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Look; I love love LOVE finishing above them, but preferring that to an actual trophy is a a very dubious position to take........ Dare i say small-time thinking.

We don't know what we want as a fanbase, seems like we've been starved of lifting a trophy for so long we've forgotten what it feels like and prefer the small meaningless victories that come with the territory.
Look; I love love LOVE finishing above them, but preferring that to an actual trophy is a a very dubious position to take........ Dare i say small-time thinking.
hmm i certainly did not say i preferred that to a trophy anywhere.

I merely stated that they go on about lack of trophies as a means to deflect that they are factual inferior in the league and it hurts them, so trophy history is all they have.
A win at old Trafford would be incredible, but let’s not turn our noses up at a draw. We would have played Westham, Chelsea, Woolwich and United away already. Grounds we notoriously get fuck all from usually and if for instance we draw at united, that’s 3 draws in those games stopping our rivals getting the wins. A draw at Old Trafford is a decent result as long as we beat Poocastle Sunday

A draw away at Old Trafford would be a good result from where I am sitting. We shouldn't have lost there last year really.
Look; I love love LOVE finishing above them, but preferring that to an actual trophy is a a very dubious position to take........ Dare i say small-time thinking.
FFS - not singling you out, but this new "if you don't agree with me I can win the argument by just saying..... Thats small time thinking" is just lazy.

Pisses me right off

"Small time thinking" is an absolute meaningless phrase.
I don’t have high expectations for any of these people, but it’s pretty obvious why she was hired.

Even O’Hara has better insight.

TBF, they have different jobs.

As an ex-pro, O'hara is afforded a punditry-level respect which frankly he's too dumb to shoulder.

She's an adequate presenter, but I think she has a pretty shitty personality and has a poorly hidden, bratty pickly-ness about her.
We don't know what we want as a fanbase, seems like we've been starved of lifting a trophy for so long we've forgotten what it feels like and prefer the small meaningless victories that come with the territory.
Absolute bollocks

Finishing above the Scum is not a small meaningless victory.

If anything, people have taken finishing above that shit show for granted...... It's only when you trudge to the lane week in week out for years and years and experience always finishing below them, that you actually understand how important it is to finish above the nomads.

I can't believe any Spurs fans would actually say they "couldn't give a shit about finishing above the Scum" except maybe the modern day spoilt fan that doesn't understand what it's all about.
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Absolute bollocks

Finishing above the Scum is not a small meaningless victory.

If anything, people have taken finishing above that shit show for granted...... It's only when you trudge to the lane week in week out for years and years and experience always finishing below them, that you actually understand how important it is to finish above the nomads.

Well yes it is if the comparison is winning trophies, so you should ask yourself what's more important; winning silverware and finally ending this hoodoo we have over this club or winning some banter points against Woolwich fans yaaay

And if the latter is more important to you then I don't know what to say to that apart from you do you :nunothumb:
FFS - not singling you out, but this new "if you don't agree with me I can win the argument by just saying..... Thats small time thinking" is just lazy.

Pisses me right off

"Small time thinking" is an absolute meaningless phrase.

It's a phrase I seldom use, so no it certainly doesn't apply to me.......

Even though it's something I don't say lightly (note my initial reluctant phrasing!); contextually, it's fitting to this discussion........ However uncomfortable a question; this topic has thrown up a pertinent & legit dillema..... One that we could very well face this season.

What is the purpose of the club? To be as relatively successful as it can possibly be.... Or is to merely have bragging rights over our local rival?
It's a phrase I seldom use, so no it certainly doesn't apply to me.......

Even though it's something I don't say lightly (note my initial reluctant phrasing!); contextually, it's fitting to this discussion........ However uncomfortable a question; this topic has thrown up a pertinent & legit dillema..... One that we could very well face this season.

What is the purpose of the club? To be as relatively successful as it can possibly be.... Or is to merely have bragging rights over our local rival?

I often wonder why the club's standards have been in the gutter, fans really need to stop accepting mediocrity and aim higher than merely accepting finishing above them is a sign of progress, it isn't.
We've finished above them 6 years in a row..... Hasn't shut them up for a second.

Same with Liverpool - we finished above them 8 times in 10 seasons until about 2017.

Did it stop the Liverpool love in by the tv pundits during that10 years - no it was 'Liverpool always finish above Spurs'

Nor did it stop the Liverpool fans ..... so why expect Woolwich to remember we've finished above them for 6 years in a row ?

Well yes it is if the comparison is winning trophies, so you should ask yourself what's more important; winning silverware and finally ending this hoodoo we have over this club or winning some banter points against Woolwich fans yaaay

And if the latter is more important to you then I don't know what to say to that apart from you do you :nunothumb:
"You do you"

"Small time thinking"

"Small club mentality"

You do realise that all of these phrases are just bollocks don't you?
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"You do you"

"Small time thinking"

"Small club mentality"

All of these phrases are just bollocks.

At the end of the day its a difference of opinion, I didn't say you were wrong for wanting to finish above Woolwich. I think we all do but you should perhaps try to be a bit more objective with this.

I asked you a question and gave you a comparison and surprise surprise you ignored it, perhaps you should answer this:

But if we bag a cup and finish 3rd whilst they don't win a cup and finish 2nd what difference would it make?

And that will give you an insight where I'm coming from. ;)

I can't believe any Spurs fans would actually say they "couldn't give a shit above finishing above the Scum" except maybe the modern day spoilt fan that doesn't understand what it's all about.

As for this, perhaps try not to twist my words or remove the context, at no point did I say I couldn't give a shit about finishing above the scum...

I said it's not important to me as long as we achieve our goals and progress as a club.
What do you mean I'm throwing in cups, that's literally been my entire argument all along, please try and keep up.
Honestly couldn't give a fuck about finishing above them as long as we achieve our goals and progress, yeah great for bragging rights and Internet points but meaningless for the club.
You posited that originally to Gmspurs Gmspurs

I don't really care about City, PPG, Xg, averages and all that shite - what I do care about is finishing above the scum.

I'd rather they didn't get top four but I'd be OK with it if we came 2nd or 3rd.

Nothing about cups slim shady. It meant something to Gmspurs Gmspurs to finish above them as it does me….. then you bent your original argument to include cups ….. which becomes a totally different discussion

And don’t try and say it’s included in achieving our goals because it’ll be included in every top 6 clubs aims

You’re entire argument it was not slim
At the end of the day its a difference of opinion, I didn't say you were wrong for wanting to finish above Woolwich. I think we all do but you should perhaps try to be a bit more objective with this.

I asked you a question and gave you a comparison and surprise surprise you ignored it, perhaps you should answer this:

And that will give you an insight where I'm coming from. ;)

As for this, perhaps try not to twist my words or remove the context, at no point did I say I couldn't give a shit about finishing above the scum...

I said it's not important to me as long as we achieve our goals and progress as a club.
No one is trying to twist anything - the fact you've changed your argument when I disagreed with you is by the bye.

Honestly couldn't give a fuck about finishing above them as long as we achieve our goals and progress, yeah great for bragging rights and Internet points but meaningless for the club.

This is what I originally responded to ^^^ and I said sorry but we're going to have to beg to differ.

But no, you couldn't leave it at that so you added your cups argument after this.

Look back up the thread - nothing to do with cups or whatever bollocks you're spouting now.

But as you say "you do you"
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