Summer 2021 - Transfer Thread

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No suprise here.....

Financial doping, sports-washing, immoral regiems, blood money yadda yadda yadda.

"Fuck 180m we're happy to lose him on a free next year" - The above being the only reason a no-mark club like PSG can afford to make such sacrifices that are beyond any other club (bar 1!) in the game.

.........I accept your mind is not for changing; but for you to once again just shrug your shoulders and equate such goings on to Spurs, leaves a very nasty taste in the mouth.
But like, are they happy to lose him on a free?

Who is so sure Mbappe won’t re-sign? Won’t PSG be able to pay him more?

I’ve said it a million times, as a business Spurs are exactly like PSG in every possible way with the lone exception of the percentage of their revenue they invest on the field.

PSG and City and Chelsea got to where they are in a different (and bad!) way then we did, but it’s the same operation now. The undeniably inflated sponsorship deals of PSG and City are a marginal impact.
Imagine if you were allowed transfers anytime

yep. 5th very good, 6th good, 7th ok, 8th bad. That’s probably levys targets for nuno. Below 8th & he probably pulls the trigger on nuno.
I think we can see why Nuno was brought in over say a Conte because he appears a yes man a nice fella but a yes man.
We know we don't win anything so that's out and top four is not available so fifth or sixth will have to do.
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I think we can see why Nuno was brought in over say a Conte because he appears a yes man a nice fella but a yes man.
We we know we don't win anything so that's out and top four is not available so fifth or sixth will have to do.
Can I borrow your crystal ball to make some investments?
Even in the advent of an ESL there'd still be a financial pecking order that they'd struggle to keep up with.
The thing you need to understand, and I point this out because it is fundamental to realizing that PSG and Spurs are one and the same, the ESL would have immediately imposed levels of revenue sharing and expenditure restriction that would be anathema within their national league structures. PSG would not just pour its resources into dominating Spurs and Woolwich, they would collude and integrate with Spurs and Woolwich.

Closed leagues can be anticompetitive, and anticompetitiveness equals profit (see: all American sports). And that is what the Qataris and Levy alike are after, a permanent anticompetitive sinecure that owns the sport of football to the exclusion of every other club and league on earth, and bleeds the public love for the game into an endless spigot of money.

If that analogy sounds a bit like an oil well, guess what, you're thinking up the right tree.

(The American owners know this works from experience, the petro-dopers understand the value of a resource monopoly, and the continental clubs are skint and desperate. The cheese stands alone in terms of which ownership group should have joined with the German clubs standing against this thing. But then, it’s not like this was just out of the goodness of their hearts, German regulations make them genuinely accountable to their fans in a way the PL doesn’t.)
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Sorry but that's fantasy. We spent 4 years in the CL places. Woolwich spent 22 consecutive years. do you say they're a champions league team having a bad spell?
Newcastle and Leeds spent time in the CL then fell from there, do you call them a Champions League team?

Our little forray into it was a perfect storm. A set of players under a coach at exactly the right time.
The odd of us replicating that again are slim because it was actually good scouting and a wonderkid from the academy.
Woolwich have been on a downward spiral for a few years now. We're just having a blip, due to the squad not being refreshed when it should. Even last year we could have comfortably made top 4, bar those stupid last minute goals we conceded in 4-5 matches. Fine margins.
Woolwich have been on a downward spiral for a few years now. We're just having a blip, due to the squad not being refreshed when it should. Even last year we could have comfortably made top 4, bar those stupid last minute goals we conceded in 4-5 matches. Fine margins.
Fine margins getting coarser all the time.

The new Big Four in the PL looks even more ironclad than the old one, with the possible exception of Liverpool’s squad aging and them being unwilling to invest in refreshing it, I guess we’ll see on that front.
Really we are still paying the price for the £130m we invested in Ndombele, Lo Celso and Sessegnon. We took a huge gamble on those three to be our new Dembele, Eriksen and Rose but in our last match only two of them made the bench and neither of them entered the pitch.

I think the moves we have made are decent but to really compete at the top end we need those three to explode and deliver on the money we paid. We are not City, we can’t spend that kind of money on flops and keep going as if nothing happened.
We backed Poch for those signings.
Not always sensible to do that. Let’s see how our new signings work out this time.
But like, are they happy to lose him on a free?

A per reports so far:

1. He wants RM (boyhood fan blah).
2. PSG have been trying to get him to renew for over a year and have done everything they can to convince him (inc. bringing in Messi).
3. RM have been gearing a move up with him behind the scenes since before he even signed for PSG.

He's done everything he can at PSG..... Apart from win the CL and he either ticks that box this year with Messi or succumbs to the fact that even with Messi they couldn't get it done and he could be waiting forever.

No guarantees until pen is put to paper, granted; but ultimately PSG have proved they are absolutely prepared to lose him on a free.

Who is so sure Mbappe won’t re-sign? Won’t PSG be able to pay him more?

No trf fee means RM can pander to every last whim of his to get him.

They don't have the sheer wealth of PSG, but they'll still make him obscenely rich whilst providing the one thing PSG can't buy.... A bigger stage from week to week.

I’ve said it a million times, as a business Spurs are exactly like PSG in every possible way with the lone exception of the percentage of their revenue they invest on the field.

Yes... And you're fundamentally wrong because of the origins of the money that provided the footing and revenue generation that they are only now able to exploit.

You ignore this time and time again (let's not have the same conversation).

PSG and City and Chelsea got to where they are in a different (and bad!) way then we did, but it’s the same operation now. The undeniably inflated sponsorship deals of PSG and City are a marginal impact.

(Ahhh, shit! ....Looks like we are having that conversation again then.)

.....This is nothing more that a token acknowledgement from you when in fact it is what fundamentally separates the clubs (on social, moral and economic levels). Ultimately, you're happy to draw a line under this stone cold fact and just see us as the same from here on in as if how they got to the dance is no longer relevant for no other reason other than it's already happened.

I'm sorry... It doesn't just wash away.... People should not forget/ignore it or draw a line under it.... In a very specific way, to do so is to be complicit in the very sports washing they seek

By your token, you have no real reason to harbour a rivalry with Woolwich beyond some compliant notion of 'red shirt bad' when in fact the truth runs far deeper.

The thing you need to understand, and I point this out because it is fundamental to realizing that PSG and Spurs are one and the same,

Nope...... Not unless you're preaching to me the idea that the history and culture of our club and the ethics of the game have no meaning/value and that all this (the game and it's roots) amount to nothing more than some numbers on a spreadsheet.

.....You seem totally subservient by the Sports = Entertainment = Business ethos.

I counter:

Sport = competition(*)
Club, culture & ethics = the people & the soul.

.......These are the things worth clinging to in whatever's left of our increasingly shit-stained game.

(*Not entertainment..... Of course, a surrounding industry sells it as such; but to draw a parallel: Art is still art; no matter how much a painting is sold for and how many people profit from it's sale.)

Sidenote: This is where those in our midst that prattle on about "spreadsheet fans" and "Levy-lovers" highlight their ignorance.... Most people that think like me are in fact 'romantics' who will be the very last to jump on board the train when the last trip to Cortporate Football-ville eventually leaves the station.

the ESL would have immediately imposed levels of revenue sharing and expenditure restriction that would be anathema within their national league structures. PSG would not just pour its resources into dominating Spurs and Woolwich, they would collude and integrate with Spurs and Woolwich.

Closed leagues can be anticompetitive, and anticompetitiveness equals profit (see: all American sports). And that is what the Qataris and Levy alike are after, a permanent anticompetitive sinecure that owns the sport of football to the exclusion of every other club and league on earth, and bleeds the public love for the game into an endless spigot of money.

If that analogy sounds a bit like an oil well, guess what, you're thinking up the right tree.

(The American owners know this works from experience, the petro-dopers understand the value of a resource monopoly, and the continental clubs are skint and desperate. The cheese stands alone in terms of which ownership group should have joined with the German clubs standing against this thing. But then, it’s not like this was just out of the goodness of their hearts, German regulations make them genuinely accountable to their fans in a way the PL doesn’t.)

ESL would (will!) suck.... Corporate football sucks...... Well yeh. Your principals are apparently far less resistant to the the New (Football) World Order than mine though. Whilst I don't disagree with your final passage, I'm not sure of it's direct relevance to your insistence upon whitewashing the unsavory, dubious means, methods and motives that it took to get the petro-clubs to the big table.

As noted above; you're all too happy to draw a line and afford them the legitimacy that they crave; the very thing that their deeper motive seeks.... "Hey, we know it's immoral... We know blood has been shed and people have been abused, but hey never mind; you're here now... Welcome aboard"........ Fuck that(*).

I know things are too far gone to put the genie back inside the bottle, but 'Spurs = Just a less rich version of City/Chavs/PSG'???? .....Again; fuck that(*).

(*No offense, like.)
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Fine margins getting coarser all the time.

The new Big Four in the PL looks even more ironclad than the old one, with the possible exception of Liverpool’s squad aging and them being unwilling to invest in refreshing it, I guess we’ll see on that front.
I am so sick of reading this every. single. year.

I really don't care what City, Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea do with their transfers.
Make no mistake; the only reason PSG weren't on-board with the ESL is because of Qatar being in bed with FIFA over the WC...... Same as Munich albeit different reasons. Commercially and profile wise; Ligue Un and the Bundesliga ain't worth shit to them by comparison.

I think FCB & RM have been operating on fear and desperation.... Hence the poor logic and ham-fisted explanations behind such actions and transfer dealings. Desperation to cling to a status that they likely won't win back...... Even in the advent of an ESL there'd still be a financial pecking order that they'd struggle to keep up with.

Not sure this theory holds. The ESL would have had negligible impact on FIFA, it was UEFA who were getting shafted by it. In fact there were rumblings that though FIFA publicly backed UEFA against it, in private wouldn't have minded a weakened UEFA.
Levy got levied by aurier. Aurier won clearly as we had to pay up his contract. Aurier didn’t let levy bully him in this one. The levy lovers won’t like that so will say it’s a levy masterstroke no matter what.
I wouldnt say levy got levied but yes aurier didnt get bullied into just going wherever levy sends him to make the most money. He stood firm and stuck to the contract and got what he wanted, Like levy does. Oh i guess levy did get levied.
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