Antonio Conte

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"When you start a process you need time and patience. If we understand this time and patience, everybody is ok, otherwise we can lose the passion, the enthusiasm. I don't see another way to the way we are doing. I can't promise in this moment to win trophies for our fans because in this moment we are far to do it. Then if it happens, it will be a plus. I continue to ask for time and patience because we are far from other teams that are used to winning and have a squad strong to win."

Be fucking patient you cunts. The man himself has said it numerous times before, it’s not like he’s using that as an excuse. Both Klopp and Pep have managed their clubs for years, even that cunt Arteta has been given more time than we have with Conte, so be patient. The man will put us back on the map.
Conte on the supporters :

Conte himself said he was "disappointed" by the booing from the home crowd which greeted the half-time whistle.

"First of all, I think we have to show in every moment great respect for our fans because they are our fans, they pay the tickets - at the same time if you ask me if I was a bit disappointed, yes," Conte said.

"When you start a process you need time and patience. If we understand this time and patience, everybody is ok, otherwise we can lose the passion, the enthusiasm. I don't see another way to the way we are doing. I can't promise in this moment to win trophies for our fans because in this moment we are far to do it. Then if it happens, it will be a plus. I continue to ask for time and patience because we are far from other teams that are used to winning and have a squad strong to win."

Conte concluded by saying: "The passion, the enthusiasm is my fuel and I need to have this, this is very, very important for me."

Literally telling our supporters to get behind him and the team and trust the process or he is going to leave essentially.

Some of you are going to get what you wish for and we will be in fucking limbo once again and back out of the CL.

I swear some of our supporters are fucking delusional brats.

"I WANT THE SPURS WAY waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Conte on the supporters :

Conte himself said he was "disappointed" by the booing from the home crowd which greeted the half-time whistle.

"First of all, I think we have to show in every moment great respect for our fans because they are our fans, they pay the tickets - at the same time if you ask me if I was a bit disappointed, yes," Conte said.

"When you start a process you need time and patience. If we understand this time and patience, everybody is ok, otherwise we can lose the passion, the enthusiasm. I don't see another way to the way we are doing. I can't promise in this moment to win trophies for our fans because in this moment we are far to do it. Then if it happens, it will be a plus. I continue to ask for time and patience because we are far from other teams that are used to winning and have a squad strong to win."

Conte concluded by saying: "The passion, the enthusiasm is my fuel and I need to have this, this is very, very important for me."

Literally telling our supporters to get behind him and the team and trust the process or he is going to leave essentially.

Some of you are going to get what you wish for and we will be in fucking limbo once again and back out of the CL.

I swear some of our supporters are fucking delusional brats.

"I WANT THE SPURS WAY waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
If he leaves he's not leaving because a smattering of booing at half time.
If he leaves he's not leaving because a smattering of booing at half time.

If it keeps happening (for reasons he doesn't concur with) then he won't feel as motivated to stay.

Much like his "if I am not the guy to succeed here I will leave" comments after Burnley (A) last year....... He's a pretty straight fwd guy.
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They're all to blame for the shocking football we've played so far this season...Conte, his staff, players, Paratici, the board...all of them.

If we'd not been as lucky as we have, let's be honest, we'd be 7th or 8th at best and certainly out of the CL. Those who still get fooled by our flattering results leave me speechless really.

Like many of you, the one thing that really, reeeeeaaaaallllly gets to me with Conte is how the fuck can he keep playing Emerson when he's been absolute dogshite 90% of his time at Spurs?! Howwwwwwwww?! I don't see Pep or Klopp giving Emerson 2 games, let alone as many as he's had with Conte to date. It's just fucking unreal...
It's, genuinely, disturbing.
Not turning on Conte yet, I want him to at least rebuild the backline. Last thing I want is for him to walk in the summer and the players get another clean slate under a new manager.

It needs to improve though, but I still have patience. I remember Arteta was playing 5atb on the break when he first got to Woolwich. Im expecting us to be better after the world cup and if he thinks hes been properly backed next summer then there needs to be an improvement.

My main worry is Kane's contract, I dont understand why he would re-sign. If he goes, I dont see Conte sticking around.
I dont know, a few hundred fans booing at half time or living in a hotel in London while your wife and daughter are still in Italy. Could easily be either.
But the fact he's living in a hotel after a year in the job suggests to me he doesn't see his long term future here anyway.

He's not short of a few quid, if he's living in a hotel it's because he chooses to.

I'm not Conte out, not even close. I could do without the bleating or laying into fans who pay amongst the highest ticket prices in the country, if not the whole of Europe.
All this "5 at the back" (or even "9 at the back", as I saw some bright spark have it yesterday when the team was announced) is pointlessly misleading, it depends entirely on how you define "at the back".
But the fact he's living in a hotel after a year in the job suggests to me he doesn't see his long term future here anyway.

He's not short of a few quid, if he's living in a hotel it's because he chooses to.

I'm not Conte out, not even close. I could do without the bleating or laying into fans who pay amongst the highest ticket prices in the country, if not the whole of Europe.
I agree, i said it in jest. Pretty sure he's heard all the booing before and its water off a ducks back. Blaming the fans for shit performances is always desperate stuff.
If he leaves he's not leaving because a smattering of booing at half time.
Why do we tend to be the worst supports when it comes to supporting their club? Look at other fans in the league. Liverpool fans always getting behind their team - even to the extent of over blowing their players ability. United getting behind whoever's in charge because they know the problem is above manager level. Even Burnley gave unwavering support to Shaun Dyche!

This man has shown us in his short time what he can do. He just needs backing and support! He's the first person who see's what we need! He's got an entire squad to look after tho - it isn't FIFA!

The absolutely best thing we could do as supporters is belt his name out as loud as possible during our next game and show him our support. If you're not happy with the players you should be outside the training ground making it known to them or preferably Levy / Enic who are responsible for why no manager whoever it might be is ever properly backed for our own expectations.

The fans turning on Conte just 100% gives Enic a get out of jail free card instead of being held accountable for performances on the pitch!

All this "5 at the back" (or even "9 at the back", as I saw some bright spark have it yesterday when the team was announced) is pointlessly misleading, it depends entirely on how you define "at the back".

Morris had us playing 3CBs during the much fabled 16/17 season.

Selective amnesia is rife.
The absolutely best thing we could do as supporters is belt his name out as loud as possible during our next game and show him our support


The fans turning on Conte just 100% gives Enic a get out of jail free card instead of being held accountable for performances on the pitch!

This works both ways though..... Conte ought to be accountable for things within his control.
Why do we tend to be the worst supports when it comes to supporting their club? Look at other fans in the league. Liverpool fans always getting behind their team - even to the extent of over blowing their players ability. United getting behind whoever's in charge because they know the problem is above manager level. Even Burnley gave unwavering support to Shaun Dyche!

This man has shown us in his short time what he can do. He just needs backing and support! He's the first person who see's what we need! He's got an entire squad to look after tho - it isn't FIFA!

The absolutely best thing we could do as supporters is belt his name out as loud as possible during our next game and show him our support. If you're not happy with the players you should be outside the training ground making it known to them or preferably Levy / Enic who are responsible for why no manager whoever it might be is ever properly backed for our own expectations.

The fans turning on Conte just 100% gives Enic a get out of jail free card instead of being held accountable for performances on the pitch!


That's nonsense, all fans have a sense of self entitlement and our support has been questioned, we are no different although I take your point about Liverpool fans who seem to have a togetherness and rally in support of their team, same for Everton, must be something in the water up there.
Chemicals in those hairplug, clearly, effecting his decision making.

On what planet was Emerson and sess the starting WBs for that fucking game???

Can't get over it.

Chemicals in those hairplug, clearly, effecting his decision making.

On what planet was Emerson and sess the starting WBs for that fucking game???

Can't get over it.


Sess @ WB / Perisic @ Lfwd made perfect sense given the injury situ.

Not starting Doherty: madness.
"When you start a process you need time and patience. If we understand this time and patience, everybody is ok, otherwise we can lose the passion, the enthusiasm. I don't see another way to the way we are doing. I can't promise in this moment to win trophies for our fans because in this moment we are far to do it. Then if it happens, it will be a plus. I continue to ask for time and patience because we are far from other teams that are used to winning and have a squad strong to win."

Be fucking patient you cunts. The man himself has said it numerous times before, it’s not like he’s using that as an excuse. Both Klopp and Pep have managed their clubs for years, even that cunt Arteta has been given more time than we have with Conte, so be patient. The man will put us back on the map.

Completely agree, but you know what some of our so called fans are like. Never happy unless they can have a good bastard whinge.

All TRUE spurs fans won't be calling for Conte out.
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