No place for women in football?

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Thornaby FC Chairman Condemns Board’s Decision to Axe Women’s and Girls’ Teams - TSC News Channel

Astounded by this, what a disgusting move. As a dad of a 6 yr old girl who plays here in Aus and idolises the Matildas, I know first hand just how powerful sport like this can be in a young girl’s life.

I hope the ladies and girls affected are supported to set up a rival club 🖕🏻

Wow, this is literally a mile away from me, I had no idea. Looks like they're getting a lot of support locally. Might be good for them overall.
I‘m no expert, but at a guess I’d probably say that’s down to centuries of oppression and the fact that women’s football was banned for 50 years in England 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m older than the Spurs women’s team, which was formed in 1985. It’s not comparing apples with apples…

One of the great things about modern football (and there‘s plenty not so great) is the way it can foster inclusion and break down barriers, but decisions like this really don’t help that…
Yeah, exactly. If they hadn't been so closed-off for the PAST CENTURY then this wouldn't even be a conversation now.
That’s not quite the case. Woman’s football was not banned. It was not licensed or supported by the FA, meaning matches could not take place in the same stadiums as FA affiliated clubs.

Matches were and could be played at other venues and the English Ladies Football Association ran for at 30 years (1930-1960)

The reason the FA did what they did is not especially progressive against our modern day view point. But that’s the same FA who banned men’s matches in the First World War period, and championed woman’s matches in their absence, which suggests commerce was a bit of a factor.

Exactly. The pro women MSM just love to say it was "banned", even "illegal" I've heard before!

It was not supported by the FA and, as you say, excluded from FA clubs.

There was nothing, absolutely nothing, in law that made football for females illegal. There was no ban or restriction, for example, on females forming their own clubs and leagues (which they did), or even their own WFA.
I'd actually go as far as to say that the women's game might well be further forward and better formed as a distinctive spectacle and activity had women formed their own WFA and just got on with it. I know, I'll have someone tell me that less economic power made this hard or impossible, though I doubt "impossible" is ultimately true.

I do think MSM should give netball far more coverage tbh. Vast numbers of girls and women love playing it .. but the media ignores it. Why?
I see a number of "Lionesses" are "disgusted" and such like re Thornaby.

It appears the women's team was loss making, that there were no boys teams, that the girls teams could have / can carry on playing (without financial support), and that the only viable part of the club, as things stand, is the men's team?

So why don't those who are disgusted contribute financially to ensure the viability of the women's team? They feel very strongly right? Or not strongly enough to support?

Surprisingly, our state broadcaster didn't report the story in this way, but according to those involved, the above appears to be the case.
I see a number of "Lionesses" are "disgusted" and such like re Thornaby.

It appears the women's team was loss making, that there were no boys teams, that the girls teams could have / can carry on playing (without financial support), and that the only viable part of the club, as things stand, is the men's team?

So why don't those who are disgusted contribute financially to ensure the viability of the women's team? They feel very strongly right? Or not strongly enough to support?

Surprisingly, our state broadcaster didn't report the story in this way, but according to those involved, the above appears to be the case.
Saw one of the Lionesses was going to send the female teams a shirt. Not each. Just one between them. That’ll help.
My wife will be relax in a cellar from 06/14/2024 to 07/14/2024 23:55 o'clock

Ryan Reynolds Slap GIF by The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

(If she is reading this, I will relax in a coffin!)

Coffin Dancing GIF
It might be because I am Italian myself, but I don't see Gattuso's statement at all problematic.

People liking men football more than women football necessarily leads to men having much higher chance of succeeding in the football world at any level.

We can pretend it's an equality issue or just accept that it is as much a fact of life as a female having a bigger chance than a male at becoming a success story in a girls only school.
Might not even have been a lioness. Was someone called Beth, I believe? Not that up on my women’s football knowledge, so I could be doing the lionesses a disservice.
Just Googled “famous women called Beth”. Not a massive return to be fair.

Will next google famous men called Beth and will let you know how that goes 👍
Update. No famous men / male presenting people called Beth.

Will do a quick search on Xhamster next. Not for a “Beth” you understand. Just because
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