Summer 2013 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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Jesus Shitting Krankies. GARETH BARRY? Twatting Barry Garry? Fucking GAZ BAZ? The only player on the planet who's actually slower than Tom Huddlestone? We may as well sign a fucking Obelisk or just keep Huddlestone. He's got a much better eye for a pass anyway.
Gareth Barry is surely a transfer that wont happen, makes no sense at all. Apparently we are after the Belgian Midfielder Nainggogolan, he seems like a decent player but the fact he plays in Sandro's role does make me doubt his long term future with the club. Sure he would be a good squad player in the case of injury but first team? I'm not sure!

Then we have Ibrahim Afellay, who we are also rumoured to be looking at. Don't get me wrong, he looked like a quality player a few years ago but then of course he was found out at Barcelona, not to say he isn't still good mind, he would be a good option to have on the wings or through the middle, although I would still rather we signed Bernard. He would be a gamble but Oscar would've been too and look how he turned out!
Finally, Freddy Guarin. We bid what £15-17m for him and they want £21m, surely not... Levy will not pay that much for him I doubt. The most worrying thing about all of this rumoured 'activity' is that we are seemingly after midfielders and not strikers! Priorities Levy, priorities!!!
Well Belgians are the 'in thing' at the moment! If it was true and we were looking at him then it would surely mean the end of Scott Parker. They're very similar players even down to the same height...
I just hope if we were to go for him, that he would actually be good on the ball and going forward too. Something that Scotty has lacked unfortunately. :parker:
Bradley for Parker.

Kaboul will most likely not be getting a new contract unless its up this year. Same with Sandro. Those knee injuries were baaaad. Gotta see how they recover.
We'll see. They don't strike me as players who would go down without a fight. You can bet your life Sandro will give it fucking everything to try and come back from it, and Kaboul isn't exactly Eduardo
Vertonghen until 2018

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