West Ham Knuckle Dragging Pikeys v Tottenham Hotspur. Sat 23rd November 12-30 : Live from Billy Smart’s Circus Tent.

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For the fans of stats:

These were the average playing positions against Sheffield:

And the shot zones against Sheffield:

These were the average playing positions against West Ham:

And the shot zones against West Ham:
It's the wierdest thing, as a Spanish speaker I can read Portuguese without too much problem but can barely understand a word when it's spoken. African and Brazilian speakers are a bit easier but those from Portugal itself sound almost Russian, as you say
I am Italian, and I feel the same about Portuguese language (with Spanish, completely different, even if I can't speak it)
It's all very enjoyable laughing at their demise and remind them that they are not west ham anymore, but i's also disappointing that this fixture is such a pile of shit as well. The day of this game in the past used to be a real intense day, the atmosphere in the air was always immense.
The ultimate dare used to be walking round their ground without getting noticed or spotted as a Spurs fan now you can walk in amongst them and freely around the entire area unchallenged. It's totally lost it's edge and is a bit of an embarrassment from their side.

That said, I will continue to take the piss constantly and remind them that they sold their soul.. That chant along with you're not west ham anymore annoys hem more than anything..

They really are a pathetic, sad shit stain of a club and an embarrassment to English football..

Rot in hell Pikey Boys..
I remember having to get of two stops before west ham station. Sometimes i would just change platform and get on the first train back. I just couldn't deal with it.
Talk about bad luck. I have two Liverpool supporters who flew over yesterday to share the weekend with me. It was going to be a boozy day with Spurs, then Liverpool match followed by the City game.
Hit the pubs at 12 noon....fucking power cut everywhere. No internet or TV . Came back on just before Liverpool game started. I was bouncing... just arrived home and trying to stay awake to watch MOTD.
For the fans of stats:

These were the average playing positions against Sheffield:

And the shot zones against Sheffield:

These were the average playing positions against West Ham:

And the shot zones against West Ham:
Shot zones has gone from the majority outside the bix to inside the box. Why? No more patient, tedious build up play and playing out trom the back. It always gifted the other team time to set their defence up. Under Poch we were dependent on ability. Under Mourinho we also get tactical advantage.

It was a great frustration of mine for well over a year that Poch did not evolve from his ponderous build up play. It made everything hard and limited us.
Talk about bad luck. I have two Liverpool supporters who flew over yesterday to share the weekend with me. It was going to be a boozy day with Spurs, then Liverpool match followed by the City game.
Hit the pubs at 12 noon....fucking power cut everywhere. No internet or TV . Came back on just before Liverpool game started. I was bouncing... just arrived home and trying to stay awake to watch MOTD.
It’s on a bit earlier tonight. 10.20.
Had a couple of hitler salutes, and just the two where’s your foreskin signs.
I'm having a good chuckle trying to picture how someone could possibly mime "where's your foreskin".

I mean first you'd have to establish there's a penis because you can't refer to foreskin without first establishing a relation to the penis. So do you do the classic wanker sign first? You can't point to your crotch cause that wouldn't be visible. And even if you could establish the penis, how could you make it clear you're now referring to an inch of skin on the tip. I suppose you could mime the snipping, but do you go with scissors or scalpel? And are you actively searching for the missing skin, are they checking their pockets and under their flat caps?

Btw don't tell me what it looks like, I'm enjoying this. I should go to sleep.
It's all very enjoyable laughing at their demise and remind them that they are not west ham anymore, but i's also disappointing that this fixture is such a pile of shit as well. The day of this game in the past used to be a real intense day, the atmosphere in the air was always immense.
The ultimate dare used to be walking round their ground without getting noticed or spotted as a Spurs fan now you can walk in amongst them and freely around the entire area unchallenged. It's totally lost it's edge and is a bit of an embarrassment from their side.

That said, I will continue to take the piss constantly and remind them that they sold their soul.. That chant along with you're not west ham anymore annoys hem more than anything..

They really are a pathetic, sad shit stain of a club and an embarrassment to English football..

Rot in hell Pikey Boys..
When tottenham sang
' you sold your soul. For this shit hole' you could see the collective wince from space
Were you there today Paddy?
Our stadium is out of this world prooer class. The olympic stadium already showing wear and tear. Its stranded in the midddle of nowhere. I remember going to highbury and always thinking no matter the pricks inside its a proper stadium. Well WHL is now the with out doubt the best ground in london. West ham is fucking awful.
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