Has Conte Been Sacked Yet?

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When is Conte sacked?

  • Tonight

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • Tomorrow

    Votes: 63 29.9%
  • Next week

    Votes: 33 15.6%
  • Week of Everton game

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • Is still in charge against Everton

    Votes: 83 39.3%

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I never understood the ITK thing their records for being right are abysmal. I have known people who worked for Spurs and if they tell you anything they will only continue telling you stuff if you are not going to be a twat and post everything online.
Exactly this.

I’ve only ever posted a single piece of information I was given ahead of time by my friend who worked at Spurs. I said that we were going to sign a world-class, famous forward on loan. Responses ridiculed me as we had Harry Kane.
We did sign a world-class, ultra-famous forward that week.
Animated GIF
same, not banned. I assume my account is still active

the bullshit "ITK" last summer , especailly one called hotspur88 tipped me over the edge. He's clearly a no nothing posting shit like "can confirm this is real" after it hits the press, but what really did it was All summer he was saying Eriksen done, my guy tells me its done etc etc. Then when he rocked up at united he was like , I was told it was done! eriksen's agent lied to us all summer. i was told in good faith blah blah

Then when another person called him out on his obvious bullshit he threw a fit, said he wouldnt post anymore (which of course he did moments later) and the rest of the board ganged up and bullied the poster who questioned him until he was banned by the mods.

It was never that bad, you could just ignore the ITK when it was just a couple that would show up at transfer times, but the last couple years there's tons of them popping up in every thread seeking approval and ratings with their fortune cookie wisdom.
awful place
That was me had a set to with hotspur88, though I'm not sure it is the instance you are talking about, as I was banned for having a private chat with Trix.

That Hotspur lemon I called out for conflicting information that made no sense. Never called him a liar, just that his info was suspect and explained my logic.

He still threw a hissy fit and threatened to leave.

I got a small ban for telling him not to let the door hit him in the arse on the way out, or words to that effect IIRC.

Contrast to this manager:

Head coach XXXX this week looked to take responsibility, saying: "All those bad aspects from Joao's performances mean I am doing even worse. All his frustrations are caused because I am not capable to give him everything he needs in order to explode that football talent he has."

In a separate interview this past December:
XXXX has said he's responsible for the club's poor start to the season. "We had four players in the World Cup final and three of them played a lot," he said in a news conference on Wednesday when questioned on his squad planning. "We have a good squad. Maybe who isn't doing what they should is the coach. They're the same as last season and similar to those who won the league ... It's the coach more than anything."

Yes, it's Diego Simeone. Someone who has arguably achieved much more than Conte given where Atletico was when he took over and what resources he has to work with. And can manage across multiple competitions. 2 league titles, 2 CL finals, 2 EL trophies, and one Copa Del Rey in 11 years with a team that is much further behind financially from its main rivals than Spurs currently are from our main rivals.

So Antonio "I need a brand new starting XI that cost hundreds of millions to win something" Conte can fuck right off. We won't get Simeone (although we can always dream), but we should be doing our damndest to find the next Diego Simeone.
Manure have won the Europa, FA cup and 2x league cups since SAF has been gone. We would kill to have just one of those cups on our resumé in the last 15 fucking years.
Resorting to whataboutism doesn't detract from the fact that ENIC have been an abject fucking failure as owners. It is not a case of "financial doping", we have nickel and dimed managers time and time and time again when a little extra investment could have generated a massive amount of additional income with the success it brought, but ENIC are cowardly owners and unwilling to take risks on investing in us because they simply don't care about our on-pitch success. As long as our valuation continues to grow, with things like CL participation and general inflation of club valuations, they are more than happy to spend the bare minimum to prevent riots and coast along winning fuck all.
Given where United were, they had better won something in the last 10 years. Were we United to have such expectations? What makes you think we are entitled or even expected to winning trophies? Only in the past 3-4 years have we achieved any sort of parity with the bigger clubs and guess who was mostly responsible for that?

Now is when the expectations should begin to be raised. But all this "we've only won one trophy in the past 25 years," when 20 of those 25 we were way behind the bigger clubs is just delusional.
Contrast to this manager:

Head coach XXXX this week looked to take responsibility, saying: "All those bad aspects from Joao's performances mean I am doing even worse. All his frustrations are caused because I am not capable to give him everything he needs in order to explode that football talent he has."

In a separate interview this past December:
XXXX has said he's responsible for the club's poor start to the season. "We had four players in the World Cup final and three of them played a lot," he said in a news conference on Wednesday when questioned on his squad planning. "We have a good squad. Maybe who isn't doing what they should is the coach. They're the same as last season and similar to those who won the league ... It's the coach more than anything."

Yes, it's Diego Simeone. Someone who has arguably achieved much more than Conte given where Atletico was when he took over and what resources he has to work with. And can manage across multiple competitions. 2 league titles, 2 CL finals, 2 EL trophies, and one Copa Del Rey in 11 years with a team that is much further behind financially from its main rivals than Spurs currently are from our main rivals.

So Antonio "I need a brand new starting XI that cost hundreds of millions to win something" Conte can fuck right off. We won't get Simeone (although we can always dream), but we should be doing our damndest to find the next Diego Simeone.
If we get Diego Simeone my eyes will bleed from the football I will be watching and will probably take a hiatus from watching the games until we bring in an attacking coach.
If we get Diego Simeone my eyes will bleed from the football I will be watching and will probably take a hiatus from watching the games until we bring in an attacking coach.
It can be a tough watch at times, but if we're winning stuff, you won't even notice. Have yet to hear a fan say after his team won a trophy "man, I wish we had played better football than win the game."
If we get Diego Simeone my eyes will bleed from the football I will be watching and will probably take a hiatus from watching the games until we bring in an attacking coach.
No worse than the shit Conte served up. I do not want Simeone but he is a better manager than Conte. Also has won a few more knockout games in the CL than Conte.

They taking the fucking piss?

Yes whoever runs their social media and communications team needs to be sacked because they are awful. They have spent the last three days telling us sweet fa and they announce that they are looking for better fan communication by literally putting together a random Fan Advisory Board.

Maybe if Levy got off his Arse and went and actually spoke to a journalist or even one of the numerous fan channels and actually spoke about Spurs next steps, the fans would not hate the guy as much.

They taking the fucking piss?

Tottenham Hotspur is delighted to welcome today's publication and introduction of the Premier League's Fan Engagement Standard (FES). Agreed by clubs in November 2022, the FES will form part of an improved and inclusive approach to fan communication and engagement at the Club.
We are fully committed and looking forward to greater structured communication with fans, ensuring that their voices are heard and that their views inform Club activities.

Fan Advisory Board (FAB)​

With representatives from key supporter groups and sections of the wider fanbase, encompassing the Men's and Women's teams, the FAB will provide greater structured communication and wider representation for consultation on a range of off-field subjects.
The remit for the FAB will include the Club’s strategic vision and objectives; off-pitch performance updates, priorities and plans; operational matchday issues; proposals relating to significant changes to Club heritage assets; stadium issues and plans; the Club’s community strategy, equality, diversity and inclusion commitments and plans for broader supporter engagement.
The Club has been consulting widely with supporter groups over the last year to create an FAB that will bring together voices from the Spurs community for productive and effective dialogue for the benefit of all supporters. Thanks goes to the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust, Proud Lilywhites, SpursAbility and Spurs REACH for their help and input in this process.
The FAB will be comprised of members drawn from the following:
  • Season Ticket Holders for the Men's team (including Seasonal Premium Members)
  • Season Ticket Holders for the Women's team
  • One Hotspur Members
  • Domestic Official Supporters' Club members
  • International Official Supporters' Club members
  • Tottenham Hotspur Supporters' Trust
  • Proud Lilywhites (LGBTQ+ Supporters' Association)
  • SpursAbility (Disabled Supporters' Association)
  • Spurs REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage Supporters' Association)
The Club is currently discussing final details with supporter groups. Proud Lilywhites, SpursAbility and Spurs REACH have confirmed their participation. Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust will be consulting its members once the details have been finalised.
We look forward to sharing more details and inviting applications from supporters in the next few weeks. We encourage all supporters who wish to contribute to consider applying.

Nominated Board Level Official​

The delivery of the FES will be overseen by Donna-Maria Cullen, the Club's Executive Director and Nominated Board Level Official for fan engagement, providing direct involvement of the Club's Board.

Fan Engagement Plan​

Ahead of the 2023/24 season, the Club will produce an annual Fan Engagement Plan which will outline our commitments for the year ahead, Club leadership communications with supporters, scope of discussions and fan engagement events.
Donna-Maria Cullen, Executive Director and Nominated Board Level Official for fan engagement, Tottenham Hotspur, said: “We are delighted to be welcoming the Fan Engagement Standard and will soon be announcing further details on our Fan Advisory Board, which will include our key supporter groups and the widest possible representation of fans from our Men’s and Women’s team Season Ticket Holders, One Hotspur Members and Official Supporters’ Club members at home and abroad.
“The Club has seen exponential growth in recent years and the Fan Engagement Standard and Fan Advisory Board will represent a welcome extension to our fan engagement work, including more extensive communication with supporters.
“The Club is nothing without its fans - it is the passion and loyalty of our supporters that drives us and guides us in our decision-making and how we project ourselves every day.
“We are proud of the rich diversity that exists amongst our global fanbase and believe the constitution and makeup of the Fan Advisory Board will ensure it reflects this.”

Yes whoever runs their social media and communications team needs to be sacked because they are awful. They have spent the last three days telling us sweet fa and they announce that they are looking for better fan communication by literally putting together a random Fan Advisory Board.

Maybe if Levy got off his Arse and went and actually spoke to a journalist or even one of the numerous fan channels and actually spoke about Spurs next steps, the fans would not hate the guy as much.
Nah, they still would.
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