Have Chelsea signed Willian yet?

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Mick Cooper said:
@ Aussie Joe Aussie Joe and @ gaz gaz
out of curiousity, what did you disagree with?
The comment by shanks was made in the early 70's or late 60's - how can it possibly be about Hillsborough, and its a joke about peoples attitudes to football, not about a human tragedy associated with the sport (unless shankly had the gift of seeing into the future and a sick sense of humour)
I'm not trying to start a fight, I am genuinely curious as to what you found to disagree with.

No one said it was about Hillsborough. Just that the families would disagree with the quote.

Not sure why you are taking it so far, but maybe open another thread in Off Topic for "Shankley quotes and the meaning of human tragedy" or something...?

No one said it was about Hillsborough. Just that the families would disagree with the quote.

Not sure why you are taking it so far, but maybe open another thread in Off Topic for "Shankley quotes and the meaning of human tragedy" or something...?

like I said, I was curious.
I guess if the families of the dead wanted to, they could look at the quote and find some harm in it, by associating it to their grief. I would have thought that anyone with an ounce of common sense would see the contextual gap and ignore it.
But in football, as in life - some folk just want to show how upset they are, on other peoples behalf. Has anyone from the families of the dead actually come out publicly and complained about the comment?
Jesus Christ. Willian is not shit but we have far better players in our team already.

In fact fuck it, it's Friday, 1:30 in the morning and I'm pissed!

Willian IS shit. Where on earth do you cunts get off on that Willian is any good? Put the links up - I don't give two fucks about goals (of which there is few), I wanna see a good player in action... a creative play maker... a Modric. Struggling???... that's cos he's shit!
Like a sad cunt I have a habit of having games of our transfer targets running on streams in another window whilst I do some other shit.
Without exception, Willian is the only player we were looking to sign that I have had severe reaction against. I joked that my Dad could play better... I stand by that!

He has never played in a decent team or a league of any quality. To be frank, week in week out, he looked no better than Danny Rose would playing against similar opposition to what we faced on Thursday.

A weak player, in a weak league, that has failed to shine! He will get destroyed by defences in the Prem. His agent, Joorabchian, has pushed him so far into the stratosphere it's unreal. I can almost guarantee that he will be on strike and pushing for a big money move in a year or two... aka Tevez!

If you disagree, put up the evidence. I've watched him like a hawk - please, persuade me that I'm wrong!

like I said, I was curious.
I guess if the families of the dead wanted to, they could look at the quote and find some harm in it, by associating it to their grief. I would have thought that anyone with an ounce of common sense would see the contextual gap and ignore it.
But in football, as in life - some folk just want to show how upset they are, on other peoples behalf. Has anyone from the families of the dead actually come out publicly and complained about the comment?

All I said was they would disagree with the quote. If you want to take it to University level debate, then Im not your man.
All I said was they would disagree with the quote. If you want to take it to University level debate, then Im not your man.
you introduced the subject, said something I thought was odd/peculiar/wrong - so I responded.
As liverpool supporters, who believe Shankly to be some form of deity, they probably have no issues with it.
If your out, I'm out too.
Fancy a pint?
Read the report, especially the terms of reference. It was all (rightly) about the inquests, medical evidence and the Coroner's arbitrary cut-off time, the false spin applied by the Police and media and the cover-up for the bad decisions made. It was about the smearing of the innocents who died. Yes the gate-opening was a massive fuck up and led to the deaths, and the way it was then dealt with was shameful. But I think it is obvious that nobody would have died if hundreds had not turned up late and pushed their way in. My point is that the dead were blameless but others were not. Politically though it seems wrong to point this out.

I completely agree the dead were blameless, and i have nowt but sympathy and outrage for their families in the way that the event was covered, covered up, and politicised by Thatcher and her people. the problem, IMHO, is the cover up has meant that ALL liverpool supporters and large chunks of the media consider that they (liverpool's support) were completely blameless. (my original post was more sarcastic than anything).
@ Aussie Joe Aussie Joe and @ gaz gaz
out of curiousity, what did you disagree with?
The comment by shanks was made in the early 70's or late 60's - how can it possibly be about Hillsborough, and its a joke about peoples attitudes to football, not about a human tragedy associated with the sport (unless shankly had the gift of seeing into the future and a sick sense of humour)
I'm not trying to start a fight, I am genuinely curious as to what you found to disagree with.
a. The quote precedes Hillsborough by about 20 years
b. Its a joke and has fuck all to do with self induced disasters caused by drunken football fans crushing their fellow fans to death - its a joke about the game of football.

but apart from those 2 points Sammy, your comment was apposite and spot on.

and again @ Aussie Joe Aussie Joe and @ gaz gaz
What are you disagreeing with?
Bent cops and Sun slagged off the dead, who were the sober, sensible ones who got there early and had a spot near the front. But who was it who turned up late and did the pushing? Nobody ever seems to ask that.


Probably one of the most pathetic, one eyed generalisations I've seen describing what happened on that day. It lacks any class and IMO puts the speaker up there with those pathetic fans who sing about plane crashes and gas chambers.


Probably one of the most pathetic, one eyed generalisations I've seen describing what happened on that day. It lacks any class and IMO puts the speaker up there with those pathetic fans who sing about plane crashes and gas chambers.

Happy about what?
Do you believe that someone else crushed those fans that died, other than a bunch of latecoming liverpool fans who swarmed into the leppings lane end (admittedly due to a serious error of judgement by the police)
Because if you don't think they were liverpool fans who killed their fellow supporters - who did?
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