I'm gay. I'm having a ticket over you!

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You feel that way because you have never felt threatened or afraid to go to a football match like various LGBT people have said. It's easy to claim you want to stop seperating things when you fit into the majority that has never had any issue with society accepting their sexuality. Always easy to diminish the importance or value of something when it doesn't relate to own personal immediate interests. But in the case of minority groups and their acceptance it is important to look past self interest.

How do you know what Ive experienced or from what part of society I am from?
How do you know what Ive experienced or from what part of society I am from?

I suppose I've just inferred you're not homosexual from your postings in this thread and at other times on the board. If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.
I suppose I've just inferred you're not homosexual from your postings in this thread and at other times on the board. If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.

My point is that you have no idea what social background Im from, or what Ive experienced in a football ground.

You seem to assume that all minorities want to be put on display. Some people find it patronising and divisive.

Im sure there are a lot of gay people who hate the whole pride movement. Why do you assume that they all support this move from the club?
My point is that you have no idea what social background Im from, or what Ive experienced in a football ground.

You seem to assume that all minorities want to be put on display. Some people find it patronising and divisive.

Im sure there are a lot of gay people who hate the whole pride movement. Why do you assume that they all support this move from the club?

You're sure based on what? The dedicated LGBT Spurs supporters club chose to put their flag in the stadium. Judging by the fact that it takes initiative and planning to do that, it would seem to be fact — rather than speculation— that there are plenty of LGBT Spurs who are very pleased to have it.
My point is that you have no idea what social background Im from, or what Ive experienced in a football ground.

You seem to assume that all minorities want to be put on display. Some people find it patronising and divisive.

Im sure there are a lot of gay people who hate the whole pride movement. Why do you assume that they all support this move from the club?
You're the stud that rents a flat in sweden because you don't see the point in owning.

Thank god the minorities have super sammy to jump to their defence.

Just because SOME gay people don't like it, doesn't mean they all do. No one is saying every single gay person wants this. Membership isn't compulsory. All the gay people that have been going to games can continue to do so in the same way, unaffected. But all it means is a few people that feared going to games before, now feel slightly safer in doing so.

Seeing as you have such an issue with the flag, how do you propose they advertise themselves? Any flag they use will allude to the fact they're for LGBT people... that can't be avoided.
You're the stud that rents a flat in sweden because you don't see the point in owning.

Thank god the minorities have super sammy to jump to their defence.

Just because SOME gay people don't like it, doesn't mean they all do. No one is saying every single gay person wants this. Membership isn't compulsory. All the gay people that have been going to games can continue to do so in the same way, unaffected. But all it means is a few people that feared going to games before, now feel slightly safer in doing so.

Seeing as you have such an issue with the flag, how do you propose they advertise themselves? Any flag they use will allude to the fact they're for LGBT people... that can't be avoided.

You think the flag has saved gay people from being cunted off in a ground?

Everything thats wrong with these silly movements. They dont tackle homophobia..just make idiots like you think the world is a happier place now.
OK this thread was dead first thing this morning....

A flag would be political/unwarranted if it said "LGBT deserve equality" or "Margate needs more hospitals" or an Israel flag which has a bomb on it.

If its just a standard LGBT flag, a flag with a town on it, or a flag of a country, its a flag to just represent its spurs group is it not? Yes Israel flags can be a bit tasty these days with everything going on and true intentions must be met, maybe ensuring it has THFC on it or something

How are we still talking about this? How are we going to make it until the next Spurs game!! The only winner here is Roy Cunting Hodgson
You think the flag has saved gay people from being cunted off in a ground?

Everything thats wrong with these silly movements. They dont tackle homophobia..just make idiots like you think the world is a happier place now.
If you want to know my opinion, go back through the thread and read it, don't just make it up.

I couldn't give a shit about the flag. You seem to think the flag represents some big political ideal... but it doesn't. The sole point of the flag is to represent the fan group. I asked you whether or not you were for or against the fan group but you refused to answer as a child. The flag and the group aren't separate... they're one entity. If that group chooses the rainbow and a spurs badge to represent them, so fucking be it. Why is that such an issue to you? Im sure Guernsey Spurs use a Guernsey flag with a spurs badge on, its the same fucking thing.

The Flag is a symbol for the group. When its hanging in the ground, its not making a political point, its an advert. Its saying "Hey, are you gay? Do you like football? Have you been scared to go to football because of the stigma attached? Well join our group!". And thats IT. Its nothing to do with the people in the ground that need protecting from being "cunted off".

Its a FACT that some gay people don't feel comfortable going to the football, we've already seen that in this thread. If this group allows a few of those to feel a bit more comfortable, and at the same time, meet other gay spurs fans, make friends, maybe even meet a partner... then there isn't a single downside to it. So fucking what if they have a flag that helps them identify each other.
Who cares if your gay, straight blue or green!!! We are all spurs! My concern is the club are discriminating against straight people. If I get a group of straight people together will we get the same exposure from the club?
Who cares if your gay, straight blue or green!!! We are all spurs! My concern is the club are discriminating against straight people. If I get a group of straight people together will we get the same exposure from the club?

The pages of history are about as full of straight males being discriminated against as West Ham's trophy cabinet.

The club allowed a supporter's group flag to be displayed. I can almost guarantee that if you collected numbers from all the other supporters groups that around 98% of the people in other supporters groups are straight. Discrimation against straight people? Don't be a fool.
A rainbow flag is obviously political.

You can try and make out like Im some kind of homophobe all you like....but Im the one talking about people, and you are the one talking about gay people, as if "they" all think alike and enjoy the same the things.

Politics doesnt equate to revolution. The rainbow flag is about gay rights. Its political, and political flags are banned....except this one.
Im not saying you are a homophobe and the "they" wasn't said by me but I was saying it, in relation to putins comments about "gay people being ok to be gay as long as they don't promote in public and to the children"

Yes the flag was used as a symbol during marches for gay rights but its no longer that. It is now used as a symbol of celebration, most people wouldnt know the meaning behind it.

The point of having no political flags is so that it doesnt alienate our support and offend fans within our own support group. However people have more issue with "gays" allowed to have flag rather than support a small community within our support that may feel uncomfortable during some of our chants or some of the shit that comes out of peoples mouths at games.

There was a Palestine flag in the lower shelf side but nobody had major issues with that, despite being much more controversial.

Also clearly our society isn't ready for a gay players since just a year or so ago a player quit because they wanted to come out and didn't feel comfortable being a footballer afterwards.

There have been thousands of footballers since the start of the premier league and not one of them has admitted to being gay whilst playing and only one has come out afterwards(hitzlsperger)

Also worth noting that the FA are running a campaign against homophobia, called the justin campaign. If the people with the LGBT flag had the justin campaign written on it, would you still feel so strongly towards it?
Beats1989 Beats1989 to be fair ... The gaza flag got taken away by the stewards a few games back and that also sparked a discussion. Having an American flag could be considered offensive too etc.

Spurs is for everyone that loves them ( and prob hates them too sometimes) but being neutral is the most efficient way to govern the club/crowd. Not my opinion , i d permit everything but there seem to be more people taking offense at about every possible opinion
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