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It was a bit more then. .it was a culture.. It would be very hard to explain it to someone now..the adrenalin rush when your with your mates and it was about to go off? As a few have tried to engage as well You took your life in your hands going away.. Quite apt with one of the getting cut at wall last month everton was one of the worst places and they. where forever waving metal in your face.. Nothing was arranged in those days either.. They knew you where coming and knew who you where because of how you dressed.and vice versa.. Being hijacked at lime Street station became an occupational hazard .
Always, loved going to man u especially. 2nd division like some have already spoken off was possibly the best season travelling around the country.. Most places anywhere their would be a reception waiting
But one away game above all else I can recall like yesterday.. Forest away . Ossie and Ricky's debut our first game back in div 1 as it was then. . Kr's coach up that day..not my thing though.. I was train firm from then on.
That same season - Derby away. We were singing the Mary Brown/Tommy Doc songs. 😁
Winning 2-1 and then John Duncan of all people, scores their leveller
When Pat Jennings left,John Duncan became the top boy at Spurs for me.Was quite injury prone.Still it gave us the "Duncan is back!" song
But for injuries, he could have been a great player for us. His goals/games ratio for Spurs is excellent.
Saw us play up at Chesterfield in a pre-season friendly in '85 and got talking to him before the game.
He said he should never have left us, and still regretted it.
A bit like Neil McNab really.....
But for injuries, he could have been a great player for us. His goals/games ratio for Spurs is excellent.
Saw us play up at Chesterfield in a pre-season friendly in '85 and got talking to him before the game.
He said he should never have left us, and still regretted it.
A bit like Neil McNab really.....
Chris Jones is another player from that era who i think was underrated. When you look at old youtube clips etc ,his assist rate is good.Not that they had assist ratings back then
I know Neil McNabs cousin from trips over to Belfast.He is in a bad way these days,lives in the US i think.
I remember seeing him turn out for City up at Maine road in the early 90s.I surprised he was still playing.I was at the training ground as a kid when him the skipper came to blows.It made the papers the next day.
I remember Queen released "We are the Champions" fairly early in the season and everyone joining in on the shelf (or so it seemed)whenever it was played pre match.
And the shelf under the gantry singing;
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Hill, Jimmy Hill Jimmy Hill,
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Hill Jimmy Jimmy Hill,
Oh, .... 😁
Chris Jones is another player from that era who i think was underrated. When you look at old youtube clips etc ,his assist rate is good.Not that they had assist ratings back then
I know Neil McNabs cousin from trips over to Belfast.He is in a bad way these days,lives in the US i think.
I remember seeing him turn out for City up at Maine road in the early 90s.I surprised he was still playing.I was at the training ground as a kid when him the skipper came to blows.It made the papers the next day.
Jonah was very good technically, but never a goalscorer. I think he enjoyed playing with Duncan, as it took that bit of pressure off him in that respect.
Chris McGrath used to stay in lodgings at my mate's house in Tottenham, while he was with us. My mate was Dean Neal, who played for Millwall and QPR in the early 80's.

Sad news about Neil.
Chris Jones is another player from that era who i think was underrated. When you look at old youtube clips etc ,his assist rate is good.Not that they had assist ratings back then
I know Neil McNabs cousin from trips over to Belfast.He is in a bad way these days,lives in the US i think.
I remember seeing him turn out for City up at Maine road in the early 90s.I surprised he was still playing.I was at the training ground as a kid when him the skipper came to blows.It made the papers the next day.
One game at southampton at the dell..we where 3 down and came back to 3-3..jonesy is clean through in the final minute ..just the keeper to beat and he bottled it ..dontbthink he was underated..just not good enough
Jonah was very good technically, but never a goalscorer. I think he enjoyed playing with Duncan, as it took that bit of pressure off him in that respect.
Chris McGrath used to stay in lodgings at my mate's house in Tottenham, while he was with us. My mate was Dean Neal, who played for Millwall and QPR in the early 80's.

Sad news about Neil.
Yeah, he was natural number 10 in modern football.But yeah, didn't have the greatest score rate.
Chris McGrath,he was an NI international wasn't he? Curly black hair?
One game at southampton at the dell..we where 3 down and came back to 3-3..jonesy is clean through in the final minute ..just the keeper to beat and he bottled it ..dontbthink he was underated..just not good enough
I was at the game. That occurred at the other end to where we were. It looked like he hit the post and turned round to celebrate thinking it was in, thus missing the chance to knock in the rebound.
Spot on..i waz right down the front ..that was possibly the worst ground of all at the time
Yup - that ground was tighter than a duck's arse. I can still remember before the 0-0 promotion game, everyone dancing to Night Fever in our end. 🙂
Villa away that season. (78/79) 2-0 down with 12 minutes to go and we win 3-2. Hodd 2 and Jonah I think. A Villa stall got turned over before the game, hence why a load of Spurs were wearing Villa scarves!
Yup - that ground was tighter than a duck's arse. I can still remember before the 0-0 promotion game, everyone dancing to Night Fever in our end. 🙂
Villa away that season. (78/79) 2-0 down with 12 minutes to go and we win 3-2. Hodd 2 and Jonah I think. A Villa stall got turned over before the game, hence why a load of Spurs were wearing Villa scarves!
I was there too and imho hoddles best ever goal to win it..was in the whitton end right behind it..the cheekiest of chips from the edge of the area over jimmy rimmer was almost slow motion watching in creep over his outstrtched arms and into the net..we all went bananas. ...and no telly !.
I was there too and imho hoddles best ever goal to win it..was in the whitton end right behind it..the cheekiest of chips from the edge of the area over jimmy rimmer was almost slow motion watching in creep over his outstrtched arms and into the net..we all went bananas. ...and no telly !.
Loads of Goals /Incidents back then are no more than memories due to less TV coverage.I prefer that in a way though.
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