Summer 2015 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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If he's not going to be part of the team/squad, there's no point him being here. My comment wasn't vindictive? He's a professional footballer - not a puppy dog.
I think he will be part of the team and definitely has a role to play. If Poch wasn't prepared to use him at all, I think he would have shifted him off to the side like Lennon. Didn't say your comment was vindictive, just in general. Has been a victim of his price tag in a lot of ways.
To be honest, if Man Utd sabotaged the deal on purpose. I have probably gained respect for LVG. Nothing like getting one up on Real Madrid, the pricks.
You don't need to be 6ft and built like a brick house to be a good striker. Suarez was tiny and slight, people said he couldn't be a striker or lead the line alone yet he did, and he did it well. Lets stop living in the 80's, eh?

Njie is very, very quick and agile. If we're playing with fast wingers all you need is for them to play the ball across the floor.

Like we did for Soldado?
The De Gea saga is hilarious.
Those arrogant cunts in Madrid apparently had the"presentation" all lined up
& the equally arrogant cunts in Manchester are now looking at getting far less for him in the January window because he will be out of contract in (effectively) 5 months. :avbfu:

You watch though...some "exception" will be made or the paperwork will mysteriously turn up timed at 11:59pm.:levyeyes:
I think he will be part of the team and definitely has a role to play. If Poch wasn't prepared to use him at all, I think he would have shifted him off to the side like Lennon. Didn't say your comment was vindictive, just in general. Has been a victim of his price tag in a lot of ways.
He's not a victim - jesus. He hasn't cut it at a decent PL club. Them's the facts made - I'm not going to cry.
I'm not too bothered about the transfer window anymore to be honest. I got Son, which was a dream transfer I wouldn't think would ever happen.
I know almost exactly how you feel.

I felt the same when we signed Eriksen and the Summer before that, Lloris. Had been dreaming to have 'em both at Spurs, and was soooo over the moon when we did sign them. But yeah, I'm happy for you. Let's hope Son is a super-hit signing!
Neither is Suarez. Aguero, who is built up, is still very small.

It isn't hard to hit the gym and bulk up. Look at Kane two years ago and compare to now. Guy got massive very quickly.

I'm not saying Njie is going to be an amazing striker, but he's hardly the feather weight you make him out to be either. His game relies on pace anyway and movement, not muscle or height...
I just don't see it mate if I am proven wrong I will gladly eat crow but as has been stated we clearly bought him in vision of being a wide forward. Not sure it's helping him or us to play him in a position that he's not accustomed to. Fact is the way we play our CF has to be able to hold up play to get the three behind in attacks once we win possession back. kane hasn't scored but I think he's done excellent in that regard. Personally I don't see anyone else in our squad that can do what he does. At a stretch maybe Chadli? Nonetheless I think we definitely need to bring in another proven CF to ease the burden on Kane
Wouldn't surprise me if Real Madrid still get de gea. Different rules for the CL teams
Same rule for everybody, really. Teams can lodge an extension for a couple of hours if an agreement in principle has been struck and all that they're waiting for is the lawyers to read the final print, or the player to drive across town to ink the dotted line.
I know almost exactly how you feel.

I felt the same when we signed Eriksen and the Summer before that, Lloris. Had been dreaming to have 'em both at Spurs, and was soooo over the moon when we did sign them. But yeah, I'm happy for you. Let's hope Son is a super-hit signing!
Thanks! Both of those players turned out great. I honestly feel like Son will do well. Even though I know that there might be a chance that he might not do so well, my heart just doesn't accept it.
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