Has Conte Been Sacked Yet?

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When is Conte sacked?

  • Tonight

    Votes: 26 12.3%
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    Votes: 63 29.9%
  • Next week

    Votes: 33 15.6%
  • Week of Everton game

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • Is still in charge against Everton

    Votes: 83 39.3%

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Has that A&C guy ever added anything meaningful to the conversation? Everytime I see a post of his he's making some painfully unfunny joke or some stupid unrelated side remark. I don't think I've ever actually seen him post about the actual football match that has taken place.

He banned me for a couple of days for posting an aggregator tweet in a transfer thread. Was apparently against the rules. I complained and got permanently banned. What a life.
Has that A&C guy ever added anything meaningful to the conversation? Everytime I see a post of his he's making some painfully unfunny joke or some stupid unrelated side remark. I don't think I've ever actually seen him post about the actual football match that has taken place.

No he's just a massive twat with an ego the size of Mars, can't speak ill of his precious ITK because it risks cutting their revenue streams and he doesn't get paid at the end of the day, I think there's people still to this day donating to the site purely because they thirst for fake ITK BS even though they speak an untold amount amount of crap and there's been numerous times they've been exposed for stealing other people's sources.

The irony is that he hated Daniel Levy and made up the BSODL term for anyone that defended the club yet he literally ran a dictatorship over there and used to censor anyone he didn't agree with 😆
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Has that A&C guy ever added anything meaningful to the conversation? Everytime I see a post of his he's making some painfully unfunny joke or some stupid unrelated side remark. I don't think I've ever actually seen him post about the actual football match that has taken place.

Used to go on there for the punters thread and A&C contributed on there and he seemed ok but I just didn’t like the whole atmosphere of the football related items

Hercules the biggest cunt on there though and gave me a warning for taking the piss out of Dier running into the stands that time
Whatever he posts he gets massive positive reps for even the most mundane effort
It’s quite amazing and many posters on there contribute by DD!!

I have the odd lurk nowadays but don’t post anymore

No he's just a massive twat with an ego the size of Mars, can't speak ill of his precious ITK because it risks cutting their revenue streams and he doesn't get paid at the end of the day, I think there's people still to this day donating to the site purely because they thirst for fake ITK BS even though they speak an untold amount amount of crap and there's been numerous times they've been exposed for stealing other people's sources.

The irony is that he hated Daniel Levy and made up the BDSOL term for anyone that defended the club yet he literally ran a dictatorship over there and used to censor anyone he didn't agree with 😆
They're basically paying for fanfic, like the actual real world goings on that can be factually observed and reported don't matter to them as long as they can read pretend stories about Spurs maybe signing some unnamed player from somewhere in one hemisphere or another...

It's ridiculous, and I constantly veer between being entertained by it to being annoyed by them in equal measure.
Mr Bean Waiting GIF by MOODMAN
forget their donation scam

itk's gave you some news now pay 20 quid because of it
Apparently the site crashes if too many people use it. It's plastered with ads, but they need users to donate to run the site. Funny how this place doesn't need cash donations. Nor any other forum I've ever been a user on in 20+ years of forums existing.
Some offer a paid for subscription which offers merch and benefits to go with it. Not that site, it's a con and they're killing it.

Get all the simpletons excited and happy by giving them so called ITK
Ban anyone who kills the mood by calling them lying cunts
Turn the server off occasionally and claim they can't keep the hamsters running
Beg for money
Feed the endorphines with more BS ITK
Keep refining the user base by banning non-contributors and/or those who question the validity
Rinse repeat

They should be investigated for fraud IMO
I never understood the ITK thing their records for being right are abysmal. I have known people who worked for Spurs and if they tell you anything they will only continue telling you stuff if you are not going to be a twat and post everything online.
They document the 1 in 100 times they're right about something and delete/deny all the wrongs.
Even their so called very best ITK's get no more than 1 in 100 right. They try to dismiss main stream media, but those people are willing to put their name and face to their stories. More than these basement dwellers.
i left because everyone there kisses itk's ass

dont bother disagreeing with them, you have to like their posts

same, not banned. I assume my account is still active

the bullshit "ITK" last summer , especailly one called hotspur88 tipped me over the edge. He's clearly a no nothing posting shit like "can confirm this is real" after it hits the press, but what really did it was All summer he was saying Eriksen done, my guy tells me its done etc etc. Then when he rocked up at united he was like , I was told it was done! eriksen's agent lied to us all summer. i was told in good faith blah blah

Then when another person called him out on his obvious bullshit he threw a fit, said he wouldnt post anymore (which of course he did moments later) and the rest of the board ganged up and bullied the poster who questioned him until he was banned by the mods.

It was never that bad, you could just ignore the ITK when it was just a couple that would show up at transfer times, but the last couple years there's tons of them popping up in every thread seeking approval and ratings with their fortune cookie wisdom.
awful place
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same, not banned. I assume my account is still active

the bullshit "ITK" last summer , especailly one called hotspur88 tipped me other the edge. He'c clearly a no nothing posting shit like "can confirm this is real" after it hits the press, but what really did it was All summer he was saying Eriksen done, my guy tells me its done etc etc. Then when he rocked up at united he was like , I was told it was done! eriksen's agent lied to us all summer. i was told in good faith blah blah

Then when another person called him out on his obvious bullshit he threw a fit, said he wouldnt post anymore (which of course he did moments later) and the rest of the board ganged up and bullied the poster who questioned him until he was banned by the mods.

It was never that bad, you could just ignore the ITK when it was just a couple that would show up at transfer times, but the last couple years there's tons of them popping up in every thread seeking approval and ratings with their fortune cookie wisdom.
awful place

Come on let's be real, you only left because you refused to eat your pants after your Kane prediction ;)
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