Has Conte Been Sacked Yet?

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When is Conte sacked?

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    Votes: 26 12.3%
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Is it my understanding that a lot of the people on here have been banned from SC. I got banned because I wanted to change my username Fedupyid, so I set up a second account.
I got banned on purpose a couple of years ago. Pretended to love all the ITKs and then I pulled the pin on the grenade a few posts later and asked everyone why the fuck were they paying for inside info that they could just read on twitter. Fun times.
same, not banned. I assume my account is still active

the bullshit "ITK" last summer , especailly one called hotspur88 tipped me other the edge. He'c clearly a no nothing posting shit like "can confirm this is real" after it hits the press, but what really did it was All summer he was saying Eriksen done, my guy tells me its done etc etc. Then when he rocked up at united he was like , I was told it was done! eriksen's agent lied to us all summer. i was told in good faith blah blah

Then when another person called him out on his obvious bullshit he threw a fit, said he wouldnt post anymore (which of course he did moments later) and the rest of the board ganged up and bullied the poster who questioned him until he was banned by the mods.

It was never that bad, you could just ignore the ITK when it was just a couple that would show up at transfer times, but the last couple years there's tons of them popping up in every thread seeking approval and ratings with their fortune cookie wisdom.
awful place
That was one of the reasons I stopped watching We are Tottenham Tv because they kept saying it was done.
There's only one ITK who was always worth listening to and that was JJetset, only cause he is related to Donna Cullen and his stories were most of the time always legit, called the William fiasco before any else if I recall.
12pm is good for announcements

Seth Meyers Please GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
I never understood the ITK thing their records for being right are abysmal. I have known people who worked for Spurs and if they tell you anything they will only continue telling you stuff if you are not going to be a twat and post everything online.

Exactly this. I’ve got a number of friends who work in football. It’s not worth the hassle of saying something that appears online somewhere.

So I know they will keep important information well and truly to themselves because that’s just the professional way to be.
Further to the misconduct discussion earlier, Simon Jordan appears to be firmly convinced that Conte's comments brought the club into disrepute, and if it were him in charge he would be going for sacking without compensation.


Simon Jordan insists Antonio Conte has done enough to be ‘fired without compensation’ by Tottenham.

The ex-Crystal Palace owner believes Conte brought the club into disrepute with his outburst at the weekend, and says that if he was in charge the Italian would already be gone.

The White and Jordan host said on talkSPORT this afternoon: “He set the place on fire and doesn’t want to be there.

“He’s taken a flamethrower to the players, he’s taken a flamethrower to the owners and a certain section of the Tottenham fanbase will say well done you.

“The thing about Conte, his attitude and his outlook, is that he exhibits the ultimate characteristics of a manager who gets paid far too much money for doing far too little.

“I thought he was a nailed on winner, but what he is is anything but that in this current guise.

“I think we’re at a stage now is to say anything he can to get our of the door, and he wants to get paid for doing that.

“Where they’re likely to be today is discussing what to do – is it hanging on with his noisy twit and letting him go at the end of the season, or it is getting rid of him now?

“If it’s gotten even worse behind the scenes and even more things have been said, then you’ve got a situation where somebody should be fired for bringing the club into disrepute, rather than have a debate about whether he’s done enough to get paid off and get out the door.

“If that’s the conversation going on and it was me, he’s done enough to be fired, and fired without compensation.

“There is no doubt that outburst on Saturday puts him into disrepute with the club. No doubt.”
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