Summer 2015 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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Why are people saying Kane is still our only striker? Where the duck do Njie and Son play? I thought they were forwards?!

Serious question btw. Please tell me if they aren't. (But if they aren't, I may well kill myself, as I was convinced we had sorted the striker thing out?)

Wide forwards , wingers.

A Son fan the other day said that he's not that keen on playing your standard forward role. Can't remember the posters name but it was a very informative post
At this stage would we all be happy with Charlie Austin?
I would,but.....
There has got to be something we don't know about him or he would have been sold by now.You don't score that mnany goals in a team that goes down and still be there the next season,not in this day and age anyway.
I don't think he is injury prone, despite the failed medical etc. So there must be something
There's lots of info about Son in his thread but everything points to a player who is exceptional at taking on the ball in wide positions, and then makes direct runs into more central positions that he can shoot from. He isn't great with his back to goal, isn't the best passer and doesn't hold up the ball terrifically well.

If we try playing him at a central striker at the top of the tree then we'd be wasting his talents.
Sky sports were at spurs a minute ago. Basically saying it's all silent at the moment but there's a feeling that if spurs don't sign a striker then it's not a major issue as the club feel the likes of Njie and Son can play in these positions. Sorry but if this is levy and the spurs board reasoning for not getting in a striker then it's absolute farcical.
It's all so black and white with some of you bell ends on here. A polar world of predicted disappointment.

Shades of grey my friends... everything shades of grey.
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Wouldn't be surprised to see Clinton play upfront. Has played as a striker before when Lacazette didn't play, so he has got experience there and by all accounts is quite rapid and has good goal sense so it could work. Son seems to be suited to a winger role, possibly as a second striker? Good at cutting in and is suited to a wider role.

Oh for fucking FUCKS SAKE! And I thought that fucking spunk trumpet Lawrenson was a massive wanger of fucking geothermally interstellar proportions. Would you listen to this scrotal armpit Brazil. Another harbour in China has just fucking exploded in complete indignation at the cunt. He's got the intellect of a fucking domino with no cunting dots on it! FUCK YOU BRAZIL. Back to your fucking fridge magnet letters and trying to lick soggy ginger nut crumbs off the floor you massive fucking tosspot. You are a shit aerosol of Trumpesque proportions. NOT ANOTHER SYLLABLE OUT OF YOU ALL DAY OR I'LL WHACK YOUR PAVEMENT GRAZING KNUCKLES WITH A WOODEN SPOON SO HARD THAT YOUR EYES NIPPLES AND BELLEND WILL GO INVERTED. Right then. Who's next on the cunting off conveyor?
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So West Ham are going to get top 4?
No , but a very good chance of finishing higher
and some say Palace have more balanced first 11. Time will tell but lookz like Levy is saving his dosh for his annual mega payrise .
With new decent attacking managers and chairman backing who knows ,adds a little spice..
I know not everyone's favourite person but has anyone mentioned JJ etset post on spurs community? Apparently he's said berahino is a done deal. Posted a message like " today is a good day # berahino" .... I don't like this prick JJ but he don't usually post stuff like this
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