Amazingly yes, it can be worse

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Do we retent the ambition of top 4 over the next years, especially regarding the whole stadium situation?

Honestly speaking, from the team from the CL games we bare would barely be able to force in a single player from current lot.

That means, that we have to buy big, buy plenty and buy quality to lift the squad. There are so very few in this squad who are truly worth building with.

It's not that easy for Levy to ditch on field ambitions and transfers whilst the stadium is being built.

He still needs to attract a Naming Rights Sponsor and keep enough fans interested to make the Season Ticket jump in do that we need star players (maybe Kane suffices) and attractive football (see what West Ham do over the summer).
I think the succession of blame has to go Levy for bringing in Baldini and not properly getting detailed info from the current manager on if that would be good for him or not. Then I would have to blame Baldini for getting players in that really weren't of the quality we needed to achieve top 4 or beyond. The only one worth it was Eriksen at the moment I have hope for Lamela, but he needs to prove something next year. Poch has done well with a young squad and has to be given credit for sticking with that.

Although levy seems to have learned from his mistake and that was apparent when he went after Paul Mitchell for Head of Recruitment and hopefully Baldini will be out the door summer as I can't see what keeping him would do for us. Frankly there is a group of players that aren't being played for whatever reason and I'm not on the training ground day in and day out so I couldn't tell you why, but it must be for good reason. I like the fact that Poch has a lot of interest in developing the youth already at the club and that is a huge positive. I think players like Paulinho, Ade, Capoue and Kaboul all need to leave and other players that fit the mold of working in this system and buy into what is going on here need to come in. I like Benji and I think Fazio was brought in for experience, but he is a weird signing.

Anything can happen, but I would like to see what we can do in summer and how the team is going to take shape. We don't need to go hog wild, but bringing in quality rather then quantity seems wisest.
I think the succession of blame has to go Levy for bringing in Baldini and not properly getting detailed info from the current manager on if that would be good for him or not. Then I would have to blame Baldini for getting players in that really weren't of the quality we needed to achieve top 4 or beyond. The only one worth it was Eriksen at the moment I have hope for Lamela, but he needs to prove something next year. Poch has done well with a young squad and has to be given credit for sticking with that.

Although levy seems to have learned from his mistake and that was apparent when he went after Paul Mitchell for Head of Recruitment and hopefully Baldini will be out the door summer as I can't see what keeping him would do for us. Frankly there is a group of players that aren't being played for whatever reason and I'm not on the training ground day in and day out so I couldn't tell you why, but it must be for good reason. I like the fact that Poch has a lot of interest in developing the youth already at the club and that is a huge positive. I think players like Paulinho, Ade, Capoue and Kaboul all need to leave and other players that fit the mold of working in this system and buy into what is going on here need to come in. I like Benji and I think Fazio was brought in for experience, but he is a weird signing.

Anything can happen, but I would like to see what we can do in summer and how the team is going to take shape. We don't need to go hog wild, but bringing in quality rather then quantity seems wisest.

We seem to be an incredibably reactionary club in the boardroom... Always new staff, managers, players etc. the word shotgun springs to mind.
There's already talk of major upheaval in the summer. Surly the question needs to be asked "why is this always the case"?
We seem to be an incredibably reactionary club in the boardroom... Always new staff, managers, players etc. the word shotgun springs to mind.
There's already talk of major upheaval in the summer. Surly the question needs to be asked "why is this always the case"?

Poor decision after poor decision by club management might have something to do with it

Always one step forward and two back.
We seem to be an incredibably reactionary club in the boardroom... Always new staff, managers, players etc. the word shotgun springs to mind.
There's already talk of major upheaval in the summer. Surly the question needs to be asked "why is this always the case"?


This is why I am hard on Levy, so many managers and and so many players bought in not wanted by whatever manager we have at the time. Always a transitional summer, you have to go back to Redknapp to find the last time we weren't in transition.

I hear on the board people say well we are the 5th or 6th biggest club so 5th is fine in the league, yeh well we have finished below 10th place under levy but we are larger than the 10th biggest team. Surely if we are about 6th biggest we should have had one or two 2nd or 3rd place finishes, maybe a title challenge in the last 20 years. We are described as an underachieving club for a reason.

Until we have a stable manager and a sqaud of players that fits what he wants we will never go into a season 100%, only 70-80%. This really has to be our last transitional summer for a while if we are to do anything.
Absolute shit. Regret getting tickets for the majority of games till the end of the season. Bastard piss cock Tottenham.
Today was a horrible performance. But sadly it's not the first horrible perform this season, which has largely been broken down as 6 months of shit 3 months of quality.

If Poch is the answer, I'd love to know the question. And anyone who thinks he has the dressing room and the backing of more than 50% of the players (employees) is kidding themselves. The players are not trying hard enough at all and it seems when he gets them on the training pitch for a week they roll out on Saturday knackered and half arsed. To be picking a central midfield with zero creativity is frankly an utter insult to anyone who understands what THFC is supposed to represent. As much as I like Mason, he needed bringing out the team a while ago for a rest & frankly if Capoue cant get a game then someone needs to be asking why that is as well as asking why the fuck Tottenham Hotspur does not have a central midfielder who can pass...Jesus even Huddlestone was better than this turgid bollocks week after week, even Jenas scored goals !

The general concusses is/was that Baldini and Levy have no fucking clue when it comes to scouting Paulhino, Sodaldo, Chadli, Vlad, Capoue, Trombonie, Fazio etc etc.......yet what evidence do we have they are any good at picking a coach ? This fucking idiot has slept walked into being out foxed by Tim Sherwood, Alan Pardew, Alan what's his face who was WBA coach for a week or two, Sean dyche, Mark Poohs and Neil Warnock...... all of who took points from us this season with ease. His training methods must be genius. The players get worse after a full weeks training ! It's abysmal and we are paying to watch it this shite. I say goo luck to Levy with 56,000 seats to sell when we are scrapping with the Boro's or Stokes again next season.

We are on for the lowest league position since 2008-09 when we were bottom with 2 points after 8 games - how's that right ? Spurs are falling away very badly season on season. 4th,5th,6th and maybe as low as 8th this season. How many points are the Goons above us ? "Mind the Gap" remember...... the glory days when it was only a point or two ? This is back to where we were a decade ago and something needs to change in and in a hurry.

limited Cup "success" this season is not something to hide behind. That was an easy run to Wembley and the team had their balls handed to them on a plate on the biggest stage. In the FA Cup we were utter turd. Europa league was painful and did not have to be ( Poch ever hear that football is entertainment ? ) This "Transitional" season nonsense is an excuse. Losing is ok, losing with no heart or losing because we have no tactics or plan B is just not acceptable. Unless someone wakes the fuck up that team that beat us today could well end up swapping places with us next season and I would not fancy this bunch of cunts winning a relegation scrap.

& where is Poch going to be when Capoue and the likes who can't get a game refuse to leave and we bring no real quality into this piss poor squad next season ? God it's depressing. Could have kept Jol and finished 6/7/8 or maybe shock of shocks not sack Redknapp - slap him down - and stay competitive ? No lets get AVB or Tim or this mug from Southampton as that's sure to work !
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When u look at the season come the end people will be saying where we actually got and the answer is no further forword a cup final was good but as for that the rest is mainly dog shit like some have said his team and tactics at times are bizarre.And most in this forum could pick the team all but for injury
I'm not sure what all the angst is about - to be perfectly honest.

What we have been doing is watching a mismanaged and haphazardly constructed collection of footballers, coalesce into something resembling a good standard premiership football team.

- under the leadership of (yet another) manager, who has taken over from an (uneducated and completely) inexperienced premiership manager, employed as a temporary stand-in until the incumbent arrived.

The naivete's predecessor (the Golden child) took over from, arguably, the closest manager we have had to (adhering to) the ethos of Bill Nick, who was sacked for being too big for his boots, by having the entire British press corps declare him the best "next" England manager.

The Golden child managed to transform one of the most exciting and entertaining football teams in Britain - into a form of sporting narcolepsy - instantly transforming the resurrected "spirit of 61" into a footballing variation of "The Walking Dead."

The incumbent has somehow managed to take the aforementioned rag-tag army to the vinegar strokes of nirvana (CL qualification) and has now had the effrontery to not consummate the promise, despite (in footballing terms -) being hung like a hamster.

So now – to take a medical view of things - we have the dispiriting and, to be perfectly honest, fucking embarrassing shit storm of an autopsy - where multiple personalities with no relevant medical qualifications, attempt to deduce the reason for death, without ever considering that the child hasn't actually died yet.

The self-appointed coroner had been predicting death for a while, and whilst protesting that he wasn't blaming the incumbent child minder, has now come out and declared "him" as the murderer, without seeking to concern himself with the lack of a (totally) dead body.

Several other self-qualified practitioners have decided to work their way through a variety of previous suspects, and we now have a major medical dilemma.

A massive argument over the diagnosis of death, of a still live body, by unqualified physicians, who have not only attempted to declare the reason for death - but also the culprit...............the Coroner taking the simplest, easiest and least intelligent path of resistance - by declaring the current baby sitter as the murderer of the still live corpse of baby “Spurs.”

It seems such a shame to ignore the fact that the child was sick when he was given the job, and yet despite the limitations, got the child to sing and dance before it fell back into the semi comatose state it was in before he was employed.

Nobody has missed that the child is ill, and doesn't sing as well, or dance as divinely, but we all seem to be missing that we all want the child to get better, stronger and go on to better things, and that fundamentally we all have the same set of desires for the childs future.

And that we should recognise the skill that the current baby sitter has ably demonstrated, with nothing but a sickly child to work with.

Personally, I'd like to reserve judgement on his terms of employment, until he has shown what he can teach a fit and healthy child to do.
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