****Tottenham Hotspur V Man City **** Tuesday 8 o clock in the afternoon

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You want us to win ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 91 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 216 59.3%
  • Don’t care

    Votes: 24 6.6%

    Votes: 33 9.1%

  • Total voters

If this man with his ridiculous opinions gets to celebrate another league title before me due to us winning a game after being absolutely pony when it mattered in the weeks and months before I’m deleting my account here.

Can’t believe there are actual Tottenham fans who want him to be rubbing another league title for them in our faces.

Football is meant to be tribal. Might as well give them a pass for moving from Woolwich if you don’t get that.
You can tell those who don't live amongst or ever engaged with Woolwich fans.

Must be nice to live on Planet Pluto.

A lot of my best mates are Woolwich fans.

However, we went to school and have progressed past the knuckle dragging fighting; and just enjoy watching football and having a bit of banter.

But if you want to beat someone up, or wish death on them because they happen like a different sports team to you; then I'd suggest you need to find a new hobby!
How do you even throw a game? You cannot put the ball in your own net - the fallout from that would be nuclear. Could players give away penalties on purpose? Intentionally not track a runner? This would be going against their nature as professional footballers are competitive by nature.

I honestly think, Ange and the players will make a good faith effort in trying to win. And the only hope, is City are too good.
By playing our usual defensive tactics!

Mr Bean Thumbs Up GIF
I’m not actively cheering for City. But that said, if Villa loses tomorrow and we win, I dread the must win against Sheffield because I feel like this team is so mentally weak.

And frankly, Europa is fine for where we are at this point. So, it wouldn’t exactly break my heart to know that City (and all their cheating and financial doping) won the league. I mean…we all know it’s a hollow victory because they bought it anyway.
Agree! Europa is a genuine step in the right direction at THIS stage... CL might just be a step too far (as Newcastle/Man Utd found out!)

We're not in a position to pick and choose who we beat, lose to or who we throw a game for...

We lost that 'privilege' when we surrendered so meekly to Newcastle, Arse, Chelsea and Liverpool in consecutive games!

Have to say, I've seen quite a lot of 'high horses' being ridden around over the past few days...
... what the result SHOULD mean to Spurs fans...

...that you're not a REAL fan of you 'want us to lose' ...or ONLY a fan who doesn't 'get it' would rather see the Arse win the league!

I'd say each feeling is personal...
Same as how a defeat makes you feel the day after...
Does it ruin your entire week, or you over it the moment you leave the Stadium (or turn off the TV!)

This game - this RESULT - Means a multitude of different things...

Older fans are saying the younger lot don't get the rivalry, as they grew up disliking Man City, Liverpool or Utd instead...

I thought you mellowed with age, but it seems this means more BECAUSE we've seen it play out before.

I've done the 'watching the arse win the league' (multiple times) as part of my football 'career/education' I know how that feels, and have no particular wish to see it again... Let alone be partly responsible!

I've yet to see US win a League title in my lifetime, and it would be interesting to see what the Gooner opinion would be, if the roles were reversed and THEY had to beat City to all but guarantee US the title... Reckon they'd throw the game...? Maybe...

Then again, they're too arrogantly smug enough to insist that scenario would NEVER happen, so will only ever be hypothetical!

Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm letting the pressure of the game wash over me tomorrow...
I'm gonna ENJOY it!

After all, the fear of Spurs losing a football match has TOTALLY been lifted from this particular match, it's a lovely feeling to NOT dread losing for once...

It's the implications of WINNING I'm more concerned about!

That's my Monday morning musings... FWIW!!

Of course. But rivalries are settled on the pitch.

If we beat or draw with City, that is not us helping Woolwich to the title - they will win the title because they have been the best team over the season.

Our target is to be better than them (as we were for many seasons). Not to try and tear them down.

Personally, I'd prefer Woolwich to win it over City. City's domination through cheating the rules needs to stop.
You ain’t Spurs !
Horrible situation really. I remember 1999 but we were away to utd.
Its horrible to want the opposite side to win because you don't want your rivals to achieve success.
It's actually a sad situation. There's no way I can cheer on another team against us, so I won't be watching. Probably watch Vera instead.
If they wanted to win this one they could have done better against Arse, even a draw would have done. We will look like the biggest mugs on planet Earth if we give them the league. A club that only turns up to hurt itself but can’t turn up when to better itself would be the ultimate ‘Spursy’. City win the league, we beat or draw against Sheffield and overall the season has been decent considering the mess at the end of last season.
Our manager decided the gooner game was the game to drop both our midfield runners (Bissouma and Sarr) and randomly start Hojbjerg. He also made zero provisions for defending corners against the best attacking set piece team in the league resulting in 2 goals.

If we finally decide to have provisions in place for defending set pieces (as in a player on their player that's inevitably going to be all over vicario), if he finally realises VDV is the best option at LB and starts Drag Cb, if he finally tries Maddison at left sided attack...then well I mean I'll be annoyed to say the least.

If this man with his ridiculous opinions gets to celebrate another league title before me due to us winning a game after being absolutely pony when it mattered in the weeks and months before I’m deleting my account here.

Can’t believe there are actual Tottenham fans who want him to be rubbing another league title for them in our faces.

Football is meant to be tribal. Might as well give them a pass for moving from Woolwich if you don’t get that.

Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama
If they wanted to win this one they could have done better against Arse, even a draw would have done. We will look like the biggest mugs on planet Earth if we give them the league. A club that only turns up to hurt itself but can’t turn up when to better itself would be the ultimate ‘Spursy’. City win the league, we beat or draw against Sheffield and overall the season has been decent considering the mess at the end of last season.
Exactly this! If we had turned up against Woolwich we wouldn’t be in this mess. If the managers or players understand the club they will not put us through an entire life time of being trolled by that lot for winning them the league. It will be hands down the most embarrassing moment for the club in my life time to lose to them and then turn up against city and win them the league.

Maybe those out of London don’t get it as much which is why I’m seeing a few spurs fans hoping for a win, but the city will be unbearable if they win it and even worse if it’s us that hands it to them.
Under the logic of you lot, Spurs should throw the games against City and Liverpool every season just in case Woolwich win.

Makes no sense so stop talking bollocks.. It's because of the current specific scenario that we're in, that us real spurs fans need us to lose on Tuesday.

I don't think anyone would disagree that it's a shit situation to be in, but we are where we are.
A lot of my best mates are Woolwich fans.

However, we went to school and have progressed past the knuckle dragging fighting; and just enjoy watching football and having a bit of banter.

But if you want to beat someone up, or wish death on them because they happen like a different sports team to you; then I'd suggest you need to find a new hobby!

Your best mates are cunts.
Under the logic of you lot, Spurs should throw the games against City and Liverpool every season just in case Woolwich win.
We tried that in September, remember... But VAR simply didn't let us!!!

No, I get what you're saying, and at the time, I wasn't necessarily thinking Liverpool would make a sustained challenge... It's only when they started to, that I DID wonder whether those 3 lost points would come back and bite them...

As it turns out, it didn't matter.

Anyway, we've got arguably one of the best records at home against Man City... so no one can say we've tried losing before... and they haven't done TOO badly out of it either!
A lot of my best mates are Woolwich fans.

However, we went to school and have progressed past the knuckle dragging fighting; and just enjoy watching football and having a bit of banter.

But if you want to beat someone up, or wish death on them because they happen like a different sports team to you; then I'd suggest you need to find a new hobby!
Yeah you don’t get it, not proper spurs
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