Antonio Conte

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All I want to see is ONE game of riveting exciting football. Apart from 20 mins at Leicester, the football this season has been horrible.
The current set up is awful and if it means Conte goes to improve it then bring it on..
There are some good managers available who would play a system that is suited to our players.
Bolded is the most important part.

Got the right players in that suited his vision, implemented his vision and reaping the rewards for it.

Highly impressive. Especially as it was a massive gamble hiring him after their success with Dyche and a pretty average tenure at Anderlecht.
People thought their board was crazy for sacking Dyche.

It could be the greatest decision made in that club's history. It reminds me of Middlesbrough in the mid-90s
I remember laughing at the gooners last season for bottling top 4 , it’s amazing how quick the tide can turn in football
They formed a plan and stuck to it. We took pot shots in the dark with a manager totally unsuited to the club and a DOF just signing random players who fit no system.

The rebuild will be monumental, but I would be happy in mid table for a couple of seasons if we spent it legitimately building for the future with a good overall plan and a unified team.

We realistically need about to sell or rid ourselves of about 15 players and sign about 18. So the next manager will need to be a project manager.
It's a sad state of affairs.
For a while I couldnt believe that the scum could overtake us after the way they collapsed last season and we got champions league.

But then you realise they actually have a strategy, back their manager to get rid of and buy players and address the weaknesses in their squad.

Meanwhile we fumble around, dont know if the manager is staying, try and penny pinch every deal and randomly go for players based on if they are "good value."

Just depressing.

It's cyclical.

For now our trend is downward. Look at Liverpool and Chelsea for some balance, or even West Ham.

These changes in fortune happen. It's just making sure we emerge with some important lessons taken on board.
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If Conte can only get them to "enjoy the battle" for 6/7 months, then that's poor man management and between them they need to face at least SOME responsibility for this season being a "waste".

We have the potential to be 3 points off 4th tomorrow night, FFS...... Shape up and get 'your'(*) head in it.

(*Them, not you; obv.)

Of course, Conte is still the boss and he's responsible for everything we do on the pitch.

The season can still be turned around, if he really has decided to leave at the end of the season then go out with a bang. We closed down a bigger gap to 4th last season. We are in the CL and FA Cup.

I just think his very morbid demeanour in recent months (understandable given 3 friends died) is not going to go away. If he has told the club he doesn't want to continue then we may as well make a change now. We could definitely do with a new manager bounce.
Of course, Conte is still the boss and he's responsible for everything we do on the pitch.

The season can still be turned around, if he really has decided to leave at the end of the season then go out with a bang. We closed down a bigger gap to 4th last season. We are in the CL and FA Cup.

I just think his very morbid demeanour in recent months (understandable given 3 friends died) is not going to go away. If he has told the club he doesn't want to continue then we may as well make a change now.


We could definitely do with a new manager bounce.

It won't last though...... On the strength of what we've just been saying; too many of their chins will go down at the first sign of adversity. The players should have been jazzed for this season... Ending last season on a high, treated like mega-stars in SK, return of CL football, worldcup to play for.... Not really seen any of that translate; even before the passing of Ventrone.
Not surprised he's going back to Italy. He wants to win things, club don't care about that. Just cl qualification
He pushes them privately and publicly for the club to change it's ways, and it annoys them so they want him gone.

Why'd they hire him in the first when they knew he's the type to push spurs to complete at the top right now, not in 5 years.

The cunts think they'll get an easy ride under poch.

Why did the gods make me love such an absolute joke clown college institution
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Many fans would accept targeting fourth if we saw effort in the cups to offset that. We aren't winning the league, but we understand the financial importance of the Champion's League in the current game. But for too long the cups are thrown. Or, on the occasions we do progress, lose due to mentality issues.
Why aren't we winning the League? The Scum is certainly trying and they were in a much deeper mess than we are in the last 7 years. It's just that their board had a plan all along and stuck with it, through thick and thin, while we get some of the best managers but don't back their philosophy at all.
It's like getting the best architect to build a castle, and then giving him just sticks and stones to do it.
If he's going, get him gone now. The players or he won't give a shit until the end of the season, so get someone fresh in who will play more attractive football and lift the players.

No point in waiting, that will help no one.
Ah yes, because lifting the likes of Eric Dier and Ben Davies (amongst others) will surely do the trick. I'd honestly keep him just so they pllay like shit until the summer, with the hope that the manager that comes afterwards replaces the useless cunts this club employs.
Why aren't we winning the League? The Scum is certainly trying and they were in a much deeper mess than we are in the last 7 years. It's just that their board had a plan all along and stuck with it, through thick and thin, while we get some of the best managers but don't back their philosophy at all.
It's like getting the best architect to build a castle, and then giving him just sticks and stones to do it.

What's happening with Woolwich is what happened with us at the same time, the right players, with the right manager, in the right system at as time when the usual league dominance is in transition. The difference is we were still chasing a team, they are setting the pace. They've had a strategy, and I personally think that they've bet the farm on it with their dealings - they've spent way above the odds to get there with no CL revenue to do it. They've gambled. It's paying off.

Levy doesn't gamble and was incredibly lucky; however much money it would cost to rejuvenate this team, we need to basically replace 20+ players to do it. In a short space of time. He's not doing it.

Those windows where be did nothing is the crux of all of this, coupled with mismanagement and poor transfers since.
Yeah but let’s not forget, now I’m not defending Levy or the board or who’s idea it was to sign him but what can the club do if they end up with a complete tosser thats got no respect in himself nor his employers the guy can play we know that unfortunately we’ve landed ourselves with a complete cunt, if we’d missed out on signing him and he’d turned out the opposite we’d/Levy would be getting dogs for that as well damned if you do, damned if you don’t…..
Yep the majority of fans were desperate to get him at the time based on one or two CL performances. Tbh I couldn't see what all the fuss was about, I watched one YouTube video supposed to highlight his talents and all I saw was a player with a fat arse who kept getting tackled and falling on the floor :tanguyhuh:
they've spent way above the odds to get there with no CL revenue to do it. They've gambled. It's paying off.
So what would've happened had the gamble not pay off? Would they "do a Leeds"? Because I'm 100000% certain that wouldn't be the case. This whole gamble nonsense narrative is sickening. Top 6 clubs are too fucking rich to care about gambling regarding a philosophy...
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