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Chavski will lose big time






just for the record, this would be the same chav scum team which spent £100 mil in the summer adding to it's squad, and has currently only dropped two points from their first seven games.

Vile, scumbag chav cunts they may be, but they will probably be adding unjustified smugness to the equation by the end of the game.

They and their team exemplify all that they represent of football 'in the modern era' they promote facile and vacuous behaviour in their players and fans alike.

Zero chance of a win for spurs on this one which is a shame as I'd love to see AVB lead the team to a monumentally raping of his former employer.

But then I also wish for logic to prevail amongst the general public.

And when we lose I am blaming sammy also, should have let T do it.

I see what you're doing here ;)
Is Walker injured?
Read one sentence in the paper that he may pull out of the England squad.
No full backs! This is getting interesting....







Hmm, there are going to be some very disappointed people this weekend.

I would actually rate our chances better away from home currently, but with the injuries we are accumulating it makes the prospect of even a draw slightly suspect.

As much as I would love for us to turn over the scumbag chavs, they still have a team which includes Mata, Hazard, Oscar and Torres. LAst season I would have had more hope, but buying the CL trophy and degrading it's comparatively short history has spurred them on to to try and buy another league title

Especially now their Russian godfather has got the pesky court case out of the way and won, he has a few more $ and £ to fritter away, so he may as well retain his legal team to fight any FFP sanctions in the future and carry on spending.

Optimism is all well and good, but allow me to reign it in slightly, it will hurt less when we lose to a freak goal by a centre back who has only ever scored a couple of times before, or when Sandro gets red carded for breathing on Mata (who must have learnt how to ply his trade in a blue shirt by now) and we fight galliantly with 10 men only to concede 3 goals in quick succession in the second half.
No full backs! This is getting interesting....







too narrow defensively. too exposed by lack of LB will give their right wing too much space to operate in.

I would be more inclined to suggest dropping Hud in along side Daws if using above personnel, with a more conventional 4-4-1-1. Either way we're fucked by a lack of FB's.

Townsend played at FB on loan a few times from (my very poor and sketchy) memory, maybe an option?
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