Woolwich Scum away Sunday 14 March 4.30pm

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Nobody should be surprised at any of this.

Not even sure who is to blame but the predictability of this is the worst thing.

And we blame Mourinho but our players are absolute frauds.
I hundred per cent agree. Jose has been poor but our players are shit too.Lets face it we're no where near as good as we think. Our ability on the ball is championship level max. No matter who is managing we cannot pass a ball. Along with braindead players its not a good mix
Not like you. It was an honest question
If that was genuinely the case then apologies but I’m just getting fed up with the negativity

It’s been a poor performance and poor selection but some of the comments today are ridiculous
It’s almost as if the whole team agreed to be utter shit today. The only two players who were decent in the first half (Sanchez and Lamela) came out in the second half determined to make up for it. “We can be shit too, mates!”
I hope people realize that we played with similar tactics and won convincingly last time. At some point, the players have to take a lot more blame.
That tactic needs a lot of luck & to be very error free. Very dangerous game to play in modern football. You will lose more than you win playing this way.
Think we need to forget about league position and go all out for europa league now.
Just field Doherty for all the rest of our premier league games, so he can pick up an injury.
Harsh but either play him as a wingback or not at all

Coco gets three games ban now?
What annoys me the most and I am sure I speak for others here.. is that when we do have a go..and I mean really have a go, then we are very good. But most of the time it seems like our tactics are not setup to actually have a go.
Funny how our notoriously defensive manager never seems to want us to play defensively, apparently it’s always our players defying him to do so of their own accord.
Nope. Sometimes the players are not on it as much as the opposition. Doesn't mean they're defying the manager. Means they either thought they could walk it or bricked it
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