I'm gay. I'm having a ticket over you!

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What is your definition of a political flag?

Heres an example



I have no probelm the flag being in the Ground.
But not at the expense of the Cypriot Spurs one which has been in the ground for years(i remember one going back to the late 80s,not sure if its the same one though).Its a flag.Its hardly advocating terrorism is it?
But as i said,other flags (as long as they are not offensive) should be allowed as well.
Larry, your probably aware that Brighton fans sing 1-0 to the nancy boys when they score. so I don't see the problem with the chants of does your boyfriend know your here.
We as Spurs supporters probably get more flak aimed at us than any other club , we never got our knickers in a twist over it , we hit back and Yid Army was born
West ham - Pikey's , best not call them that the gypsies might get offended

That's like saying it's alright for West ham to hiss at us because we chant Yids.
Heres an example




You're hiding behind this "political flag" thing a little bit too much. To the point that it comes across as a thin veil for what many could construe as homophobia.

The club has deemed that this does not constitute a "political flag." UEFA has had plenty of time to say something, so they also must not deem it a "political flag." The Pride Flag is a symbol, just like every other flag in the world. It is a banner that is used to symbolize a people. In that way every flag could be seen as political in one way or another. But, in this case it is a banner that symbolizes Proud Lilywhite's. It is literally the exact same as someone flying a Union Jack or the flag of any other country, state, province, etc.

All that has been said, ad nauseam. The crux of the biscuit is that the Pride Flag is politicized when people choose to make it political. However, it is always used as a symbol of unity. By saying that you disagree with the Pride Flag being allowed to be flown, whether you realize it or not, makes you come off as a bigot.
You're hiding behind this "political flag" thing a little bit too much. To the point that it comes across as a thin veil for what many could construe as homophobia.

The club has deemed that this does not constitute a "political flag." UEFA has had plenty of time to say something, so they also must not deem it a "political flag." The Pride Flag is a symbol, just like every other flag in the world. It is a banner that is used to symbolize a people. In that way every flag could be seen as political in one way or another. But, in this case it is a banner that symbolizes Proud Lilywhite's. It is literally the exact same as someone flying a Union Jack or the flag of any other country, state, province, etc.

All that has been said, ad nauseam. The crux of the biscuit is that the Pride Flag is politicized when people choose to make it political. However, it is always used as a symbol of unity. By saying that you disagree with the Pride Flag being allowed to be flown, whether you realize it or not, makes you come off as a bigot.

Im not hiding behind anything. Im not the one to accuse of hiding my thoughts. What I say, I mean, and dont need to hide my opinions from anyone. You know why? Because I actually believe in my views.

UEFA allow the Star of David. Spurs do not.

The rainbow flag is political. You know it is, but to argue its not is the only leg you have to stand on in backing its use, while other political flags are banned.

I dont give two fucks who thinks thats homophobic either. You know fuck all about me.
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You're hiding behind this "political flag" thing a little bit too much. To the point that it comes across as a thin veil for what many could construe as homophobia.

The club has deemed that this does not constitute a "political flag." UEFA has had plenty of time to say something, so they also must not deem it a "political flag." The Pride Flag is a symbol, just like every other flag in the world. It is a banner that is used to symbolize a people. In that way every flag could be seen as political in one way or another. But, in this case it is a banner that symbolizes Proud Lilywhite's. It is literally the exact same as someone flying a Union Jack or the flag of any other country, state, province, etc.

All that has been said, ad nauseam. The crux of the biscuit is that the Pride Flag is politicized when people choose to make it political. However, it is always used as a symbol of unity. By saying that you disagree with the Pride Flag being allowed to be flown, whether you realize it or not, makes you come off as a bigot.
Im so fucking glad someone else gets it :adebaehug:
I have no probelm the flag being in the Ground.
But not at the expense of the Cypriot Spurs one which has been in the ground for years(i remember one going back to the late 80s,not sure if its the same one though).Its a flag.Its hardly advocating terrorism is it?
But as i said,other flags (as long as they are not offensive) should be allowed as well.

That would be equality though......which is apparantley homophobic
Do you also have friends that are gay? And any other cliched defenses.

Defence of what? My belief that everybody is equal and should have the same rights?

And that if political flags are banned, they should be banned for everybody, no matter what colour, race, gender or sexuality?

I dont need to defend that, and I certainly dont need to have a gay friend to try and make it stick.
Right here I go. I'm a white over 50 year old Spurs fan. In my fantasy world of everyone loves each other regardless of colour, sexuality, religion , etc, as I say a fantasy. We are, across the planet an envious, politically brainwashed, jealous, sexually fucked up, horribly religious bunch of cunts. It all boils down to looking after your own at the end of the day. I'll stop it there. I fucking hate Woolworths.
It's the international week... so I feel I also have a right to post an opinion that nobody cares about on a subject that everyone is bored to death with already...

For God's sake (oops, sorry, is that too political?) if any group of people want to celebrate their united love of Tottenham then what is the problem with that? If you're a group of Spurs Fans - LGBT Spurs, Hindu Spurs, Ex Forces Spurs, Tory public school Spurs, Surrey Spurs, Singapore Spurs, Royston Vasey Spurs - and you want a flag to show your support and love for the club, then I think that's brilliant.

If you don't like the flag, ignore it; if it still bothers you, you have a very easy life and should probably find some kind of activity or adventure to keep you in an adequately healthy frame of mind.

My only problem with this flag is the red line: it would be quite cool if they replaced it with another navy blue one... or did AIA insist?

I guess it is San Marino too...

I was making the point you're making a very crass comparison Sammy.

Look at the context, we're a club where we use the term 'Yid' because a set of our fans felt threatened and mocked because of their religious belief. Now, if that isn't a political decision, what is?

And now you're getting shitty over a flag about our LGBT fans.
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