst them... yeah, piece of piss... we're obviously bottlers of the highest order if we don't finish the job now!

Yesterday pissed me off for so many different reasons... we were the better team... we played catch-up from the 5th minute, and only just let them slip away with 10 to go... (despite what a 4-2 scoreline suggests) their 3 shots on target/4 goals and 1 corner/1 goal stat (or whatever the fuck it was) just screams impossible...
The penalty that was a dive... and the horrible niggly fouls from them that went unpunished... I assume it was Matic's first goal since he played under-12's football or summit... he's probably never gonna hit another one like that in his life... yet chose us to do it against.

...Oh, and I assume they chose a minute's applause rather than a minute's silence 'cos they couldn't trust Chelsea fans not to shut up for 60 seconds to respect the opposition... and we wouldn't want them being put in a bad light on TV... not with all us racist 'Yiddos' in attendance...

...talking of which, Ugo... Sorry that we were able to play the game of our lives, yet still not win it for you.

Life is harsh... but sometimes football is a real cunt!
I think experience/maturity won the day - We'll get there if we can keep this team together!
Which SKY and the Football media will now make it their sole aim to ensure that we don't!!

Cue the Dier/Dele/Lloris/Walker-Rose/Kane rumours to gather momentum any day now...

We'll be left with Janssen, Sissoko and Son if the Press had their way... and they only leave Son alone 'cos they can't believe anyone from South Korea can be that good and in demand!!
Not enough in our attack was our undoing. We were great on the ball but only in areas they wanted us.

I only remember Courtois making one save at the end from Kane's free kick that nearly squeezed in.

To many times we didn't try and slip in the through ball, or have a dig.

You don't shoot, you don't score.
Their last goal was a good example of the difference yesterday.

Dembele would have trapped that, and turned around a few times before laying it wide.

Fuck it, done and dusted now, we go again and see if Southampton can do us a massive favour. Still possible to have the last laugh.
Seems to be a lot of remorse towards Pochettino, which I think is undeserved.

Granted Sonny is not a LWB, but that position has pretty much become a LM with our we set up. He wanted to take the game to Chelsea and try and pin Moses back. It didn't quite work out, but with no LB available then he had no choice. Sure Walker could have started, what if he got injured? You'd all be in pandemonium that he shouldn't have started.

Poch has taken us from struggling to finish 5-6th to top 4 regulars and playing the best football in the league. He's allowed a mistake now and again, all managers are.

It's something he'll learn from.

Davies was on the bench though? Not sure if he was injured. Just don't think our subs really made an impact. Almost feels like it did the opposite. Trust poch but would like to know why Davies didn't start instead.

Fucking mind numbingly fucking stupid from Son.

Fucking idiot.

Even the most positive person would see that coming from 2 goals down in 45 minutes against a Conte team is pretty much unheard of.

Let's cut out the excuses yeah? Fucking hell.

Wednesday is where we see how far we've come as a club.


Match Thread - Tottenham Hotspur v Chelscum - FA Cup Semi Final
And what have I said above that's wrong?

a) It was mind numbingly stupid.
b) It was idiotic
c) Whilst it was a typo and we were only a goal down, I was right. We couldn't do it.
d) Too many excuses going round as to why we lost, ultimately we weren't clinical enough.
e) Correct.
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