January 2021 Transfer Thread

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So-called winning team's defenses don't chop and change their CBs every game.... Their based on a settled duo.

Fine, if we're gonna aim for a different blend moving fwd, but I was responding to your comment about rotation (rotation being about time/fitness management, not tactics).

....And if were gonna switch it up we'll need a pacey B to cover pacey A.

(Left footed is another matter also

The rotation doesn't have to be a strict switch every single time, it means that you have 3 quality guys who can play in case of injury or needed rest. I wouldn't advocate switching for the sake of switching but for example in a week like this it would be nice to have 3 starting level CBs so that the 2 first choice guys are overplayed, especially when one of those guys is Toby who is getting older.

Having a guy who is a more pacey for example might be used ahead of one of Toby or Dier against a team like Leicester and Vardy. Doesn't mean you are disrupting the team just have an option in the few games where a team has a player like Vardy that can really punish a CB without pace.

It isn't like just having one guy who has more speed than Dier or Toby means that he is terrible at other things or that he can't play a similar style.
So what is the deal with Rodon? He seems to be above Davison and Japhet in the pecking order.

Is he a long term replacement for Toby?
He's obviously been bought with the idea of him being one of our two cbs longterm. If he replaces Dier or Toby however is up in the air.
He's obviously been bought with the idea of him being one of our two cbs longterm. If he replaces Dier or Toby however is up in the air.
Given his supposed strength in the air, and apparent preference for playing LCB, it would seem to be Dier.

But apparently Mou looking for a fast, technical LCB still.
The rotation doesn't have to be a strict switch every single time, it means that you have 3 quality guys who can play in case of injury or needed rest. I wouldn't advocate switching for the sake of switching but for example in a week like this it would be nice to have 3 starting level CBs so that the 2 first choice guys are overplayed, especially when one of those guys is Toby who is getting older.

Having a guy who is a more pacey for example might be used ahead of one of Toby or Dier against a team like Leicester and Vardy. Doesn't mean you are disrupting the team just have an option in the few games where a team has a player like Vardy that can really punish a CB without pace.

It isn't like just having one guy who has more speed than Dier or Toby means that he is terrible at other things or that he can't play a similar style.

You're still talking tactically.

Q. What was always the complaint when we used to cyclically rotate Walker/Rose for Tripper/Davies?

A. They don't play the same; therefore we're forced to adapt elsewhere on the field or face being less effective as a team.

That's a seperate issue to whether or not they were better suited to certain occasional scenarios.

Whilst you may wish to underplay the importance of a stable CB partnership; our current good defensive form still flies in the face of your thinking.
You're still talking tactically.

Q. What was always the complaint when we used to cyclically rotate Walker/Rose for Tripper/Davies?

A. They don't play the same; therefore we're forced to adapt elsewhere on the field or face being less effective as a team.

That's a seperate issue to whether or not they were better suited to certain occasional scenarios.

Whilst you may wish to underplay the importance of a stable CB partnership; our current good defensive form still flies in the face of your thinking.

I am not underplaying the importance of a stable CB partnership at all, I am talking about the reality of needing more than 2 quality CB's with the amount of games that teams play.

Having a player that is pacey or is comfortable on the left does not hurt our stability. Us having to throw in Rodon against Chelsea when Toby was injured justifies my desire to have a quality CB added to the team.
Poor logic..... A rotation with players of differing styles doesn't particularly work.... You want like for like replacements so that the overall system isn't disrupted..... Notably we also have Rodon too.

Obviously recovery pace is an added bonus, but it doesn't mean we're suddenly gonna start playing a high line.

You have that in Dier and Alderweireld though. Dier should be the back up/rotation for TA, with a better, quicker, more naturally left sided CB the first choice next to one of them.
You have that in Dier and Alderweireld though. Dier should be the back up/rotation for TA, with a better, quicker, more naturally left sided CB the first choice next to one of them.

(See subsequent posts.....)

If we're changing the set up, then so be it; in which case we'll need a 'pacey B' to rotate with 'pacey A'.
I am not underplaying the importance of a stable CB partnership at all, I am talking about the reality of needing more than 2 quality CB's with the amount of games that teams play.

FFS don't do this revisionist shit again......

The point I responded to was that a rotation option needed to be a pacey player.... You've proceeded to argue on the basis of a bespoke tactical approach to games ever since; thus ignoring the established notion of what rotation actualy is.

Regardless of your intent, the ramifications of your argument underplays the importance of a settled primary CB combo....

Having a player that is pacey or is comfortable on the left does not hurt our stability. Us having to throw in Rodon against Chelsea when Toby was injured justifies my desire to have a quality CB added to the team.

Read my posts again if you don't get it.

I'm done here.
(See subsequent posts.....)

If we're changing the set up, then so be it; in which case we'll need a 'pacey B' to rotate with 'pacey A'.

yes, no, maybe.

Finding one quick CB who can also defend and be technically comfortable will be hard enough.

I don't think Mourinho wants to change the set up entirely, I think he wants the option of being able to push the team higher up the pitch for certain phases/games and but with the likes of TA and Dier that's not really possible. So maybe just finding one for now will suffice. And he clearly doesn't completely trust Sanchez and Tanganga enough to do it with those two.
yes, no, maybe.

Idealistically, It's a yes.

Rotation would typically prompt the desire for a like for like change... Why fight it?

Anything else constitutes a tactical change.

Finding one quick CB who can also defend and be technically comfortable will be hard enough.

I don't think Mourinho wants to change the set up entirely, I think he wants the option of being able to push the team higher up the pitch for certain phases/games and but with the likes of TA and Dier that's not really possible. So maybe just finding one for now will suffice. And he clearly doesn't completely trust Sanchez and Tanganga enough to do it with those two.

I disagree with none of this..... Kind of beside the point I was originally making though.
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FFS don't do this revisionist shit again......

The point I responded to was that a rotation option needed to be a pacey player.... You've proceeded to argue on the basis of a bespoke tactical approach to games ever since; thus ignoring the established notion of what rotation actualy is.

Regardless of your intent, the ramifications of your argument underplays the importance of a settled primary CB combo....

Read my posts again if you don't get it.

I'm done here.

Their is no revision going on here just your continued inability to see anything other than what you want.

Having a CB that can match up with faster players makes us a much better team.
I hope Levy carpes the fucking diem in January and slides Jose £50m to invest in whatever he deems necessary if it'll help us push on and win the title. This title race is wide open and there for the taking. We cannot fuck a chance as good as this up.

I'd love to see him slide Bayern £10m for a shot at Alaba in January and try and get him in to give our defence a massive boost. Yes he's looking at Real Madrid but with Jose, the best stadium/training facilities in Europe (fight me), Kane, Son and the boys and a real shot at winning the title this season we ARE an attractive proposition.

And he's already mates with Serge...

Yup, Duncan Castles is saying we want a "pacy CB" (as well as what's obviously a Sissoko upgrade):

Pacy doesn't sound like Skriniar to me tbh, I wonder if we're expanding the net?

We didn´t have a proper DM before Hojbjerg. Now we have him - leader, captain material, etc -, but we still have no backup for his position. We need another DM option. When I look at our squad, we don´t even have a proper replacement for Sissoko - and I´m not saying necessarily a "Sissoko upgrade", I´m saying a player able to do what he does.

We need another midfielder to rotate and give our duo some rest - in January.
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