Racism in football

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Or me

I’m merely asking for evidence of it which doesn’t include Twitter

My view has been for years that BLM will perpetuate more racism and that's clearly bad, but apparently that means i'm racist? Not wanting more division or racism is racism? Right.

What planet are these wokesters on?
And the truth is that they were racially abused by people both in the UK and elsewhere.

And Twitter isn’t proof as you yourself said there’s no regulations on Twitter
Anyone can join with an email which are easy to create

And Twitter isn’t proof as you yourself said there’s no regulations on Twitter
Anyone can join with an email which are easy to create
Just to be clear are you saying they were not racially abused? And you can't dismiss Twitter because it suits you. The abuse is the key here, not the delivery method.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make and what proof you think you have for it.
Just to be clear are you saying they were not racially abused? And you can't dismiss Twitter because it suits you. The abuse is the key here, not the delivery method.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make and what proof you think you have for it.
I can totally dismiss Twitter as it’s not evidence and certainly not reliable as you well know

Stop twisting things

So to be totally clear I’m not saying that they weren’t racially abused but m just asking for evidence that they were not just someone’s day so
I can totally dismiss Twitter as it’s not evidence and certainly not reliable as you well know

Stop twisting things

So to be totally clear I’m not saying that they weren’t racially abused but m just asking for evidence that they were not just someone’s day so
I don't understand the last paragraph.

You have dismissed the police because they fitted up some people in the 70s. You have dismissed Twitter because that's where the evidence is. It was also on Instagram but you'll somehow dismiss that too.
Why does that matter?

Social media has no borders, that shouldn't excuse your participation in recognising the abuse and if you use that as an excuse to ignore it and say that's not my problem, then sorry but fuck you!
The whole narrative has been that these are England fans and we don't deserve to host competitions etc. Or maybe you're not bothered by the truth as long as there's racism somewhere.

If these are bots, its potentially one person generating thousands of comment, which is a very different proposition to thousand of people making individual comments.
This is the problem across the world. People have a debate on this, one side gets called racist the other woke hipsters. People cant have a discussion anymore.
I pointed out the other day that a from a screen shot of the abuse 90% of it seemed to be 'non - white' english names. It seemed to be ' foreign' sounding names. People outside uk, usa etc are doing this to create the exact thing thats happening here. Lack of debate, division everyone at each others throat.
You do have your idiots that will be racist etc. thats just life. Ban them off social media etc lock them up if they abuse someone and concentrate on the hundreds and thousands of people that backed the 3 lads after the abuse. Not the 100 idiots abusing them. Youre never gonna please everyone or have everyone like ye. Its that way across all walks of life
The whole narrative has been that these are England fans and we don't deserve to host competitions etc. Or maybe you're not bothered by the truth as long as there's racism somewhere.

If these are bots, its potentially one person generating thousands of comment, which is a very different proposition to thousand of people making individual comments.
I think english fans did that with their behaviour the other night not social media abuse. Although i agree that it does seem to be pushed that they were your own fans
Why does that matter?

Social media has no borders, that shouldn't excuse your participation in recognising the abuse and if you use that as an excuse to ignore it and say that's not my problem, then sorry but fuck you!
How am i ignoring it by discussing it?

And it seemed to have a border yesterday didn't it, until the evil far right on here pointed out most of the abuse was probably from outside England which all you moral crusaders were arguing against. Now it appears to be the case but the excuse is vpns. Well what if people outside of England used vpns for England so most those aren't even English anyway, and since when do you lefties generally care about problems outside of Europe anyway?

Do me a favour. Move the goalposts and suddenly the whole world needs to be held accountable. And this isn't even about the truth, it's about power. Brexit happened and you're all desperate to find the racists.
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