****Tottenham Hotspur V Man City **** Tuesday 8 o clock in the afternoon

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You want us to win ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 91 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 216 59.3%
  • Don’t care

    Votes: 24 6.6%

    Votes: 33 9.1%

  • Total voters
Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama
There was an old substance abuser
Who thought of himself as a bruiser
But he's not a black belt
He's a bit of a melt
In fact he's a bit of a loser.

Stick that in your Eistedfodd :)

There was an old substance abuser
Who thought of himself as a bruiser
But he's not a black belt
He's a bit of a melt
In fact he's a bit of a loser.

Stick that in your Eistedfodd :)


There once was a poster called mummy
Who sometimes could be quite funny
But he wants the scum
To win coz he's dumb
His opinions belong in the dunny

To all those melts who want Spurs to lose...


You know what you are
You know what you are
Fuck off back to Woolwich
You know what you are.
Agree! Europa is a genuine step in the right direction at THIS stage... CL might just be a step too far (as Newcastle/Man Utd found out!)

We're not in a position to pick and choose who we beat, lose to or who we throw a game for...

We lost that 'privilege' when we surrendered so meekly to Newcastle, Arse, Chelsea and Liverpool in consecutive games!

Have to say, I've seen quite a lot of 'high horses' being ridden around over the past few days...
... what the result SHOULD mean to Spurs fans...

...that you're not a REAL fan of you 'want us to lose' ...or ONLY a fan who doesn't 'get it' would rather see the Arse win the league!

I'd say each feeling is personal...
Same as how a defeat makes you feel the day after...
Does it ruin your entire week, or you over it the moment you leave the Stadium (or turn off the TV!)

This game - this RESULT - Means a multitude of different things...

Older fans are saying the younger lot don't get the rivalry, as they grew up disliking Man City, Liverpool or Utd instead...

I thought you mellowed with age, but it seems this means more BECAUSE we've seen it play out before.

I've done the 'watching the arse win the league' (multiple times) as part of my football 'career/education' I know how that feels, and have no particular wish to see it again... Let alone be partly responsible!

I've yet to see US win a League title in my lifetime, and it would be interesting to see what the Gooner opinion would be, if the roles were reversed and THEY had to beat City to all but guarantee US the title... Reckon they'd throw the game...? Maybe...

Then again, they're too arrogantly smug enough to insist that scenario would NEVER happen, so will only ever be hypothetical!

Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm letting the pressure of the game wash over me tomorrow...
I'm gonna ENJOY it!

After all, the fear of Spurs losing a football match has TOTALLY been lifted from this particular match, it's a lovely feeling to NOT dread losing for once...

It's the implications of WINNING I'm more concerned about!

That's my Monday morning musings... FWIW!!



But I gave you a like anyway because you are a nice bloke.
A lot of my best mates are Woolwich fans.

However, we went to school and have progressed past the knuckle dragging fighting; and just enjoy watching football and having a bit of banter.

But if you want to beat someone up, or wish death on them because they happen like a different sports team to you; then I'd suggest you need to find a new hobby!
Well aren't you the lucky one, having such grown up mates.
I have a gobshite cousin(football aside,he is a good egg) who will give me pelters all summer. I live in a split area,so will get grief if ever I walk out my front door wearing spurs colours. The digs in the pub for the next 4months will ruin my social time .
So,no. I don't want them to win the title ,and hope that by city beating us tomorrow will stop that.
It's one game. Them winning league is another hammer to smash us with in the years to come.
There you are, tourist. I'm getting security to eject you and kick your arse back south of the river...

I do enjoy your AI images. But you gotta leave 'tourists' out. What you deemed touristy are fervent fans either travelling halfway around the globe to watch the team or waking up in ungodly hours to catch the games live on TV for years. It doesn't make us any less of a fan for not being a local.
To be fair, we can't lose tomorrow night, even if we lose. A win is a win and a loss is a win.

Classic win/win situation.

And my message to anyone who is worried about what a few plastic gooners might say - Meeeowwwww
I do enjoy your AI images. But you gotta leave 'tourists' out. What you deemed touristy are fervent fans either travelling halfway around the globe to watch the team or waking up in ungodly hours to catch the games live on TV for years. It doesn't make us any less of a fan for not being a local.
I wasn't referring to you. You're not a tourist, and nor are those you describe. But if you deny that there are tourists taking up too many seats, I reckon you may not be totally au-fait with the reality.
To be fair, we can't lose tomorrow night, even if we lose. A win is a win and a loss is a win.

Classic win/win situation.

And my message to anyone who is worried about what a few plastic gooners might say - Meeeowwwww

It's not even 10am and I think you have humiliated yourself enough in public for one day.

Go post funny shit in the off-topic for a bit.

If we turned up and beat Woolwich at home a few weeks ago we wouldn’t be in this predicament

The only predicament we're in, is that if Villa lose tonight, then tomorrow is an absolute must win game.

Fuck Woolwich. Nothing to do with us.

If Villa win tonight, then turn up in flip flops with cocktails for all I care.
If Arse win the league – good for them. They have played well this season. They took a gamble on an unproven coach and gave him time to build his squad; and accepted poor performances in the process.

I am all up for rivalries, but at the end of it, you shake the hand of the winner.
Go Away GIF
A loss for the greater good. We've been in abject form anyway.
That's the point... Whether we're ready for CL or not only qualifying for it will truly tell...
But everyone is saying we could 'hand the Arse the title' ...no we couldn't, their previous 37 games have helped do that... we're merely opening the jar that THEY loosened, and are thinking we'll take all the credit for it... We won't!

But the truth is, if the Arse win it, no doubt everyedia outlet will say they 'deserved it'
...then by the same token, we don't DESERVE to qualify for it this season... Villa have been consistent throughout, didn't have a panic meltdown when things DIDN'T go their way, and remained calm...

My only real gripe with them is that Matty Cash will get to play CL football next season!

How the fek did we get here lol
P4 L4

There are others, but those spring immediately to mind!
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