I'm gay. I'm having a ticket over you!

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This thread has got a lot of attention on Twitter. Calling the majority of us deluded or bigoted. Shame you can't have an opinion without internet people trying to cunt you off.
This thread has got a lot of attention on Twitter. Calling the majority of us deluded or bigoted. Shame you can't have an opinion without internet people trying to cunt you off.
I saw that, so i started reading through the thread expecting to see it in a different light and that we're all massive homophobes... Turns out we just all look fucking stupid. There's nothing here but healthy discussion and a fair amount of misunderstanding.
To be honest I do see the gay pride flag as being political. However, I think the club is very wrong to want to ban flags of a political nature. It's typical of the way in which they try and sanitise football that they don't want any sort of controversy or passion which could be generated by a political message.

I'm happy to see the rainbow flag if LGBT yids feel they want to fly it. But I'd like to see us also able to fly the Star of David, and any other political flag or message. Obviously I don't want to see Nazi/fascist flags at Spurs but I'm sure that wouldn't happen even if it was allowed.

LGBT fans or any other group getting preferential treatment for tickets is another thing- this I disagree with. Did anyone find it out if this is actually the case though?
Out of interest, how do people think that this flag will help challenge homophobia?

For what it's worth, I would love to see an end to homophobic songs (such as those we will probably hear vs Brighton) at football, and any sort of homophobic abuse. I think gay fans should be able to openly bring their partner to the game and not feel at all nervous or wary of doing so. As long as you a passionate yid, I don't care what your sexuality, religion or ethnic background is.
Wouldn't it be great if we got through the Brighton game without any homophobic 'banter'? What do you reckon the chances are?
To be honest I do see the gay pride flag as being political. However, I think the club is very wrong to want to ban flags of a political nature. It's typical of the way in which they try and sanitise football that they don't want any sort of controversy or passion which could be generated by a political message.

I'm happy to see the rainbow flag if LGBT yids feel they want to fly it. But I'd like to see us also able to fly the Star of David, and any other political flag or message. Obviously I don't want to see Nazi/fascist flags at Spurs but I'm sure that wouldn't happen even if it was allowed.

LGBT fans or any other group getting preferential treatment for tickets is another thing- this I disagree with. Did anyone find it out if this is actually the case though?
It's been said a hundred times. They're just a supporters group. They get exactly the same treatment as other supporter groups. Nothing more nothing less.

Well apart from the flag thing. But that's a separate issue.

Also, It's not really a gay pride flag. It's the lgbt supporters association flag. (which features the flag of the LGBT movement... but of course it does... it would be fucking stupid if it didn't)

Out of interest, how do people think that this flag will help challenge homophobia?

I think it'll challenge a lot of sensible fans who would tell you they're completely fine with LGBTness but could get swept up in a crowd mentality and sing/say certain things they wouldn't thing acceptable otherwise. Hopefully make them think about the people that are made to feel uncomfortable at Spurs games by such things before they join in next time.
Wouldn't it be great if we got through the Brighton game without any homophobic 'banter'? What do you reckon the chances are?
Pff, we'd probably have to fight it. Judging by 1882/TFC's reputation over this debacle our reputation has been pretty tarnished. If only there was some way of saying we're not bigots.....

Maybe we should do something like this at the Brighton game
To be fair, the first page of this thread is pretty diabolical and casts a shadow over us.
Now I've thought about it, and read back through what they were saying (and hi if anyone is reading this)
They're fucking ridiculous. This is a forum, its DESIGNED for discussion. I don't agree with some of the stuff thats been said, and the people said it probably don't agree with some of the things I've said. Thats the fucking point of a forum. Just because someone is offended, doesn't make them right. Says a lot about a person that they'd tar a whole internet forum (and the 1882 movement) with the same brush, because a few people have said something mildly homophobic.

Actually, i may be wrong... but I've not seen anything that bad here either. Some peoples views may be a little outdated but I've not seen anything thats crossed the line.
Exactly...same old shit with every issue, but no one actually gives two shits.

How many of those outraged and disgusted by that dolphin or whale documentary remember it or give a fuck now? Or helped?

Moral outrage is just another fucking trend. If its in the news, its an issue....when its not in the news anymore, why care if nobody will pay attention to your soap box.

I dont see them calling out Lazio and Chelsea nazis on twitter..
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