Jose Mourinho

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OK out of curiosity would you keep Jose for the whole season even if we end up futher down the table? Or would there be a point you would consider his removal.
If I thought he could make top 4, like the guy I was discussing with does, I wouldn’t feel that he should be sacked.

I wouldn’t care if we finished 12th if we won both cups. We will probably finish about 7th with a surprise Carabou win

That’s fine considering how we’ve nosedived, but the summer will need big changes
Football fans overhype their chances at start of season shock horror!

A number of caveats to that:
- We never knew Doherty would be trash (though Wolves fans did warn us)
- Dele has kept up his two year run of shitness - what were people hoping for?
- Gio has barely been fit
- Reguilon is great but has injuries issues too (Davies has played far too much)
-Winks has regressed further
- We all hoped Bale wasn't just coming for a holiday - he was
- Bergjwin hasn't stepped up
- All of our centre backs have been exposed as not good enough this season.
You are now putting assessment on those players following time spent with this manager.

- Wolves fans didn't warn us, they were gutted. (However, I did attempt to through some caution)
- Dele hasn't played this season and when he has he's been good
- Gio - Not fit, have to question why the manager played him and aggravated it?? Every team gets injuries
- Reggie has missed 5 games (Davies played almost every game at LB for 18months when Rose was injured)
- Winks - Reggressed under Jose
- Bale - I wasn't in the slightest excited by his arrival
- Bergijwin plays as a virtual FB under the dino
- He signed Toby, he signed Dier, he signed Rodon, he kept Sanchez, he hasn't played Tangagnga there, he loaned out Foyth, he's played Davies as a CB in a 3. His choices, his decisions.
Yes but we knew why and spoke about this many times. We lacked a DM (the most critical problem) we lacked full back depth, we lack cover for Kane, and we could do with another CB and AM.

We bought all of these, this was the backing most people wanted Poch to have 1-2 seasons ago. We fixed the depth issue that was running us into the ground.

It was the best transfer window in Levy’s tenure. Most people thought we had a squad at least United/Chelsea strong and a bit below Liverpool/City. We only moaned we didn’t get Skrinar.

Now it’s like that brilliant window never happened, all because Jose doesn’t have a clue how to use attacking players and puts all the pressure on our weakest area our CB’s. This is a classic Ramos>Redknapp situation. A manager who has a squad not suited to his tactics but would suit an attacking manager.
The one that confuses me is Vinicius.

Jose specifically said at the beginning of the season he could be used in a two with Kane.

Anyway, you’re pushing an open door here. I think Jose has made mistakes and some of the squad management is odd.

This is all getting me down. I don’t want to lay into the team.

Let’s win tonight. COYS.
If I thought he could make top 4, like the guy I was discussing with does, I wouldn’t feel that he should be sacked.

I wouldn’t care if we finished 12th if we won both cups. We will probably finish about 7th with a surprise Carabou win

That’s fine considering how we’ve nosedived, but the summer will need big changes

Fair enough
Daily reminder that we’re only 2 points better than the not so long ago relegation threatened Woolwich (and a game in hand). 2 points

We sacked the last manager for being 14th after 12 games with 14 points.

Our record over the last 12 games under his replacement?

12 games
12 points

There has been no progression in 16 months and people are queuing up to tell us he needs more money and time
Its a better squad than west ham
West Ham played Sheff U in their last game. We played Man City.
West Ham's recent wins are v Burnley, WBA and CP.
The drew with Fulham and lost to Liverpool at home. Just like we did.
After they play us it's City next.
Starting to sound like we don’t need many new players this summer

We sacked the last manager for being 14th after 12 games with 14 points.

Our record over the last 12 games under his replacement?

12 games
12 points

There has been no progression in 16 months and people are queuing up to tell us he needs more money and time
Our defeats don’t hit 7 conceded and include teams of milkmen at least
You are now putting assessment on those players following time spent with this manager.

- Wolves fans didn't warn us, they were gutted. (However, I did attempt to through some caution)
- Dele hasn't played this season and when he has he's been good
- Gio - Not fit, have to question why the manager played him and aggravated it?? Every team gets injuries
- Reggie has missed 5 games (Davies played almost every game at LB for 18months when Rose was injured)
- Winks - Reggressed under Jose
- Bale - I wasn't in the slightest excited by his arrival
- Bergijwin plays as a virtual FB under the dino
- He signed Toby, he signed Dier, he signed Rodon, he kept Sanchez, he hasn't played Tangagnga there, he loaned out Foyth, he's played Davies as a CB in a 3. His choices, his decisions.

- There were numerous comments from Wolves fans saying he couldn't defend
- Dele has been good against Marine yes, well done. Shit/invisible every other appearance.
- Don't think we can blame Jose for Gio being brittle, is Lamela his fault too?
- Reguilon is great as I said, Davies is such a drop off in quality.
- Winks - has been regressing since his ankle injury years ago and since Poch tried to make him a DM
- Bale - well then don't use him as evidence of a strong squad
- Bergjwin - this is a myth designed to sweep his poor attacking play under the rug
- He didn't sign those players he extended their contracts as we didn't have the funds to go buy 3 CBs. Great that you think Tanganga and Foyth would have been the centre back pairing to save our season.
Jose like many managers does not run the training sessions. This would be fine if Mourinho still had his original coaching staff but now we only have one of his original coaches. The problem with this is Jao Sacramento runs the training sessions and is not the best match for Jose's style.

The manager takes all the credit for the wins but people forget that it is the team behind the manager that works with the players on a day to day basis and does all the hard work. For example Aston Villa would be no where near as good if John Terry was not working so hard with their defence.

The fact is Jose was never the manager everyone gave him credit for because a lot of the work was done by his coaching team. When people talk bout Jose's please remember we do not have the same Jose that has won trophies. We have Jose mk II who has won nothing.

It is time for Levy to come to his senses and sack the fraud.
Jose like many managers does not run the training sessions. This would be fine if Mourinho still had his original coaching staff but now we only have one of his original coaches. The problem with this is Jao Sacramento runs the training sessions and is not the best match for Jose's style.

The manager takes all the credit for the wins but people forget that it is the team behind the manager that works with the players on a day to day basis and does all the hard work. For example Aston Villa would be no where near as good if John Terry was not working so hard with their defence.

The fact is Jose was never the manager everyone gave him credit for because a lot of the work was done by his coaching team. When people talk bout Jose's please remember we do not have the same Jose that has won trophies. We have Jose mk II who has won nothing.

It is time for Levy to come to his senses and sack the fraud.

We see pictures of him taking the training sessions every week
- There were numerous comments from Wolves fans saying he couldn't defend
- Dele has been good against Marine yes, well done. Shit/invisible every other appearance.
- Don't think we can blame Jose for Gio being brittle, is Lamela his fault too?
- Reguilon is great as I said, Davies is such a drop off in quality.
- Winks - has been regressing since his ankle injury years ago and since Poch tried to make him a DM
- Bale - well then don't use him as evidence of a strong squad
- Bergjwin - this is a myth designed to sweep his poor attacking play under the rug
- He didn't sign those players he extended their contracts as we didn't have the funds to go buy 3 CBs. Great that you think Tanganga and Foyth would have been the centre back pairing to save our season.
Absolutely zero point going over these individually as we are just going to disagree on each, which gets rather boring for others reading.

The wider point though and this is the crux, is the window was seen by an almost unanimous swathe of the fanbase that it was a good window and addressed all the issues the squad had. There wasn't an issue at the beginning of the season, just as there wasn't an issue when we bored our way to the top of the league only 2 months ago!

Who the fuck has Jose improved then?
Please, if you want to talk to me, stop with pretentiousness and air of superiority.

1, The first part of my post relates to you labelling me as one of Jose's 'fawning fans" are welcome to your opinion, but labelling fans without even engaging with them may just provoke a response....imagine if you walked up to someone in the street and labelled them like that, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be walking away without a 'comment' or two!

Get a grip. If you aren't a Jose fanboy, none of this matters. In fact, none of this matters anyway, it is all so pointless.

2, I get it, you want Jose sacked and you think that he is a 'tosser' too apparently. Just one thing though....if you've never met Jose, nor spent any meaningful time in his company, how do you know he is a tosser, and bully, and a nasty piece of work? Is that an opinion based on anything other than hearsay or conjecture? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

By the way, that isn't a rhetorical question, you just don't want me to answer it. Your suggestion is that unless I have personal experience of being bullied by Mourinho then I shouldn't claim he is a bully. Obviously, an utterly ridiculous statement. We are not in a court of law but if we were a lot of hearsay evidence would be admissable.

Also, I don't think you understand what hearsay is either. If I listen to Jose being a prick, and I think he is a prick, it is not hearsay.

3, The question was actually whether you disliked 'fans who support their manager, or just Spurs fans who support their manager'. In other words, what is so wrong with supporting the manager and why is it regarded as 'fawning' if you do? Well dodged though!

You asked me: "Do you dislike all fans who support their club's manager, or just Spurs fans who do it?" I responded, "I never said I disliked any fans." I answered your question very clearly. I don't dislike any fans and I never stated or suggested I did. Why is that difficult for you to understand? Are you simple? If you don't like the answer, then tough.

After the "in other words..." is a different question to the one you asked me. I did actually provide an answer to that where I said, "I don't think I said your support for Jose is wrong. There are Jose fanboys on here, so supporting Jose above spurs would be wrong. If that isn't you, fine. But as to why I want him gone, it is explained above." Again a very clear answer. You don't have to agree with the answer but don't come on here accusing me of dodging answers and avoiding your post when I addressed each part separately.

4, Also, well done for spectacularly avoiding the main point of my post...I know, it's hard to see through all of that pro-Jose red mist right? Here, I'll give you another chance....

Good grief, all this because I said "fawning fan". I didn't miss anything from your post because I never engaged with you.

If you recognise that some of our players are not good enough (see numerous individual errors this season for proof), how can that be all down to our current manager when many of these players were not even signed or scouted by him?

If you really want to know what I think (I suspect you don't): I think we have a very good squad (as Jose went on about at the beginning of this season) that should be pushing for 2nd or 3rd. We have some defensive vulnerabilities but this should be mitigated by our attacking talent.

I never said "it" was all down to our manager. Obviously, the players have to take some responsibility. I don't know why you keep throwing these assumptions around. It is a managers job to manage the players he has...obviously.

Or, if you don't like the way we are playing right now (not many of us do btw), then how much of that is down to the manager/tactics and how much is down to having sub-standard playing staff in the first 11?

In terms of the "way we are playing" (I presume you means style) I blame Jose. They are his tactics and again he consistently says he likes how we play.
I definitely don't want to 'talk to you'...but I will reply and post on anything I want to thanks....and if you find me pretentious or that I have an 'air of superiority'...well, that says more about you than I ever could! Admittedly, I am sometimes sarcastic, but that only tends to happen when I encounter an idiot!

Your answers to points 1 and 2 are a great example of how to use many words to say very little! So I won't even bother rebutting. (sorry if that makes you feel 'inferior' btw!)

On number 3, fair dues, you are 100% correct, you did not say that you "hate other fans" per se. But 99% of what you do state (in a variety of posts) strongly suggests that you have a problem with anyone who expresses there support of Jose. (show me I'm wrong and I'll concede that point gladly!)

I'm not offended by the 'fawning fans' terminology btw, I have been called much worse and I see it for what it is! It's more about how people like you use such terms to dismiss someone else's opinions, rather than by offering a reasoned, articulate response...that's just childish and invites negative responses that take the discussion off track...which is what you may actually want I guess.

I can't bring myself to respond to the rest of your ramblings in detail, but some things you might want to consider;

- I am not 'simple'...see, that's another example of your 'style' right there...the name means nothing to me, but your intentions behind it are the problem. I don't expect you to grasp that though.

- Don't complain if I comment on a post of yours if I'm only doing so because you chose to comment on a post of mine first (with name calling thrown in for good measure), that just makes you a hypocrite.

- If you think that we have a 'very good squad' with just some 'defensive vulnerabilities' then I would suggest that you look again! In fact that statement alone convinces me that you know very little about football in general!

- I know, you're compelled to unrealistically praise the quality of our squad, because to do anything else would undermine your 'Jose out' narrative...unfortunately, I see right through you and I see through everyone else who does it too!

Nice try though! :)
Absolutely zero point going over these individually as we are just going to disagree on each, which gets rather boring for others reading.

The wider point though and this is the crux, is the window was seen by an almost unanimous swathe of the fanbase that it was a good window and addressed all the issues the squad had. There wasn't an issue at the beginning of the season, just as there wasn't an issue when we bored our way to the top of the league only 2 months ago!

Who the fuck has Jose improved then?

Yes hindsight is 20-20 and I think it's normal for fans to be bullish about their prospects at the start of a season, especially when so many new faces arrive.

I'm sure there was similar excitement ahead of the magnificent 7 season.

Ultimately I think we did improve the squad in some areas:
- PEH - our best DM
- Reguilon - our best LB
- Vinicius - the best back up striker we've had since Kane's emergence (not that the bar was too high)
- Rodon - good prospect

Doherty and Bale have been duds. Hart is just a squad filler.

So we made 2 new signings to upgrade the first XI, that's great.

I think the issue is that for a long time we have overrated our squad generally.

Including the likes of Winks, Sissoko, Sanchez, Davies, Lucas, Lamela as evidence that we have good depth is the issue for me, not that we didn't do decent business in the summer.
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