Mauricio Pochettino

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I guess I'm just confused about the calling hum shit part. I don't think he's a bad coach. I do think he's a poor talent evaluator, which is why his struggles began at Spurs when he was given a larger role.

I think that also coincided with him becoming a member of the cult of the manager, and deciding he had a "style" to which he would remain inflexibly dedicated.

He gave us some wonderful memories, which I will remain fond of. But he was sacked for cause, never really seemed to be interested in the job post-Madrid which was a fiasco he presided over and on the eve of which he stated he was pretty much done with Tottenham.

Anyway, just hope that those who've deluded themselves into thinking there was some sort of special link are now coming to accept reality.
Why do you hate a winning culture, Will?

Look on the bright side...if he's as shit as you made him out to be then he'll ruin said winning culture. Which makes me wonder about the hostility on your part.

oh no oops GIF
It happens time and time again. We forget that Managers in particular, have no loyalty. They kiss the badge, take us to places and highs never dreamed of and we fall for them.
And then this crap.
Sorry Poch, I'm out, I hope you are a complete failure at that shitclub.
Thinking about it, if he couldn't get a real tune out of PSG ( a team he played for) with the players he had , I'm not so sure he's going to be a massive success at Chelsea.
Plus they sack managers quicker than we do.
He is dead to me now.
I will always have fond memories of the "Poch"era and those European nights.
But "Pochettino"the Chelsea slag can go fuck himself.
I fully acknowledge he owed us nothin and has to endear himself to his new moronic fan base,but! His "biggest club" comment was so obviously a dig at us,not Levy,US!Everyone connected with THFC. And what's worse,Chelsea fans know it and effing love it.
Fuck Pochettino!

May not be a popular viewpoint,but I don't give a monkey's.
Not sure what people expected him to say in his first press release. Of course he will praise his new employer. His English has always been a bit poor so I give him some leeway with that too.

Though he did very well with us I don't believe he would have been the only manager capable.

Really don't understand the love I see from some Spurs fans wanting him to win something at Chelsea?! I hope he loses every damn game and honestly am not convinced he will get to May still in the job.

Yes he should get dogs abuse coming back to Spurs representing that lot. But this interview was just the usual drivel - possibly not even all his own words.

The Chelsea fans will ne very quick to chew him up and spit him out with a few bad results given his past.
he's probably briefed by cheslea PR to say alot of the crap, Chelsea are obviously not the greatest team in england. They've not won the title for 6 years and just finished 12th.

Hope he fails as bad as potter, just like i hope any chelsea manager fails hard. He'll likely never be spurs manager again while Enic are here it seems so best he went to a scummy team and ruin his rep here so we dont have to have the cringe of singing his name when results dont go our way
Anyone got anymore Poch and Chelsea stories that we can mischaracterize and whine about? I've read somewhere that he was justified in taking the job because of his constructive dismissal by DL and the way you fuckers turned on him so quickly when it all went down yet most have the fucking chutzpah to suggest he is the disloyal one. Rich!!!!

You lot got your WINNERS(tm) and now he gets to get his winners!!!! Turnabout is fair play...

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Who said that love and hate were the sides of the same coin?
It was bad enough that he went there, but to say the stuff he did the way he did was bang out of order.
Not really - what he said was true, they have been incredibly successful and are a benchmark English team, in terms of silverware

Hard to swallow - but true

He neglected to say that it was courtesy of a friend of Putin, stealing natural assets that belong to the nation of russia - that paid for the club that was about to be extinguished

But who does that kind of thing in a new job?

He's likely to get the autonomy and financial support he was deprived of at Spurs

and therefore be a more successful top flight football manager

To be fair - its a big "F*** you" to Levy, as much as it's a rallying cry to the racist supporters, sorry - Chavski supporters

I hope any success he gets - makes Levy's eyes bleed - whilst at the same time, wishing that I witness the utter collapse of a revolting club, with disgusting supporters and a new set of dislikeable owners.

I will always believe that he wants to orchestrate success at Spurs, but that having been discarded, feels that the best way to get his message across is with our competition
Anyone got anymore Poch and Chelsea stories that we can mischaracterize and whine about? I've read somewhere that he was justified in taking the job because of his constructive dismissal by DL and the way you fuckers turned on him so quickly when it all went down yet most have the fucking chutzpah to suggest he is the disloyal one. Rich!!!!

You lot got your WINNERS(tm) and now he gets to get his winners!!!! Turnabout is fair play...

baby cry GIF by MarginDigital
why don't you just fuck off, you contemptible weasel?
Anyone got anymore Poch and Chelsea stories that we can mischaracterize and whine about? I've read somewhere that he was justified in taking the job because of his constructive dismissal by DL and the way you fuckers turned on him so quickly when it all went down yet most have the fucking chutzpah to suggest he is the disloyal one. Rich!!!!

You lot got your WINNERS(tm) and now he gets to get his winners!!!! Turnabout is fair play...

baby cry GIF by MarginDigital

He is dead to me now.
I will always have fond memories of the "Poch"era and those European nights.
But "Pochettino"the Chelsea slag can go fuck himself.
I fully acknowledge he owed us nothin and has to endear himself to his new moronic fan base,but! His "biggest club" comment was so obviously a dig at us,not Levy,US!Everyone connected with THFC. And what's worse,Chelsea fans know it and effing love it.
Fuck Pochettino!

May not be a popular viewpoint,but I don't give a monkey's.
I disagree - this is a fuck you to Levy, not us
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