January 2018 transfer thread

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Everyone panicked when we did little last January as well. We then came 2nd.

People's lack of faith in this squad, despite it's consistent performances above and beyond what is expected of them, is quite frankly a joke.

You'll all get proven wrong again when we finish top 4 with the same old ''not good enough'' squad and you'll all be moaning again next January.

Rinse and repeat.

What would it take for people to have faith in Poch and the squad? The grass is always greener eh lads.
Not seeing a huge amount of panicking. I’m seeing people say we can improve the squad. And to be frank, it’s not good enough at present if we hope to challenge for the title, which we are miles off of doing.

Yes, City are having a remarkable season, but we are still many points behind. Do you not feel the squad could be improved at all? You can surely say yes without panicking.
Re: Malcom

If any player choses Woolwich over us these days then I don't want them. No sensible, intelligent player wud make that choice. Means they're too thick to grasp simple concepts and wud prob have to spend half their training time explaining the offside rule to them...
Not seeing a huge amount of panicking. I’m seeing people say we can improve the squad. And to be frank, it’s not good enough at present if we hope to challenge for the title, which we are miles off of doing.

Yes, City are having a remarkable season, but we are still many points behind. Do you not feel the squad could be improved at all? You can surely say yes without panicking.
The signs are exactly the same as last January. Where eventually people were saying we were destined to fail because we didn't invest. That didn't happen.

I think we can improve on Sissoko. I don't think there is a player available who would obviously improve us in the front. I think Kane, Dele, Eriksen and Son is our front 4 for the foreseeable.

People saying Malcom would be a great signing, I agree but not necessarily this season, which is then what people are expecting. He would take time to adjust like most players do from this League. We can't expect a player like that to come in and tear it up half way through a season in a brand new league, the toughest one about. People think it'll solve all our problems, it won't.

We need better than Sissoko in CM. But there isn't anyone available right now. It takes a certain type of stupidity for a club to sell a key player in January. We'd have to vastly overspend.

When Malcom goes to Woolwich, the same characters will bemoan a lack of investment and how we've missed out. We'll then finish above them and they'll do the same next winter.

I would love Moura on loan from PSG. We can see if he is able to adjust to the League in that time, he's super talented and can unlock defences with his pace and creativity. Then if he proves himself we can buy in the summer. That's our best option for the wing imo.
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We cannot splash cas
Everyone panicked when we did little last January as well. We then came 2nd.

People's lack of faith in this squad, despite it's consistent performances above and beyond what is expected of them, is quite frankly a joke.

You'll all get proven wrong again when we finish top 4 with the same old ''not good enough'' squad and you'll all be moaning again next January.

Rinse and repeat.

What would it take for people to have faith in Poch and the squad? The grass is always greener eh lads.

Yep true.

Lets not add full stop because we have won so much.

Perennial loser's mentality of it's always good enough.

God forbid advancement without being classified alarmist or ungrateful.
We need to actually spend 40m+ on a good player if we want top 4. None of this 15m on a prospect rubbish as that won't help us this season. Need to get with the times and realise that quality is expensive. I'd be looking at gelson martins or someone of that ilk as well as bringing onomah back to play CM. GKN is gone so that leaves son as our only winger/fast forward and we definitely need another, especially if, god forbid, something happens to son.
We cannot splash cas

Yep true.

Lets not add full stop because we have won so much.

Perennial loser's mentality of it's always good enough.

God forbid advancement without being classified alarmist or ungrateful.
Having faith in our squad is a losers mentality? The squad that we came 2nd with? Pull the other one mate, you aren't convincing anybody.

I'm not saying let's not add. I'm saying it's not the end of the world if we don't. Just like last season. I was proven right then (what a loser mentality, not those saying we'd fail eh) and I'll be proven right again that we'll finish top 4 even with no incomings.

Buying is not necessarily advancement, look at Everton. Look at us after Bale. Buying correctly is.

You'd think a Spurs fan would have learnt this by now.
I wouldn't mind Lozano. Saw him absolutely destroy Belgium for Mexico.

Most Eredvisie players (who are actually highly rated and have been scouted well) are Premier League successes too.
Everyone panicked when we did little last January as well. We then came 2nd..
Yes.2nd ....Not first
And the season before we also did nothing. And finished third in a 2 horse race with Leicester....Not first.
So maybe the lesson here is buying quality in January increases your chances of a succesful run in.
Doing fuck all means you'll probably fall short.
If this is the case, then we are fucked. Thursday night football here we come.

Our existing squad is good enough to make fourth place no problem.

None of the other teams bar City are exactly flying at the moment.

You can name the number of decent January signings in the PL on one hand. Suarez probably being the only stand out one, but for every Suarez there are probably 10 Carrol to Liverpool or Tores to Chelsea's
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Yes.2nd ....Not first
And the season before we also did nothing. And finished third in a 2 horse race with Leicester....Not first.
So maybe the lesson here is buying quality in January increases your chances of a succesful run in.
Doing fuck all means you'll probably fall short.
Only someone like you can minimise the achievement of Spurs finishing 2nd. I've already debunked the bullshit about catching Leicester that season. It couldn't have happened. This is a fact.

Last season, no signing of ours would have stopped Chelsea winning 13 in a row.

And as for quoting Woolwich fans, you can get to fuck.
Fans want new signings.
Levy laughs a little bit.
Press release news saying that we won’t sign anyone but will also not sell.
Fans “just not selling anyone and giving one or two new contracts to our players is JUST LIKE A NEW SIGNING”

Levy literally made a lot of fans say that a new contracts is just like a new signing. He’s a genius. :levylol:

I pray to god that poch don’t leave us. We are so fucked when that happens. I’m not anti levy, he’s a competent guy but if it wasn’t for poch managing us I doubt a lot that would finish top 4 on the last 2 seasons. Poch was levy lottery ticket. As soon we finish out of champions league football fans will want his head just like the good old days.

Fans want new signings.
Levy laughs a little bit.
Press release news saying that we won’t sign anyone but will also not sell.
Fans “just not selling anyone and giving one or two new contracts to our players is JUST LIKE A NEW SIGNING”

Levy literally made a lot of fans say that a new contracts is just like a new signing. He’s a genius. :levylol:

I pray to god that poch don’t leave us. We are so fucked when that happens. I’m not anti levy, he’s a competent guy but if it wasn’t for poch managing us I doubt a lot that would finish top 4 on the last 2 seasons. Poch was levy lottery ticket. As soon we finish out of champions league football fans will want his head just like the good old days.

If my auntie had bollocks she'd be my uncle.
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