Antonio Conte

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Football is an emotional event. We can all talk technical and spreadsheet but 50% is the human element, something the club fails to understand. If you burn through a managers goodwill eventually there is little left.

Our plans appear to be to take top quality managers and rather than back and build with them simply burn them out until the sacking and the next one can start. It’s the ideology of the sweatshop owner.

Exactly, being a football manager or player is no different to any other job. To perform at your best you have to enjoy your work, you have to be excited to go to work every day.

Nobody can look at our coach and our players and tell me they are enjoying their work. Even when were defending doggedly in the past under Conte, suffering a lot in matches, I felt the players were enjoying the battle. Now everything has gone limp. The coach and the players are just going through the motions. They know another season has been wasted while other clubs have seized the opportunity to improve.
Pep disciples are all the rage at the moment.

Kompany anyone?
Walking the championship at the moment, will definitely want to manage them in the prem next season.

Has Pep's successor written all over him.

I'm super impressed with how he's completely changed Burnleys identity.
Walking the championship at the moment, will definitely want to manage them in the prem next season.

Has Pep's successor written all over him.

I'm super impressed with how he's completely changed Burnleys identity.

Bolded is the most important part.

Got the right players in that suited his vision, implemented his vision and reaping the rewards for it.

Highly impressive. Especially as it was a massive gamble hiring him after their success with Dyche and a pretty average tenure at Anderlecht.
As broken as he sounds, as bad as we are playing, sacking another manager isn’t the answer.

After the Woolwich game I wanted him gone but with the mess we are in, he’s part of creating that mess and he needs to take responsibility for fixing his part of it. At least until the summer. Let him do his job and steady the ship whilst the entire club is in crisis.
He won’t change
I remember laughing at the gooners last season for bottling top 4 , it’s amazing how quick the tide can turn in football
Come back in April when Citeh have overtaken Woolwich and we can laugh at them again
I remember laughing at the gooners last season for bottling top 4 , it’s amazing how quick the tide can turn in football
It's a sad state of affairs.
For a while I couldnt believe that the scum could overtake us after the way they collapsed last season and we got champions league.

But then you realise they actually have a strategy, back their manager to get rid of and buy players and address the weaknesses in their squad.

Meanwhile we fumble around, dont know if the manager is staying, try and penny pinch every deal and randomly go for players based on if they are "good value."

Just depressing.
Exactly, being a football manager or player is no different to any other job. To perform at your best you have to enjoy your work, you have to be excited to go to work every day.

Nobody can look at our coach and our players and tell me they are enjoying their work. Even when were defending doggedly in the past under Conte, suffering a lot in matches, I felt the players were enjoying the battle. Now everything has gone limp. The coach and the players are just going through the motions. They know another season has been wasted while other clubs have seized the opportunity to improve.

If Conte can only get them to "enjoy the battle" for 6/7 months, then that's poor man management and between them they need to face at least SOME responsibility for this season being a "waste".

We have the potential to be 3 points off 4th tomorrow night, FFS...... Shape up and get 'your'(*) head in it.

(*Them, not you; obv.)
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