Summer 2015 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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Starting to get a little concerned that we're not going to get anyone in today.

Was pretty confident Berahino would get forced over the line but that's fading.

Without seeing Son or Clinton play I have no idea if they could play CF so I'll be extremely pissed off with Levy if we exit today without a new striker.

It would be crazy to not have some form of back up or competition for Kane. At the very least he'll need resting at some point.
Oh for fucking FUCKS SAKE! And I thought that fucking spunk trumpet Lawrenson was a massive wanger of fucking geothermally interstellar proportions. Would you listen to this scotal armpit Brazil. Another harbour in China has just fucking exploded in complete indignation at the cunt. He's got the intellect of a fucking domino with no cunting dots on it! FUCK YOU BRAZIL. Back to your fucking fridge magnet letters and trying to lick soggy ginger nut crumbs off the floor you massive fucking tosspot. You are a shit aerosol of Trumpesque proportions. NOT ANOTHER SYLLABLE OUT OF YOU ALL DAY OR I'LL WHACK YOUR PAVEMENT GRAZING KNUCKLES WITH A WOODEN SPOON SO HARD THAT YOUR EYES NIPPLES AND BELLEND WILL GO INVERTED. Right then. Who's next on the cunting off conveyor?

Could be worse.
Goons have literally only signed a goalkeeper all summer haven't they? At least in terms of first team improvement.
I know they already have a pretty decent squad but they lack in the same two positions as us, DM and CF.

Imagine supporting a club that clearly has a huge revenue, massive stadium and regular champions league football, yet STILL doesn't sign enough of the right players each year to compete for the title.

Guarantee that Real, United, PSG or Bayern will come knocking for Alexis next year too if they don't win anything.
Why are people saying Kane is still our only striker? Where the duck do Njie and Son play? I thought they were forwards?!

Serious question btw. Please tell me if they aren't. (But if they aren't, I may well kill myself, as I was convinced we had sorted the striker thing out?)
Njie is listed as a midfielder on our website and Son played mostly on the left from what I've seen..
I don't why people concern themselves with individual player costs.

Okay, i understand that a high transfer fee can put unnecessary pressure and expectations on a player (as it has with Lamela), but the only person that should really be giving a shit about how much a player costs is the big bald man.

Even then the exaggerated costs that the papers spew out are unlikely to reflect the true cost and payment specifics of a new signing.

So its all bollox anyway.
The striker deal could lies with getting rid of Lamela 1st. Kane, Son, N'Jie/new striker and Eriksen will be the starting front 4. N'Jie/new striker(forward), Mason(centre), Dembele(right) and Chadli(left) as backup.
I'm not sure how any spurs fan can be happy if we don't sign a striker. I'm clinging onto the hope that if we don't sign berahino ( which we won't ) then Austin is our signing and I'll be happy enough with this. I want Berahino but certainly wouldn't be disappointed with Austin
I'd prefer Austin. Berainho isn't any better than Austin and we'd just wreck him anyway.
Starting to get a little concerned that we're not going to get anyone in today.

Was pretty confident Berahino would get forced over the line but that's fading.

Without seeing Son or Clinton play I have no idea if they could play CF so I'll be extremely pissed off with Levy if we exit today without a new striker.

It would be crazy to not have some form of back up or competition for Kane. At the very least he'll need resting at some point.

Do you hear that?
It's the sound of sammyspurs sammyspurs charging up the biggest 'I told you so' in the history of mankind


I know not everyone's favourite person but has anyone mentioned JJ etset post on spurs community? Apparently he's said berahino is a done deal. Posted a message like " today is a good day # berahino" .... I don't like this prick JJ but he don't usually post stuff like this

Holy crap... we might get Berahino? STOP THE PRESS.

Nice move by JJ - gets a 50/50 signing right and people will treat him like a god, get it wrong and he'll make out that it was looking done but a last minute hitch or some such crap.

The day he comes out and names a player like N'Jie or Son hours before anyone else I'll start paying attention. Until then, he has a significantly worse ITK record than me, which isn't a ringing endorsement.
I'd prefer Austin. Berainho isn't any better than Austin and we'd just wreck him anyway.

Define 'better'. He's a better wide front man, he's faster, he's younger, he's a 'better' wide forward option. Austin is a better target man, better finisher, better in the air.

It all depends what Poch/Levy thinks our priorities are. Berahino or Austin will be better than one another depending on what kind of role they think we need. With N'Jie and Son coming in, along with current options in the shape of Chadli, Lamela etc I'd be inclined to think that we need more of an Austin style player than Berahino.
Sky sports were at spurs a minute ago. Basically saying it's all silent at the moment but there's a feeling that if spurs don't sign a striker then it's not a major issue as the club feel the likes of Njie and Son can play in these positions. Sorry but if this is levy and the spurs board reasoning for not getting in a striker then it's absolute farcical.

As a generalisation, there are two factions within the ranks of Tottenham supporters regarding Levy's transfer dealings, those that think Spurs should get their deals done early and integrate the new players during the close-season and the others that believe in Levy's approach of leave it late and pick up the correct player at a reasonable price. If we don't do any business before the transfer window closes, as is looking increasingly likely, then both factions are going to be incredibly pissed off.
Holy crap... we might get Berahino? STOP THE PRESS.

Nice move by JJ - gets a 50/50 signing right and people will treat him like a god, get it wrong and he'll make out that it was looking done but a last minute hitch or some such crap.

The day he comes out and names a player like N'Jie or Son hours before anyone else I'll start paying attention. Until then, he has a significantly worse ITK record than me, which isn't a ringing endorsement.

I completely agree mate but the only reason it grabbed my attention was because he don't usually post concrete news like this. He usually beats around the bush like prick. I still don't believe it but the guys on SC seem to hero worship him
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