January 2019 transfer thread

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From what I remember, his Mum (no photos), who is also his agent, was very keen on him joining Spurs as he would have a great chance of playing weekly.

It's the same with Loftus-Cheek. His Dad said if he had his way he would have done everything to get him to join a club like Tottenham.

I think we stand a great chance in signing Rabiot, because we can offer him what he wants. First team football and to be loved. Would he really get in Barca's midfield ahead of Rakitic, Busquets, Arthur, Coutinho, Vidal, De Jong and now Boateng?

I just think the fans deserve something that suggests we can get targets that Pochettino believes will improve us and that objectively as fans we recognise as meaningful progress.

I do not want a model that takes us where City are now and where Chelsea were not so long ago. I certainly don't want to see us spend anything like 75 million pounds on a footballer. That would make me sick.

I just want us to look like we will slowly but surely raise the bar and stop relying on Kane, as though he was the second coming. He isn't and in truth that has only been the domain of Ronaldo and Messi.

I think if we add a couple of quality players this window then it shows we mean business in our way. If not it's a worry because for us being out of the top 4 will surely make obtaining any targets we might have that bit more difficult again.

I see that as retrograde.
So, we need to be brave meant sign nobody


What did he mean when he said we can't continue to compete or challenge for titles while spending small money ??

We need to spend no fucking money


Is obvious

John you’ve posted that 5 times and I’ve showed you every single time where you have cut the interview off at the point you like, and let out the bit that doesn’t suit your narrative.

Here are the last times you did the exact same thing, and the answers I gave you.

You didn’t answer. You ran off, left it a few weeks, and reposted the same thing and asked me the same question.
I doesn’t make sense why you do this.

Here. Again.

You cut off the next bit like everyone does

“We need to think that our reality is different, because we are not this type of club that will invest crazy money.”

But you cut the statement off at the part that didnt suit you John. You pick and choose what lines you want to talk about, and ignore the stuff you dont.

If Poch says something I dont agree with, I have no problem saying I dont agree with him.

Heres the rest of the interview by the way:
We are thinking now we need to make our new stadium home and we know it will be tough in the beginning to settle there,” he told a post-match news conference.

I have a very clear idea of what we need to do. I don’t know if the club will agree with me or not, but we are going to talk next week to create what I think we need to do together to improve.

“Until today it was so difficult to talk about the future, but from now we need to decide the way and how we are going to operate in the future.

“Our fans need to know what we are going to do and our fans need to feel the reality of the club and we need to tell the truth and create a very good expectation we can achieve. We cannot create dreams that we are not going to achieve.

“The first step is to be close and challenge the sides who invest more than us and find a way. We need to think our reality is different and our fans need to think and be happy and support us because we are not a club who will spend crazy money.

I think Daniel is going to listen to me, but you know sometimes I might have some crazy ideas. With our unbelievable fans, sometimes you need to be brave and take risks. I think the club is in a moment where they need to take risks."

As I said, you are not supporting the club in the way the manager would like you to. Do with that what you will, I dont care....you can support how you want, but just stop trying to act like your views mirror the managers, because they dont.

The day before Christmas I posted the quote in full and your answer was “merry Christmas”
I’m not going to bother posting it again because you know you cut the interview off at the bit you didn’t like.
The part where he said our fans need to show support because our reality is different and we are not a club to spend crazy money.

If you cut sentences out of full paragraphs, you lose context.

It’s what the gutter press do. It’s crass. It’s demeaning.

But knock yourself out, you are clinging to one line of the novel and disregarding the rest of the book. Next stop North Korea.
When I was searching for the gif above I came across this one.

Totally off topic but so funny I thought I'd post it nonetheless


Made me laugh anyway.
Rabiot's dribbling in tight spaces is a bit similar to Dembele, however he isn't as strong (no one is). I think he and Dier would compliment each other very well when we are running a 4231 and he'd be a great piece when running a 433 (Rabiot-Dier-Sissoko/Winks). He has the versatility Poch likes in players.
Rabiot's dribbling in tight spaces is a bit similar to Dembele, however he isn't as strong (no one is). I think he and Dier would compliment each other very well when we are running a 4231 and he'd be a great piece when running a 433 (Rabiot-Dier-Sissoko/Winks). He has the versatility Poch likes in players.

A bib might be useful.
We're not a small club. We're a very, very, big club. A very wealthy club, and a very well supported club.

But we act like a fucking small club with our transfer policy and still fucking complain when the media take fookin piss!
Completely agree, it just annoys me that we are undermined by the media at every turn. Pop tarts and tab cola have more history than chelski and Manc city put together. For the great unwashed who believe in the gospel of talksport and believe wayne Rooney is a great football pundit we are no bigger than Watford or Bournemouth
Rabiot isn't in the PSG squad by the way. Currently winning 1-0.

Has he been completely alienated from the squad?
Rabiot isn't in the PSG squad by the way. Currently winning 1-0.

Has he been completely alienated from the squad?

Yep. Total freeze out, unless he signs a new contract (if that’s even an offer any more).

I actually think we might stand a chance with him now as it’s getting to the point where he could legitimately harm his career.
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