Come here to laugh at Leicester

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It's going to be fantastic when they go down next, and we're still up there competeing wth Kennys big boys

Huth, Morgan and Vardy as club legends

What a club they are :sonlol:

To be fair, anyone in that title winning season could be considered club legends. 5000/1
You're very far from the truth, if anything we know our place,the odd cup run, filtering between the top 2 leagues, we won the championship title 8 times alongside Man City, that speaks volumes about what we are about, we don't pretend to be something we aint.

We know who the big clubs are.

Man Utd and Woolwich are the biggest

Then Man City, Chelsea and Liverpool

The rest nothing, and that's pretty much the truth whether teams like it or not.

For someone who is supposed to be 43, you come across like you never watched a game of football prior to 2007.

Man City have won 13 major honours in their history - only 7 of them came before 2010.

If you look at attendances, West Ham average higher than City and Sunderland average higher than Chelsea.

The flaw in both yours and Leicester's thinking is that winning the league once makes you a 'big club'.

(Note: how you think Blackburn aren't a bigger club than Leicester, ironic)
I like the ''whether teams like it or not'' bit.

He is the authority on football AND WE SHALL NOT DISOBEY!

Haha, quality.

Like I said you're not considered one of the big clubs, on a par with Everton.

I ain't here to be liked, I just say it as I see it.

I only came on here to give a different view from the so called experts and other fans who ain't got a clue what's happening at my team

If you can't accept a little banter, then so be it, doesn't bother me in the slightest

Ive said what's needed to be said, so man up and grow some balls

Good day Sir!
Like I said you're not considered one of the big clubs, on a par with Everton.

I ain't here to be liked, I just say it as I see it.

I only came on here to give a different view from the so called experts and other fans who ain't got a clue what's happening at my team

If you can't accept a little banter, then so be it, doesn't bother me in the slightest

Ive said what's needed to be said, so man up and grow some balls

Good day Sir!

Feel free to fuck off back to your own club forums. Your kind ain't welcome here. I'm glad you aren't here to be liked, because guess what one does like you.

Spurs will always be bigger than Leicester, premiership title or not, so deal with that fact, enjoy relegation, and go rim your mum. Twatbag
Like I said you're not considered one of the big clubs, on a par with Everton.

I ain't here to be liked, I just say it as I see it.

I only came on here to give a different view from the so called experts and other fans who ain't got a clue what's happening at my team

If you can't accept a little banter, then so be it, doesn't bother me in the slightest

Ive said what's needed to be said, so man up and grow some balls

Good day Sir!
This is banter? You haven't been funny once.

Take a leaf out of Bluedog book. He's also Leicester and is generally liked around here.

It obviously does bother you, as you've signed up here and have trolled yourself into defending yourself like a scorned wife.

What you're doing is pathetic, mate. Unlike you, I couldn't give a fuck how Spurs are viewed by others. Hence I don't go on oppo forums with my white horse defending my club's honour and getting myself in a tizzy. I support Spurs, that's enough for me.

Leicester obviously ain't enough for you.

A shame.
Geez some bitter people on here who ain't got a clue.

Facts are Ranieri spent near on £100 million this season and we have gone from 1st to 17th, doesn't take Einstein to work things out

We badly needed a new CB,RB,DM and a ACM, what we had plenty of was left wingers and strikers, so what do we do?, sign 2 more strikers and a left winger.

Recruitment has been shocking, I loved the guy for last season, but there is no sentiment in football, he was taking us down, forever changing the formations and team every week.

Some people said we was found out ,absolute nonsense.

Should have kept to the same system and with the £100 million, should of signed players to compliment the side.

Rant over from a genuine football fan, not a passing interest fan

Nothing to see here, obviously.

Fact is, your club have just sacked the World Manager of the Year who had won the league with Leicester City, you're not Barcelona, you're not Bayern, you're not even Ipswich.

Leicester City. Your board fucked up. Stand up and be counted.
This is banter? You haven't been funny once.

Take a leaf out of Bluedog book. He's also Leicester and is generally liked around here.

It obviously does bother you, as you've signed up here and have trolled yourself into defending yourself like a scorned wife.

What you're doing is pathetic, mate. Unlike you, I couldn't give a fuck how Spurs are viewed by others. Hence I don't go on oppo forums with my white horse defending my club's honour and getting myself in a tizzy. I support Spurs, that's enough for me.

Leicester obviously ain't enough for you.

A shame.

Agree. Could not give a rat's arse if any non spurs football fan thinks we are big, small, great, poor or what ever.
I never understand the big club bollocks which is wheeled out, what the fuck defines a club which is big exactly.

People say city or even Chelscum, yet if their owners left tomorrow, and they plummeted, would in say ten years, they then be considered a big club for a small period of success in their long history?

None of it makes sense, the only thing measurable in football is who is successful at present, who have been in the past and who isn't or haven't been. You can't even predict who will be successful in the future.

The big club tag doesn't exist in my opinion, and is always a pointless statement/argument.
I never understand the big club bollocks which is wheeled out, what the fuck defines a club which is big exactly.

People say city or even Chelscum, yet if their owners left tomorrow, and they plummeted, would in say ten years, they then be considered a big club for a small period of success in their long history?

None of it makes sense, the only thing measurable in football is who is successful at present, who have been in the past and who isn't or haven't been. You can't even predict who will be successful in the future.

The big club tag doesn't exist in my opinion, and is always a pointless statement/argument.
What makes a club ''big'' these days has fuck all to do with football anymore. Brand awareness, social media and all that bollocks.
To judge a ' big club ' you would need a level playing field with financial clout. All teams have the same income and a wage cap for players.

With that in mind, then Everton are a bigger club than Chelsea. Sure Chelsea won things before 2003, but we all know the crowd sizes they drew prior to money being pumped in. Everton have done nothing of note for years yet still fill goodison most weeks.

Actually thinking that way, Sunderland, Newcastle and Leeds are bigger clubs. Or to put it another way, if Chelsea and Leeds swapped places, would Chelsea be getting 20,000 at home for the visit of Preston or Wigan?
You're very far from the truth, if anything we know our place,the odd cup run, filtering between the top 2 leagues, we won the championship title 8 times alongside Man City, that speaks volumes about what we are about, we don't pretend to be something we aint.

We know who the big clubs are.

Man Utd and Woolwich are the biggest

Then Man City, Chelsea and Liverpool

The rest nothing, and that's pretty much the truth whether teams like it or not.
They sure are and I don't think Tottenham fans would disagree! Fan base and financially we can't touch them that's a fact at the moment. We are trying to get to that level but importantly by doing it ourselves, no dodgy Russian business man or oil money involved! We know our level also and we are punching way above our weight in terms of performances and consistency in light of what I've mentioned namely money! There has been steady progress over the last three seasons, which most clubs would welcome we certainly do! But can you say that.....NO! you got lucky last season fair enough lap it enjoy it I won't say you deserved because didn't but then that sounds bitter perhaps I am,but at the end of the day it's just a game not a matter of life and death and in a few months,years time I will remember that when Tottenham Hotspur are still doing their thing and leicster city are doing theirs........whatever that may be?
Geez some bitter people on here who ain't got a clue.

Facts are Ranieri spent near on £100 million this season and we have gone from 1st to 17th, doesn't take Einstein to work things out

We badly needed a new CB,RB,DM and a ACM, what we had plenty of was left wingers and strikers, so what do we do?, sign 2 more strikers and a left winger.

Recruitment has been shocking, I loved the guy for last season, but there is no sentiment in football, he was taking us down, forever changing the formations and team every week.

Some people said we was found out ,absolute nonsense.

Should have kept to the same system and with the £100 million, should of signed players to compliment the side.

Rant over from a genuine football fan, not a passing interest fan

Take a long hard look at your players Kenny and not your (ex) manager.

I'm looking forward to seeing D.Gray at WHL next season when you go down :levywhoa:
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