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I was there too and imho hoddles best ever goal to win it..was in the whitton end right behind it..the cheekiest of chips from the edge of the area over jimmy rimmer was almost slow motion watching in creep over his outstrtched arms and into the net..we all went bananas. ...and no telly !.
Spot on with that 👍 Although I think his goal against Bolton in the cup was better. Out on the touchline and bent in a beauty at the Paxton. Most of the crowd couldn't believe it.
We couldn't win an FA Cup match to save our lives at the time. Typically they went up the other end and scored a leveller - Whatmore I think.
I remember another goal against Villa from Hoddle. 2-2 at White Hart Lane. If i remember right,76/77 curled it in from an angle,over towards the enclosure .All the papers next day were saying it was a fluke.Then it came to light he did it 2/3 times a day in training. Don't think that one is on film either
81 Arthur, they were'nt to happy about the state of the place afterwards, with the amount of blood about it looked more like a butchers than a chippy.
This was the game when they were throwing tomatoes at us with razor blades inside. Hostile that day, due to the Leeds fan that died at our place the previous season.
Went by Dennings coaches that day - got back to the coach after the game and everyone cheered when we got the scum at home in the cup.
I remember another goal against Villa from Hoddle. 2-2 at White Hart Lane. If i remember right,76/77 curled it in from an angle,over towards the enclosure .All the papers next day were saying it was a fluke.Then it came to light he did it 2/3 times a day in training. Don't think that one is on film either
Remember it well. Think it's on Youtube. Think we won 3-1
Loads of Goals /Incidents back then are no more than memories due to less TV coverage.I prefer that in a way though.
Another with no cameras was Forest away in 1980. We beat them 3-0 which was no mean feat back then.
Our 3rd goal was unbelievable, with countless passes....resulting with Archie tapping home.
Yes both lively games, now even I am too old to remember this one but chatted to a mate re the 1970 league cup semi final first leg at Ashton Gate which was fun too apparently.
Fucking Barry Daines in the one at Eastville!! Great day out that.
Went to Eastville for their centenary/Mabbutt game in '83. Didn't go in '78 so thought this might be my only chance to watch us play there. Was totally skint at the time, so hitch hiked there and back. Just had enough money to get in and to buy a programme. Got back at gone 2 the next morning. Was bloody starving hungry!
Tough financial times back then. Notts County away midweek the following season - walked from home (Tottenham) to St Pancras to get the train...and back home again afterwards.
Didn't see the Goodbye Greaves (not technically a testimonial anyway).
My first was for Phil Beal against Bayern Munich. The Kaiser, Muller and all...
Poor attendance due to the power cuts at the time.
I definitely went to that one.
Mabbsy's one sticks out in my memory, because the sun was blazing, I nearly got sunstroke, the Geordies took over WHL and outsung us. Credit to them though, they sang Mabbsy's name very loudly.
Love these stories, but a little bit before my time with regards to travelling to away games. Started in season 82/83 with the Supporters' club. Loved the camaraderie, made loads of friends who I still see.
My first long distance away game was the 81 semi final. I had arranged for our lift to pick us up at Manor House station at 5 am, as I was staying round my sister's. Couldn't sleep and consequently overslept. No mobile phones then, so I ran down the road with my coat over my nightie, as I was already an hour late, praying that the guys were still waiting. Luckily enough they had fallen asleep in the car so apart from leaving a couple of hours later than planned, we got there in one piece. Won't go into the details of the game as we all know what happened. We stopped off at a pub on the way home somewhere on the outskirts of Sheffield, then went straight to Tottenham to queue up for replay tickets.
Couldn't do that now! Happy Days!!
Love these stories, but a little bit before my time with regards to travelling to away games. Started in season 82/83 with the Supporters' club. Loved the camaraderie, made loads of friends who I still see.
My first long distance away game was the 81 semi final. I had arranged for our lift to pick us up at Manor House station at 5 am, as I was staying round my sister's. Couldn't sleep and consequently overslept. No mobile phones then, so I ran down the road with my coat over my nightie, as I was already an hour late, praying that the guys were still waiting. Luckily enough they had fallen asleep in the car so apart from leaving a couple of hours later than planned, we got there in one piece. Won't go into the details of the game as we all know what happened. We stopped off at a pub on the way home somewhere on the outskirts of Sheffield, then went straight to Tottenham to queue up for replay tickets.
Couldn't do that now! Happy Days!!
Did you go to game in just your nightie?
You're not wrong. My sister used to take her dog for a walk in Finsbury Park, until she found out that ladies of the night used to do that!
They use to have a Ska festival in the George Robey up by Finsbury Park station. One year i got talking to this girl from Dublin ( i think),she was staying in one of the B&Bs up seven sisters road towards Manor House.She was saying she couldn't believe the comings and goings in her Hotel all night.She ended up checking out the next Morning(she was meant to be staying 3 nights) and finding a Hotel elsewhere.The B&BS in N4 are much nicer these days.
Used to play pool in the Manor House and the Salisbury. They filmed part of the Long Good Friday in there, as well as at Harringay dogs.
Who remembers the George Robey?
They use to have a Ska festival in the George Robey up by Finsbury Park station. One year i got talking to this girl from Dublin ( i think),she was staying in one of the B&Bs up seven sisters road towards Manor House.She was saying she couldn't believe the comings and goings in her Hotel all night.She ended up checking out the next Morning(she was meant to be staying 3 nights) and finding a Hotel elsewhere.The B&BS in N4 are much nicer these days.
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